Despite the warm year seen in Central Europe so far this year, and all the claims that it’s due to climate warming, the globe in fact has shown it’s been cooling off, or at least not warming at all.
Hat-tip: Schneefan
UAH satellite measurements of temperature at 1500 m altitude in October 2018 came in at an anomaly of + 0.22°C with respect to the WMO climate mean from 1981-2010. That’s four tenths of a degree less than October, 2017.
So far 2018 is the third year in a row that the globe has cooled off from it’s El Nino peak set in 2015. Especially large parts of North America have seen a cold October, as an NCEP/NCAR reanalysis shows:
Arctic stable over past decade
And despite earlier predictions of an ice-free late summer Arctic made by alarmist climate scientists years ago, Arctic sea ice has in fact stabilized over the past 10 years. This year the Northwest passage was closed the entire year.
Arctic sea ice extent has exploded since early November, gaining over 200,000 km² daily on average, as depicted by the following Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI) chart:
Hudson Bay freeze-up earlier than average for 2nd year
The surprising ice burst contradicts claims that polar bears have been in trouble. Polar bear biologist and expert Dr. Susan Crockford reports here:
This is the second year in a row that freeze-up of Western Hudson Bay ice has come earlier than average” and that “it’s unlikely that a strong wind will again blow the newly-formed ice offshore (as happened earlier this year) because the ice is more extensive.”
According to Dr. Crockford: “Ice has been developing rapidly over the last couple of days.”
The Canadian Ice Service chart for 10 November shows the ice very clearly:
Winter hitting northern hemisphere earlier
In October, snow cover over North America stood at 9.7 million square kilometers, which is some 1.7 million square kilometers over the mean of the past 50 years.
Source: Rutgers University Global Snow Lab
The October snow cover trend is also the same story for the entire northern Hemisphere, hat-tip: Kirye:
The US Pacific North West is experiencing High Pressure, cool nights, and air inversion (stagnate air, sunny days).
The interesting thing is that the output from wind turbines has gone to zero, with minor blips.
There is some snow in the mountains >1200 m. from the central Cascades toward the north.
Minor issuewith with the article the nwp was not closed all season there were actually 56 vessels that made the transit including 2 pleasure craft.
Read it again, Bob, especially the end of the list of all voyages where it only shows 2 begun and completed in 2018, with one begun in 2015 and ending in 2018, for a total of 3. None were major commercial ships.
Thanks for that link.
Hard to read that report on my cell phone, so I’m open to someone pointing out where they think I’m in error.
My reading of the report is the same as yours. Two passages during 2018 plus one started in 2015 and completed this year.
Is there a reason, other than ice, for the low number this year?
If you followed Pierre’s Arctic ice posts you would know that there was “old”, thicker ice in that part of the Arctic.
Meanwhile the North-East-Passage saw it’s first container ship making the tour:
If the Troll had bothered to read my post on that topic (via John Ray’s blog) he would know that the only “new” thing was that it was a “container” ship (with an ice-strengthened hull & “even then the ship needed ‘help from Russia’s most powerful nuclear icebreaker’ to get through.”), as opposed to the other cargo ships the Russians have been using on that particular route “FOR THE PAST 70 YEARS.”
And he would know that “Basically it was a nothing event and the firm behind it does not plan to repeat the exercise.”
Yet one more Greenie lie told by omitting essential facts in order to make the story appear to be newsworthy, when it’s just another nothing burger.
Poor SebH. Wrong yet again. But don’t worry, he’ll “move the goalposts and claim victory, …etc., etc.”
“Is there a reason, other than ice, for the low number this year?” – Newminster
Good question. We know that a little thing like getting stuck in the ice never bothered warmists with an agenda before. Maybe having to pay for the services of ice breakers to free them got a little too expensive?
Anyway, that link to a comprehensive list of all transit
routes and transits to date is a handy one to have.
PS, Newminster, thanks for checking me on that.
Fascinating, extent and ice volume catch up with last year again and the Arctic ice posts start again. During the whole time that both were below last years figures … nothing. I wonder why 😉
“There’s a 70-75% chance of a weak El Niño during Northern Hemisphere winter 2018-19.”
Expect warming.
Yesterday I was walking around in shorts and T-shirt … mid November in Central Europe! It wasn’t surprisingly cold at all. Anecdotal, I know. But this year is unusual warm in Germany, even in October.
Do you think the snow cover trend has to do with cooling?
Look at N. America temperature anomalies.
Don’t be such a tool. (OK, I know that’s asking a lot).
‘Too Many Polar Bears:’ Govt Draft Plan Says Polar Bear Numbers ‘Exceed Co-Existence Threshold’
[…] due to global warming, the globe has been cooling off, or at least not warming at all. This is the third year in a row that the globe has cooled off from it’s El Nino high in 2015. Arctic ice has stabilized over […]
Typical cherry picking of data to irrationally bolster a prejudiced viewpoint. I hear the same clamor from the peanut gallery every time there is a short term cooling trend. And in the big picture, as it pertains to the effect it will have on mankind, short-term is measured in years up to a decade. What is constantly being ignored is the fact that, despite these PREDICTED cooling cycles, the overall long-term results continue to rapidly out-pace the short term cooling and consistently reach new modern records for global high temperature averages. Also, as far ass polar bears are concerned, the increasing numbers anomaly is a bit of a myth, since no one knows exactly how many there really were historically, and today’s numbers are just educated guesses. In fact, the polar bear article is irrelevant in regards to global warming, due to the documented shrinking of their habitat (in the long-term). How the bears adapts does not change the temperature.
Please let me know where I can get some of those Viking potatoes that grow in Greenland, or at one time did? Kind of a long trend don’t you think?