Forbes: “Duped By Unaffordable, Unreliable Climate Benefit-Premised ‘Green Energy’…High Costs Of Political Science”

Larry Bell has an excellent op-ed piece here at Forbes about Germany’s failing green energy experiment. Let it be a warning to others thinking of adopting the German plan.

I’m very pleased to say NoTricksZone played an important role in contributing to the FORBES’ piece.

This is an important issue because many countries in the world are, or are considering, following Germany’s green energy blueprint. Unfortunately, Germany’s approach is tragically a blueprint on how not to overhaul an energy infrastructure.

Will Cooling Temperature And Economic Climates Finally Take The Wind Out Of Failed Energy Policies?

Larry Bell, Contributor

There can be no disputing the fact that despite rising atmospheric carbon dioxide levels, global climate temperatures have been flat for at least the past 16 years, and perhaps a good deal longer. And upon issuing its latest Summary for Policymakers Report (AR5), the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has finally been forced to admit that its climate models that predicted an impending global warming crisis have grossly overestimated climate sensitivity to carbon dioxide, a trace “greenhouse gas”.

Such unwarranted alarmism has influenced colossally costly and economically destructive anti-fossil energy policies in the United States, Western Europe, Australia and other regions of world. The question now remains how long it will take before broad segments of these populations realize that they have been duped by unaffordable and unreliable climate benefit-premised “green energy” promotions. …

Continue reading here…


5 responses to “Forbes: “Duped By Unaffordable, Unreliable Climate Benefit-Premised ‘Green Energy’…High Costs Of Political Science””

  1. Casper
  2. Ed Caryl

    The Fabian Socialists will never learn that it costs money, a lot of money, to distort a market for a commodity. And if you distort it far enough, it breaks. This winter, they will learn the true cost, when the grid collapses, people begin dying for lack of heat, and jobs flee for more friendly economic climes. Remember the Chinese curse, “May you live in interesting times.”

  3. DirkH

    Hmm. Since discovering the GLOBE international biofuel strategy
    ( )
    and the EU’s Qatar – Syria – Turkey NatGas pipeline strategy
    ( )
    it has become clear to me that CO2AGW was always a pretense for the Eurocrats to motivate the population to hand over billions willingly to invest into strategic alternatives to Russian energy dependency.

    In this regard – as a motivator – it has worked well. Huge biofuel processing plants have been installed in Germany. ( e.g. Verbio, CropEnergy )

    Not enough to be independent of oil; but enough to run an army or withstand a siege if all else fails.

  4. mwhite

    “This is an important issue because many countries in the world are, or are considering, following Germany’s green energy blueprint. Unfortunately, Germany’s approach is tragically a blueprint on how not to overhaul an energy infrastructure.”

    “National Grid warns of winter blackout risk”

    This is because the government imposed closure program of coal and oil capacity is running to time, whilst the replacement new build program of low carbon generation is running 3 years late.

    I think us British are trying to get the number one spot when it comes to screwing it up.

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