Europe Weather: “Thing Of The Past” Now A Thing Of Summer …Snow At 1500 Meters In Southern Germany

Two days ago I wrote about the cold weather that’s been gripping Germany and Central Europe. Well, things are about to get worse early this weekend, and not better.

The online Munich-based Abendzeiting (Evening News) here reports the latest weather forecast of frost and snow that are set to hit Germany – in June…on the first day of summer!

Snow in Bavaria down to 1500 meters

The online news site writes that this year “summer is starting out wet and cold: Ground frost in the north, snow in the Alps“.

Though snow is not an unusual event in the Alps at higher elevations above 2500 meters, it is unusual when it happens at just 1500 meters in the summertime. The Abendzeitung writes:

Things don’t look better down south. In the Bavarian Alps the snowfall level will drop to 1500 to 1800 meters. On Zugspitze up to 50 centimeters of snow will fall.”

This morning my wife even turned the furnace back on, as many other homes have done in Germany over the past days. “It’s too friggin cold,” she told me.

Climate forecasts of scorching hot Europe summers refuted

In the early 2000s climate scientists predicted Europe would have to get used to scorching hot and parched summers, similar to that seen in 2003. However, more than 10 years later, summers have been cooler and wetter than normal, thus so far defying the climate scientists’ predictions.

And this summer does not appear to be anything different. The Abendzeitung quotes meteorologist Dominik Jung of

I don’t believe we are going to experience an extremely hot July or August. The run-up to the summer this year has been similar to 2013 and 2014. In both of those years the spring was like in 2015: stable, dry and very sunny. In both years variable and only moderately warm summers followed. I anticipate the same for this year.”

The coming cold is just the latest in an extended string of well below normal temperatures. Last week northern Germany saw 5 consecutive mornings with ground surface frost, a “very unusual” event, Jung reported earlier.

Scientists got the science all wrong

Naturally the recent unusual cold weather has nothing to do with a climate trend; it is just weather – something the global warming alarmists like to forget when hot weather hits. Still, it is important to remind them that they once told us such cold events were “a thing of the past”, that children would never know them and that instead we needed to prepare for hot scorcher periods.

Surprise! The cold events have been becoming more frequent in Germany over the past quarter century, thus bluntly refuting the models. The climate scientists need to admit that they got the science on this all wrong.

23 responses to “Europe Weather: “Thing Of The Past” Now A Thing Of Summer …Snow At 1500 Meters In Southern Germany”

  1. HLx

    Norway is the same – but here the PC-religious are saying that Norway is cold but the rest of Europe hot. It is difficult to find news stories on the cold weather, because the political correct don’t report it… Crazy world. After two months with record cold weather, this is the first news about it in the regional news:
    If it had been 3 consecutive days with sun it would be global warming news.. -_-

  2. Stephen Wilde
  3. Pops

    Charles Onians and Dr Viner will take this Albatross to their graves:

    Perhaps the Pope will give them absolution….

  4. Curious George

    I happened to be in Munich May 13-15, 2015. Rainy and cold.

  5. AndyG55

    but, but , but… 2015 is going to be the HOTTEST EVER, isn’t it ?

    1. gnome

      Don’t worry- of course it is. Even if the world ices over it will be.

      1. DirkH

        German magazine Focus just had funny headline: “Climate Scientists erred – Global Warming HASN’t paused!” (referring to the latest “discovery” by NOAA’s Karl)

        It nearly makes one think German journalists WANT you to never buy their product again. Which I shall obediently do.

    2. Mindert Eiting

      Measurements are objective if they obey the ‘no-interaction’ postulate (as we have in the law F= m*a). On the earth some places are warming and others are cooling. There is a space-time interaction effect on temperature. In that case you can get global warming or cooling by selecting or weighting places. Besides altering the data, this is the main recipe for getting the results you want. It was applied during the great dying of the thermometers and it will be applied again. Note that substituting for missing values the measurements in an adjacent region is the same as giving them an extra weight.

      1. sod

        “Measurements are objective if they obey the ‘no-interaction’ postulate (as we have in the law F= m*a).”

        Sorry, but this is complete garbage. That formula completely ignores friction and that for all “measurements” you take will NOT follow that formula.

        So if you want your measurements to follow that formula, you need to either adjust, move to space or use a extremely complicated experimental set-up.

        1. Mindert Eiting

          Before becoming an expert in measurement theory, you should first understand the idea of interaction. Two intelligence tests: on the first you score higher than I do, on the second I score higher than you do. If you want to demonstrate to the world that you are more intelligent than me, you should pick the first test. With F = m*a you cannot cheat. If my body mass exceed yours, the force to give us the same acceleration is always more for me than for you.

        2. AndyG55

          Rubbish again sod.

          The force due to the acceleration due to gravity is easily measured.

          The force on a wall from stationary water is easily measured.

          And both use the fact that F = m*a

          Yes, there are circumstances where friction needs to be taken into account, but many where it doesn’t.

          1. sod

            “The force due to the acceleration due to gravity is easily measured. ”

            No. Including air resistance, based on the perfect shape of the body? NO!

            “The force on a wall from stationary water is easily measured.”

            That is plain out false. There are basically thousands of assumptions there, starting with a homogenious wall and a pure theoretical construct on how the force pushes the wall (your average calculation will apply the force to a single point).

            “Yes, there are circumstances where friction needs to be taken into account, but many where it doesn’t.”

            Please name a single one of those “many”.
            The simple truth is, that in 999.99% of the situations, reality will not follow the basic physical formula because of the ugly details, which we constantly ignore to apply simple formulas.

            Basically even the error in measuring will already contradict the formula. (and we use a model or adjustments to compensate that)

          2. DirkH

            Hm , sod, suddenly you’re all nitpicky, yet you believe that the climate models have any predictive skill?

            Tell me – do you believe they even have error interval propagation in their computations? Or conservation of energy?

          3. AndyG55


            In one well swoop, the sodding fool wipes out the whole area of “statics” in structural engineering,
            and hydrostatics in fluid engineering..

            Not bad for a dope only just out of junior high !!

            I bet you even think your bathroom scales measure your mass. !

          4. AndyG55

            Also….. every dam, every water holding vessel, every ship, every aircraft, every weighing machine is no longer operable, because sodding fool says we cannot measure force. All our buildings and bridges are going to fall down, the structural world will fall apart……., all because sod thinks we can’t measure force.

          5. AndyG55

            “and a pure theoretical construct on how the force pushes the wall (your average calculation will apply the force to a single point).”

            What nonsense is this?? Pressure at any depth can be measured, the force on any part of the wall can be calculated by basic integration.

            And this nonsense about a single point ??????

            you really have been drinking hard, haven’t you. !!

  6. DirkH

    Great news for sod! England has a huge amount of electric car charging points!
    “In 2013, for example, it was revealed that Milton Keynes had spent £540,000 installing charging points across the city yet one had only been used once in three years and another three were used for less than 10 minutes.

    A report later that year found that councils had spent £7.2m on charging points over a three year period, with six councils admitting that some had not been used once and less than a third of local authorities having a charging point used more than once a week.”
    (Milton Keynes, it should be noted, is the planned brutalistic city, basically, the modern utopia as such.)

    1. Pethefin
      1. sod

        “More bad news for Sod:”

        The report you link does not say, what you think it does.

        As some one did comment, the graphs shown on that site give a completely different result if taken together:

        “What I take from Figs 1 & 2 is that the amount of RE generated has been growing steadily recently (2010-2014), DESPITE the steady fall in the amount of money needed to achieve it (Fig 3), thus indicating that RE continues to get cheaper. ”

        1. Pethefin

          What you see Sod is what you want, dream on.

          1. Pethefin

            For the rest of you, here’s a glimpse of reality:


  7. sod

    ” less than a third of local authorities having a charging point used more than once a week.””

    You are right. We should not build a single charging point, unless it is used 100% of the time.

    Hey, you just solved the chicken-egg Problem: neither chickens nor eggs do exist any longer!

    electric car fleet in Britain is massively growing.

    Your article is a sore loser comment about feelings about electric cars (wow, 56% have not thought about buying an electric car? how many have thought about buying a Porsche?) and outdated data.

  8. Jaakkima Eteläinen

    It has been a while back that I’ve had to eat the house as long in the summer as this year. Here in Finland the standard says anything below an average of 15 C outside is a heating day — we do not like the cold, inside that is — and it has only been met this week.

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