Eco-Nonsense Now Spreads To Beer As Eco-Friendly Brewing Becomes The Latest Marketing Fad

A climate scientist brought my attention to a recent article reporting how one site has identified 13 beers that are climatically and environmentally correct to drink. I’m pretty sure his main objective was to show just how nutty the movement has become.

Photo: Public domain.

Paulaner_Public DomainSo I thought readers here might enjoy finding out how the climate trend has even swept over parts of the US beer industry: Drinking responsibly now also includes drinking to protect the environment!

Such rubbish.

Personally in Germany I really do admire the beer culture they have long developed here over the centuries. Many beers are still brewed according to the German Purity Law of 1516 (Happy Birthday, by the way!). What’s even better is that Central Europe qualifies as a true paradise for beer fans and connoisseurs, offering a great selection, premium quality and at prices which are in fact very low relative to other countries. For example a case of 24 glass bottles (0.33 l) of great quality beer can be easily picked up for about 10 euros (11 dollars) in Germany – and even less in the Czech Republic – and packaged in real, heavy dark glass bottles! Compare that to prices in Scandinavia or even the USA.

Now it appears that the the target of brewing beer has, for some breweries at least, strayed, going from producing a premium quality brew to making one that purports to protect the global climate, and so possibly sacrificing quality for the sake of an illusion. This is not serious business. It’s a marketing gimmick. I’d never drink such beer.

The brand of beer I drink depends solely on whether the taste suits me, and not if it’s organic, green, politically correct, or for saving some rainforest somewhere. To enjoy a beer, it has to be of good quality, on draught, put in a proper glass, be at the right temperature, with a have head of foam, fulfill the Purity Law, and especially be enjoyed in good company. See more here.

So have an uncompromised beer. Cheers!


17 responses to “Eco-Nonsense Now Spreads To Beer As Eco-Friendly Brewing Becomes The Latest Marketing Fad”

  1. handjive

    Prevent imaginary CO2-induced bad weather by drinking CO2-laced beer from brewery that pretends to be wind-powered!

    We’re saved!

    1. mwhite

      Perhaps they’ll install carbon capture equipment into the brewing process???

  2. Curious George

    “Certain optimistic political types and their yes-men in Congress may deny the notion that our climate and ecosystem have become unstable and increasingly vulnerable.” The author, Josh Wilson, implies that the climate and ecosystem has always been stable. Clearly, he does not believe in glaciations and extinctions. He probably does not believe in evolution, or in the landing on the Moon.

    1. Robert Folkerts

      He probably does not believe in evolution, or in the landing on the Moon.

      Are you suggesting that if one should have belief/faith in evolution, one is necessarily wiser? Or do you imply something other?

  3. gary turner

    It not only could be worse, it is. A Texas distillery, to my great shame, advertises they’ve won gold medals for their spirits and, their vodka is GLUTEN FREE! Hallelujah!

    1. Analitik

      They should list it as “fat free” as well (actually, make that trans fat free)

    2. yonason

      It is a legitimate concerns for some, though.

    3. Saiko

      The best vodka to me is already gluten free by definition (because it’s made from potatoes). Not that there’s much gluten in vodka made from cereals in the first place. After correctly performed distillation there’s NO GLUTEN in cereal vodka (“gluten free” food made from wheat contains much more gluten than vodka could even have).

      If the manufacturer is concerned with gluten amount in their vodka, then the customers should be concerned with the manufacturer’s skill and craft, because something is amiss there.

  4. Analitik

    I’ve seen CO2 free coffee – roasters using biofuels instead of nasty natural gas…

    When will they devolve to a CO2 free beer with nitrogen bubbles?

    1. terastienstra

      biofuels are a lot worse than natural gas, they are even worse than coal.

      1. AndyG55

        There’s nothing wrong with natural gas or coal.

        The CO2 emitted is highly beneficial to the environment.

        Biofools should ONLY ever be made from waste material.

        A waste of food or land.

  5. tom0mason

    I can’t wait for a new low carbon, organic and responsibly sourced, low calorie brew that is sustainably manufactured, and sold as artisan beer by one of the big multinational brewers. [It’ll have a sour odor of stale sheeple sweat with the mouth and pocketbook emptying bitter flavor of blatant profiteering.]

    A vision of the crony green future draws near….

  6. Joe

    CO2 is a byproduct of fermentation. It’s why an enterprising micro-brewer has a greenhouse next to the shop, and why they try and burn their pomace in a stove for heat in the winter instead of paying a hauler to cart it off or find a farmer than will want it to fortify animal eed.

    That’s not environmentalism. It’s called using what you have laying around. It’s why men keep underwear forever.

    1. DirkH

      Well even if it might destroy the planet I insist on changing it daily.

  7. Mindert Eiting

    It is advertising. Slow processes are difficult to monitor but in my supermarket, except for tooth paste and washing powder, almost all products are now biologic, dynamic, or sustainable. Those words sell. Because of a new EU rule my tobacco packet today tells in capitals that smoking causes hart attacks and it shows the photograph of a very dead man. These childish messages seem to work.

    1. DirkH

      Always buy the ones that say it’s harmful for pregnancies. Those are safe for men.

  8. Ralph

    Has carbonated soft drinks escaped the scrutiny of the ever watchful “green eyeballs”?

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