Canadian Arctic Archipelago Blocked By Thick Multi-Year Ice…August Arctic Sea Ice Rebounds

In terms of Arctic sea ice and hurricane activity this year, the climate ambulance chasers have been quiet.

Late summer Arctic ice has stopped shrinking

The DMI graph shows the size of sea ice areas in the Arctic in August from the beginning of satellite measurements in 1979 to 2022 (red line). The sea ice areas have grown in August 2022 compared to most previous years after 2006 and have a positive trend since 2007, 15 years ago. There is no summer ice melt in the Arctic as predicted by the climate disinformers John Kerry and Al Gore in 2009. They had predicted ice-free late summer Arctic  already for the year 2014.  Source: DMI plots Arctic ice cover with additions

The Arctic is not even passable for regular ships, let alone being ice-free:

At the end of August (left) and beginning of September 2022 (magnified right), the Northwest Passage in the Canadian Arctic erchipelago continues to be blocked by thick annual (green) or thick multi-year ice (brown). In the coming days, the end of summer ice melt will be reached and winter new ice formation will begin. Source: Canada Sea Ice Charts.

5 responses to “Canadian Arctic Archipelago Blocked By Thick Multi-Year Ice…August Arctic Sea Ice Rebounds”

  1. John Hultquist

    For just $36,960 you can reserve passage on the National Geographic Resolution – for next year!
    At the moment it is off the coast of Baja California en route to Papeete.

  2. Doug Proctor

    Jeepers creepers. Such an obvious cherry picking exercise. Why don’t you say it’s flat since 2007? Or having a speurois uptick on a long tern downtime like 1995? Or continuing a longterm decline since 1995 of you look at a 30 year period? Or there’s a 30 year period showing – are we about to reverse for the second half of a 60 year cycle?

    Cognitive Dissonance maybe.

    And I’m a Skeptic.

  3. Canadian Arctic Archipelago Blocked by Thick Multi-Year Ice…August Arctic Sea Ice Rebounds - Climate-

    […] Canadian Arctic Archipelago Blocked By Thick Multi-Year Ice…August Arctic Sea Ice Rebounds (notric… […]

  4. Lance

    When I worked at Eureka, NU in the late 70s, our tanker resupply came late August…a few weeks later, the fjord froze up….so ice is going to be forming soon

  5. tygrus

    Interesting choice of data points for your 2nd trendline. I would pick 2008-2009 to compare with 2021-2022, a much flatter line. From 2003 till 2022 you still see a downward trend. We have to be careful how much importance we place on 1 or 2 years compared to much longer trends. Next 6yrs it can go down again, oscillate around a flat trend or trend upwards.

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