Rapper’s Climate Science Critical Video Surpasses 100,000 Views…Blasts “Filtered” Message, “Massive Propaganda”

Not long ago Austrian social critic and rap musician Kilez More produced and posted a climate science skeptic video. I reported on this awhile back, see here and here. The video also has English subtitles to help get the overall message across internationally.

The video, watched mainly by young people, has surpassed the 100,000 views milestone. Congratulations to a musician who is surely reaping lots of scorn for getting young people to question what they are told.

What follows is a short interview with Kilez on the video’s success so far:

How do you feel about the video getting over 100,000 views so far?

I’m glad to see the video climbing over the 100,000 views mark – and it shows, that there is a need for a critical point of view on this topic! It’s still one of the most viewed (and of course most discussed) videos of mine.

Have you gotten a lot of criticism or any threats because of the video?

Indeed the video has brought me a lot of criticism. Some bad articles have been written, some nasty insults have been made, some artists even refused to work with me because of that. Really unbelievable how the massive propaganda works on people’s mind – and especially with this topic the mass media does its best to manipulate the thinking. It’s just too important for too many things – like lots of taxes, many many laws, etc. – to let it go.

But the reactions were not just bad. Also a lot of listeners have been open to the argumentation, starting to dig right through the mass of information. So the video is doing its job! That’s what I want to reach with my music – to get people to start thinking by themselves and searching for information on their own – not through the filtered television-screen in their living rooms.

Do you feel there are attempts being made to marginalize you?

There have been some attempts to marginalize me – and even today. But it’s not only because of the climate-change music video that has been a part of the whole story. A political rapper has his difficulties because the media either first try to black-out my music or insult me and try to marginalize me before they get to the topics. It’s always the same story – try to discredit the speaker to prevent people from listening to the message.



7 responses to “Rapper’s Climate Science Critical Video Surpasses 100,000 Views…Blasts “Filtered” Message, “Massive Propaganda””

  1. RoyFOMR

    Excellent. This young man has encapsulated the situation perfectly in a highly entertaining way.

  2. DirkH

    “A political rapper has his difficulties because the media either first try to black-out my music or insult me and try to marginalize me before they get to the topics.”

    In times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act – George Orwell I think.

  3. Stacey Kumari

    He is very articulate, isn’t he. I like that.
    We need more young people like Kilez to wake up and speak out against the UN/EU scammers. After all it is their future and their freedoms that are under threat from the people using the global warming fraud and environmentalism as a pretext for eco-totalitarianism.

  4. Kurt in Switzerland

    Bravo, Kilez!

    Thanks for sharing, Pierre.

    Per IPCC AR5 WGIII SPM, the key enemies of the Klimaretter are clearly laid out: http://report.mitigation2014.org/spm/ipcc_wg3_ar5_summary-for-policymakers_approved.pdf

    See p. 7/33: “Globally, economic and population growth continue to be the most important drivers of increases in CO2 emissions from fossil fuel combustion. The contribution of population growth between 2000 and 2010 remained roughly identical to the previous three decades, while the contribution of economic growth has risen sharply (high confidence).”

    Kurt in Switzerland

  5. Lawrie

    What makes his peers angry at him is he has shown them to be brainless geese who were sucked in by Scientific shysters. A few more young singers like this fellow and the young will be in uproar for being lied to by old guys in white coats.

  6. In defense of free speech | Climate Etc.

    […] Pierre Gosselin reports that Austrian social critic and rap musician Kilez More produced and posted a climate science skeptic video.  Excerpts: […]

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    […] With regards to climate change, I agree with George Brandis who is shocked by the “authoritarianism” with which some proponents of climate change exclude alternative viewpoints. While the skeptical climate blogosphere is alive and well in terms of discussing alternative viewpoints, this caters primarily to an older population. I am particularly pleased to see the apparent birth of resistance to climate change authoritarianism by younger people, as reflected by the young Austrian rapper. […]

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