By P Gosselin on 23. July 2010
Updated 23 July 2010, 18:54 MET. Calamitologist Stefan Rahmstorf once defended his alarmist sea level rise scenarios by saying: I can’t help it. It’s simply the laws of physics. The question is: Whose physics? No science has rewritten the laws of physics like climate science. In climate science, it works like this: 1. Develop a model […]
Posted in Arctic |
By P Gosselin on 22. July 2010
Last week I asked readers to submit their own essays: Wanted! Readers As Guest Writers. Well, I’m happy to present the first one! Ed Caryl observes that skeptics tend to have more training and real life experience in the art of forecasting than warmists do. So who should we believe? Yeah, it’s a tough question. […]
Posted in Scepticism |
By P Gosselin on 22. July 2010
Scientists often say that if you want to see the climate change signal, then look at the poles, especially the Arctic. How often have we seen the following red-coloured graphic, or similar, and thought: Oh my God! Well don’t panic. Even with all the “hottest-ever-first-6 months” in 2010 belly-aching, temperatures are about to take a dive. […]
Posted in Arctic |
By P Gosselin on 22. July 2010
I know the other uptown climate sceptic blogs don’t want to get anywhere near this red-hot potato of a topic, as the details are explosive, too sketchy and the sources are to some extent dubious. Caution has to be exercised in drawing conclusions. It’s far too early for that. But where there’s smoke, there’s fire. I […]
Posted in Gore |
By P Gosselin on 21. July 2010
The German GKSS research centre located near Hamburg has put out a press release that kind of baffles me. Early Warning System For Heat Waves Necessary. The press release starts: After a very cold winter, a heat wave has gripped Germany. All signs point to July being the hottest month ever since records have been kept. […]
Posted in Weather |
By P Gosselin on 21. July 2010
Thanks to Tom Nelson for posting this. Thomas L. Friedman has earned a spot in my category: Lifestyles of the Rich and Alarmists. Normally I avoid riding on the coattails of other blogs, but this time I’ll make an exception.If Thomas Friedman walked around barefoot preaching his gospel like Kung Fu did, then I’d have a lot […]
Posted in Lifestyles of the Rich and Alarmist |
By P Gosselin on 20. July 2010
When the temperature sinks far below normal and people freeze to death, you hardly hear a peep from the media anymore.But as soon as the temperature rises a few degrees over normal for a day or more, the media explodes with headlines of “HEAT WAVE!” and “SCORCHING HEAT!”. Thanks to the internet and a few media […]
Posted in Media / Bias, Weather |
By P Gosselin on 20. July 2010
The Max Planck Institute has an interesting article (in German) here When Man Engineers Climate concerning the international legal aspects of employing technical means to engineer climate change. Personally, I think there isn’t much man could do, unless all resources were focussed in doing so. But others think it’s possible and even feasible.Scientists are developing processes to […]
Posted in Climate Politics |
By P Gosselin on 19. July 2010
The blogosphere has started to buzz about alleged proposals in the European Parliament in Europe to criminalize climate science scepticism. Science progresses through scepticism and rigorous testing of hypotheses. Criminalising scepticism would be the same as criminalising science. It would be a going back to the Dark Ages. Lubos Motl wrote a piece at his blog on […]
Posted in Climate Politics |
By P Gosselin on 19. July 2010
I’ve been following Joe’s forecasts here in Europe for about 2 years. At first I thought he was just another weatherman and didn’t put too much stock in what he said. Then I noticed his 3 to 6-month general forecasts were pretty darn accurate. Back in 2008 he predicted a cold winter for Europe – […]
Posted in Weather |
By P Gosselin on 19. July 2010
12°F warming and 20 ft sea level rises over the next 100 years? Yawn – how boring. That doesn’t scare anyone anymore. Boring, boring, boring.We need shock and awe. It’s time to get drastic and bury the needle, time to roll out the mothers of scare stories. For the warmists it’s Hail Mary time. The “”unless-we-announce-disasters, nobody-will-listen” […]
Posted in Media / Bias |
By P Gosselin on 17. July 2010
With all the talk about heat waves and alleged record high global temps, one could be led to think that manmade global warming is real and that we’d better install the mercury lights made by Philipps and use electricity made by GE wind generators, and invest in green commodities packaged by Al Gore. As the following […]
Posted in Cooling/Temperature |
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