Jackboot Warmists – Climate-Science Dissenter Vahrenholt Needed To Use Personal Security For His Safety!

We’ve heard how the warmists have equated critical e-mails they’ve received to “threats to their personal safety”.

Well, German climate-catastrophe dissenter Prof. Fritz Vahrenholt, on the other hand, now reveals the real danger of open dissent on climate change science in Germany. He had to be protected by “personal security” from enviro-nutjobs and climate greenshirts.

German business magazine Schleswig-Holstein Manager recently conducted an interview with Vahrenholt concerning the climate-skeptical book he authored together with geologist Dr. Sebastian Lüning: Die kalte Sonne (see recommended book, right side bar). The book was published by renown publishing company Hoffmann & Campe in Hamburg and was released amid a storm of protest last February. Schleswig Holstein Manager magazine writes:

…critique by weekly newspaper “Die Zeit” was so harsh that its publisher, former German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt, personally invited the RWE manager (Vahrenholt] for a meeting. The debates in the meantime escalated to the point where Prof. Dr. Fritz Vahrenholt even needed personal security.”

I’d interpret that as bodyguards. Oh my, such a tolerant bunch these warmists are.

The article in the Schleswig-Holstein Manager magazine introduces Vahrenholt’s and Lüning’s book:

A controversial book. An author who has become the target of hostility. An interview about the book: ‘The development has gone completely out of control.'”

Schleswig-Holstein Manager also quotes chief editor Thomas Vašek of PM Magazine:

Also the business of science is vulnerable to herd mentality. Once a majority opinion crystalizes, it becomes increasingly difficult to express doubt. This is especially true for politically charged climate science.”

At least now we know on which side all the real threats and violence can be found.


2 responses to “Jackboot Warmists – Climate-Science Dissenter Vahrenholt Needed To Use Personal Security For His Safety!”

  1. DirkH

    Did I mention that the Hamburgers are the maddest warmists south of Denmark? Hamburg was the “climate capitol of Europe” last year, they dragged all the schoolkids through endless brainwashing (“cultural”) expositions. A mad, mad, people, second only to the Berliners.

  2. Pierre Gosselin: Jackboot Warmists – Climate-Science Dissenter Vahrenholt Needed To Use Personal Security For His Safety! | JunkScience.com

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