We’ve seen that kind of thinking before. Authoritarianism.
Forget democracy, human freedom and free markets. These concepts, which have made today’s human prosperity and long lifespans a reality for humans, wherever and whenever they have been given the chance to work, are upsetting a small but very elitist group of individuals who view these concepts as a threat to their world view.

German Hans Joachim Schellnhuber has a “Master Plan” for society. Source: http://nachhaltigkeit2009.commerzbank.de/reports/commerzbank/annual/2009/nb/German/3010/_innovations-chancen-nutzen_.html
The English edition of Der Spiegel has a recent interview with Prof Hans Joachim Schellnhuber, Director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research. In this interview Schellnhuber announced that he would unveil his “Master Plan” for transforming society – one no doubt that suits his world view. In Schellhuber’s view, human society needs to be scaled back and managed by an elite group of “wise men” who know what is best for the rest.
Schellnhuber’s contempt for today’s organisation of western soctety is illustrated by his statements. For example Der Spiegel stumps Schellnhuber with a simple question: “Why is it that your messages haven’t been all that well received until now?” Schellnhuber responds:
I’m neither a psychologist nor a sociologist. But my life experiences have shown that the love of convenience and ignorance are man’s biggest character flaws. It’s a potentially deadly mixture.”
Oh the contempt. So we are all too comfortable and ignorant. It’s time for “wiser men” to think for the rest of us. Your message, Mr Schellnhuber, has not been well received because it is anti-democratic and authoritarian. Your kind of thinking is a threat to the principles of Germany’s Constitution and so belongs under government observation.
Schellnhuber indeed has a very poor understanding of history. History teaches us a different lesson – that it is not the combination of love for convenience and ignorance that is man’s greatest flaw, rather it is the combination of towering arrogance and ignorance that is man’s greatest flaw. That is the real threat to society. Schellnhuber also denies climate history and concocts his own fraudulent version to warrant an authoritative intervention.
The belief that the planet needs to be dictated by a higher authority is what makes people like Schellnhuber so dangerous to democracy. Their impatience and frustration with democracy, and their claim to have superior knowledge, remind us of others who have led us down very dark paths back in the 20th century.
These people are convinced they are all-knowing. Der Spiegel asks: “Do you feel that the government’s abrupt change of course in relation to its energy policy is adequate?” Schellnhuber replies:
No. It can only be the beginning of a deep-seated shift. The German Advisory Council on Global Change, which I chair, will soon unveil a master plan for a transformation of society. Precisely because of Fukushima, we believe that a new basis of our coexistence is needed.”
A master plan for transforming society drafted by a climate scientist, a person who admits having no background in sociology. This plan no doubt will be asserted by authority, and not democracy. Schellnhuber and others have indicated many times that democracy is flawed and is a nuisance. It’s getting in the way of solving the “world’s crises” (like zero temperature growth over the last 15 years).
Well, here is a little history lesson for the all-knowing Herr Schellnhuber and his bunch, who are frustrated with democratic principles and individual freedom, on where this type of contempt can take us if left unchecked:
This is where people were turned into numbers. Into this pond were flushed the ashes of 4 million people. And that was not done by gas. It was done by arrogance. It was done by dogma. It was done by ignorance. When people believe they have absolute knowledge with no test in reality, this is how they behave. This is what men do when they aspire to the knowledge of gods…Every judgement in science stands on the edge of error, and is personal.”
I’ve brought up this Ascent of Man clip before, and am bringing it up again, and will continue to bring it up in the future. Watch the entire following series Ascent of Man, Knowledge or Certainty:
Ascent of Man – Knowledge or Certainty
Other links:
EU master plan to ban cars from cities by 2050.
ALERT-German Climate Advisor proposes creation of a CO2 budget
do you really find it appropriate to compare Schellnhuber’s plan for reforms to the Nazi’s plan to extinguish jews and enslave big parts of the world? Just imagine someone from “the other” side would smear you like that. Let’s backpedal a bit to reasonable arguments.
His plan of authoritarinism is one hell of a good start down that path. I will not remove the Ascent of Man” clip because it reminds us and illustrates what arrogance and dogma can lead to.
Learn that.
You’d be well advised to watch the entire series from front to back. This is what needs to be shown at our schools today – especially today. Unfortunately, the warmist side has long a history of fabricating science, ignoring and attacking other opinions, being sure of their absolute knowledge, and acting to shape policy instead of focussing on their scientific roles. Politics is for policymakers, and not the role of scientists and master planners.
Schellnhuber and the PIK are producing a whole lot of tranformation policy, which is to be asserted through scientific and institutional authority, and not by democracy.
So sadly what Schellnhuber is advocating is, in my view, taking steps on an old dark path we have seen in the past. Schellnhuber and yourself ought to be intelligent enough to recoginise this. I assume your offence to this post has something to do with the uncomfortable truth of it all.
Society doesn’t need “master plans” from scientists who are obsessed with end-of-world scenarios.
There are just too many central planners now. In national governments, at the UN, the foreign aid (WB, IMF, ADB, OECD, USAID, etc.), climate agencies. It seems that for every ugly central planning-inspired proposal that we can expose and contradict, 2 or 3 new ones are coming out.
That interview must be decades old. Or the man in the interview is ignorant. The sign on Auschwitz says that around 1.1 million people died there. That 4 million number was Soviet propaganda put up after World War II. (The Soviets controlled Poland after the war.) After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the government’s archives were opened and they found out that the real number of those who died at Auschwitz was closer to 1.1 million.
The 4 million figure was Soviet propaganda. Who’s propaganda is the 1.1 million figure?
“Or the man in the interview is ignorant.”
Very funny. Bronowski “ignorant”. You would have to be profoundly ignorant to come up with such a cretinous remark. Go watch the series – you may even learn something.
Yes this is just a start. Sooner or later, what the wise men will do with plenty of citizens disagreeing with these master transformation plans? Concentration camps are the only solution.
It is entirely appropriate.
“We need a social contract for the 21st century that seals the common desire to create a sustainable industrial metabolism. We must resolve, once and for all, to leave our descendants more than a legacy of nuclear hazards and climate change. This requires empathy across space and time. To promote this, the rights of future generations should be enshrined in the German constitution.”
I read scaremongering, the words “social” and “common” – leftist keywords; the desire to control and to cement this forever by putting it into the constitution. And who will decide under which circumstances the rights of future generations are violated? The “scientists”. This is a suggestion of a “scientist” putsch, or a Machtergreifung, emasculating our democratic rights even more, if that were possible – European right overrules German right, so we can just stop voting altogether anyway already.
I have put the word scientist in quotation marks as the behaviour of Schellnhuber is not the behaviour of a scientist but of a politician, to be polite. I don’t want to imply i’m against scientists doing science; what Schellnhuber does is agitation.
From my memory I don’t think the Nasties set out with the Final Solution in mind but I stand to be corrected.
You are right but it was exactly the out of control mania of their system that led them to it. They keyword is “out of control” – there is no control for the EU commission. The intended misconstruction is the lack of separation of powers – i say intended because Europe has invented that principle centuries ago yet not applied it when constructing the EU.
It is neither apropriate nor accurate to compare Schellnhuber with Hitler and state that what they want would be equal, because Schellnhuber is much worse.
Since Hitler fought Marxism and Financial Globalism (btw.: have fun with the FED) and therefore thought, his actions would fit to achieve this goal, Schellnhuber is a Pseudo-Scientist who serves the Marxists (the German word for those kind of scientists is “Afterwissenschaftler”, try to figure out the meaning yourself).
Regarding Marxism I would propose you to read a small book by the Free Congress Foundation with the title “The history of political correctness”. The Editor is William Lind. If you think, Marxism is not that bad (and you adore Obama of course), I would propose that you read a quite larger book with the title “Concerning Questions of Leninism”, written by Stalin.
I’m not saying they are equal and not comparing the two. I’m saying the path that is being embarked upon by Schellnhuber is one that has led to many disasters in the past. And anyone in Schellnhuber’s position who collectively labels people as “ignorant, too conmfortable and looting to form a functioning democracy” is very potentialy dangerous and needs to step down.
Looting is what many governments have been doing – running the debts sky-high. Schellnhuber does not need to tell us about “looting.”
Umm yea,, I would compare it to to the Nazi’s you [-snip, please rephrase that in more polite terms]
Oh yeah, let’s not forget this for those who think I’m being too hard bringing up Auschwitz:
Somehow a lot of rats are busying themselves gnawing on the democratic bones of Europe. It seems to become more and more popular.
You are literally ill. Get a doctor for god’s sake and if the the doctor recommended blogging as a therapy change the doctor. And I say that without agreeing with anything what Schellnhuber actually said or proposes.
PG: Give me a break Hoffmann. We are not the one’s rolling 10:10 No Pressure videos, making up climate history and shutting down debate. If you can’t see what your side is about, then you are the one who needs to get a doctor. We are not the one’s making “master plans” to rescue society, and neurotically biting our nails off because of a paranoid fantasy of the earth burning up.
Of course he defines us as ill. In the Soviet Union, dissidents where treated in psychiatric institutions. Expect no debate from people without arguments.
Him, and the nice lady at the Uni of Oregon, who wants us skeptics “treated”.
A system very similar to the one proposed by the political stooge Schellnhuber has failed to grab the power in the past.
History doesn’t repeat but it rhymes. (Twain)
It’s all smoke and mirrors.
In the mean time they are stealing us blind
Also read this piece that tells you how the judicial system is corrupted, a necessary step that enabled the political elite to sell us out.
Dr. Bronowski’s series is still outstanding today – a classic and done by a master.
There is no perfect system, democracy is the best we have, I would tend to smaller local democratic systems and would see power devolved properly to us, the ‘little people’, only bigger questions of defence and law and policing, to be left with a national government.
When the system decides that it knows best and that it doesn’t need input and change ordered and brought about by a genuinely democratic process – of the people, for the people.
This is the how the EU is now and it is becoming……
Then, this is the start of totalitarianism, I wholeheartedly concur with you PG and would say just this; ‘power corrupts, absolute power corrupts ABSOLUTELY’.
It starts with reasonable sounding men and ends with genocidal mania.
We need a bottom up democracy, not a top down pseudo-democracy, as we jhave in the UK”. Check out the growing “Referism” “movement”
I know his masterplan! It can only be…
Mandatory launderettes in all cities in the EU! (Did you notice the anti-private washing machine slant in that propaganda video yesterday?)
How many social contacts we will be able to make while waiting for the laundry to finish! Maybe we will even get to see state-sponsored agitprop street theatre while waiting… maybe a performance of the Dreigroschenoper… Can’t wait! 😉
Ahem… wait…
PG: I can hardly wait for this “Master Plan” from the masterminds. All of it is consistent, isn’t it – state orchestrated living.
Vivien Goldman – Launderette
I just had to. 😉
In order to do something about our ignorance, this may be a starter:
Thanks. Printing it out now. Appreciated.
The man in the photo is wearing a suit coat, standing beside a globe such as I would like to have, and he seems to be in a large room in a warm building. I wonder why he hasn’t given all these things up? Ask him, please, to send the globe to me.
The detailed implications of his “Master Plan” – not just the high sounding phrases – need to be addressed with scorn, sarcasm, and humor.
Because in his perfect world all the sacrifices would be made by everyone else. And you can bet he thinks he will always be one of the “wise men”.
He said “Master Plan?” Do we have to come over there again? /sarc
It is interesting that Herr Schellnhuber equates disagreement with ignorance. Such contempt for dissent is a telltale sign of an authoritarian. Anybody who thinks they possess the omniscience to develop a “master plan” for the world is flirting with megalomania. No doubt there are oligarchs and corporate interests who would be willing to put men like him in positions of power. This was the calculation many elitists in Germany made in the early 1930’s with Adolf Hitler. National Socialism was largely an aesthetic movement basing its ideology on a crude misreading of history and false science (Darwinism applied to human society). Whether environmentalism could mutate into an ideology as violent as Nazism is another question. We should remember that the genocidal ambitions of the Nazis developed over time and were not manifested in actual policy until the outbreak of war. A global economic crisis like the one currently unfolding and the outbreak of war could cause a similar development in the environmental movement.
PG: I agree – thanks. Not only is there contempt for dissenting views, but there are graphic fantasies of profound violence within the movement. The 10:10 No Pressure video shows this in no uncertain terms. This is worrisome.
Dieses ist traurig.
How about referring to him as “another maniac” instead of “another German”?
Let’s agree on “another Germaniac”.
In any case, just look at how arrogant this man appears.
And to think he is getting PAID to come up with shit like this.
I’d like to chain this arrogant a$$ wipe to my truck and drag ’em down the road.
Didn’t Hitler try this? I have been watching the World at War series again and it seems that Hitler also has a master plan for society. There was also a globe in the Reichstag.
PG: Please note that I’m not comparing Schellnhuber to Hitler, as a few dim-witted readers have accused me of doing. I’m saying in my view he is begiining on a path that embraces authoritarianism and loathes democracy by the people, who he views as too ignorant to respond adequately to his computer-modelled crisis. Where that path leads, no one knows.
But we do know from history that such paths if left to run their course unchecked can lead to awfully tragic results. Auschwitz was just one of the most terrible extremes of what is possible. It tell us what is possible in the worst case. That’s why it’s important to make democracies strong, and not try to dilute them just because you’re impatient with the process. Those who forget the past can quickly find themselves repeating it. It’s important to get away from dismissing others as ignorant only because they disagree.
Finally, producing films showing violent fantasies of what you’d like to do with dissidents (10:10 No Pressure) as calls for the suspension of democracy are made is somewhat unsettling.
Schellnhuber and the PIK need to get back to science, and away from their fantasies of authoritarian experimentation with society.
Look here! Schellnhuber was mad (and ignored) in 2009 already.
Thanks Dirk. Clearly one wonders what is really driving Schellnhuber – science or a political agenda. – PG
I’ve been noting this nexis of Arrogance and Ignorance in Statists in some of my blog posts recently . I’ve found “Vladimir Bukovksy, the 63-year old former Soviet dissident, fears that the European Union is on its way to becoming another Soviet Union.” , http://www.brusselsjournal.com/node/865 , all too enlightening .
Gorbachev finally got back at the West for making him look bad during his tenure as Chairman of the Communist Party in the USSR.
let’s not forget one thing…der führer kam aus Österreich…so I would say master plan and german is somewhat misleading and Schnellnhüber comes from Bayern which is much the same thing. I think I may be on to something here.
Excellent post – and the picture of Schelnhuber emphasises his arrogance. This whole CAGW agenda goes back a bit further in time than many of us realise – I suspect its the latest incarnation of the eugenics agenda that the anthropologist Margaret Mead was involved with with her atmosphere conference in 1975 when the present group of movers and shakers embarked on their odyssey to save the planet.
But the dogma of impending global doom goes further back than many imagine, and was the principal focus of Velikovsky’s research as a pyschoanalyst, summarised in a posthumous publication “Mankind in Amnesia”, a compilation of various authors essays on the doomsday cults and its association with various religions and beliefs.
Schellnhuber is not a charismatic madman like Hitler. Pierre made it clear and i share his view – the danger is in the antidemocratic tendencies; as long as i don’t know the details of Schellnhuber’s plan i would simply call it the Launderette plan.
The same goes on in the EU commission with their traffic masterplan, planning to outlaw conventional cars in cities in 2050.
The problem is not that these ideas are dumb – which they are – but that they will require coercion, are imposed or suggested by nondemocratic entities, and are the beginning of *more* coercion. This is also the reason why i despise the abolition of light bulbs – not because i hate CFL light (which i do) but because it is imposed on us, with no legal option in the EU to do anything against it.
So i hope the EU will explode with the ongoing economic crisis in the PIIGS+Belgium states.
That’s why we have the second amendment in the USA. Helps keep the world managers in check!
[…] Research – and his “‘master plan’ for transforming society”, recently highlighted by Pierre Gosselin) whenever a natural disaster […]
“ashes of 4 million people”? Doesn’t that sound a bit high to anyone?
re: Adrian’s question: given that over 20 million people were exterminated in death camps by the Nazi’s, No, that number doesn’t seem too high for the biggest one.
I believe you’re a victim of Soviet propaganda, just like Dr. Bronowski. After 89, they changed the official plaque at Auschwitz. Go see what number the current one indicates!
1.1 Million/4 Million. Sorry folks, it’s the MILLION that sticks in the craw!
I thought the Germans had learned the lesson of master plans and final solutions.
This man has many idiotic ideas and should keep quiet.
“Master Plan” for transforming society? What can the world learn from Prof Hans Joachim Schellnhuber about transforming society that it hasn’t already learnt from the years of communism or the master plan of the world’s most infamous dictator?
[…] Gosselin No Tricks Zone March 31, […]
The arguments in these pages sound familiar. Nobody “in their right mind”—German or not—could have imagined the final outcomes when the foundations of the Nazi system were laid. The few who tried to imagine were told to go see their doctors. And while some understandably focus on Germany and its complicated history here, the same story played itself out in many other places.
Schellnhuber is no Schicklgruber; just “another German” in Pierre’s provocative headline. I understand it as saying people should read and consider Hannah Arendt’s “Report on the Banality of Evil”. It takes many Schellnhubers to normalize the unthinkable but it can be done. The “inefficient”, messy and disagreeable organization of society of individual agents acting in a free market has to be marginalized and rejected. Opponents have to be dismissed as irrelevant, lazy and ignorant. The view must prevail that the survival and welfare of the collective requires the adoption of a plan. Hard-working men of great vision have it ready. They are absolutely certain that their plan is right and its implementation inevitable. They are intelligent, energetic and motivated.
Their kind will never go away.
Are we paying attention? Are we able to learn from our past?
Very good to refer to Hannah Arendt. She wrote her book after she visited the trial against Eichmann. She expected to see a monster but Eichmann was just a civil servant. I think the real danger resides in institutions. PIK for example should be watched carefully, especially when it goes further than the rather empty subject of Klimawandel.
[…] German has a master plan for society. What could possibly go […]
Think of the Eugenics movement of the early 20th century. The betterment of society, the betterment of man. The horror was what it ultimatly led to then the theorys and plans were put into effect. Same thing here. Maybe this intellectual will not achieve his goal, but some demagogue some day may, with similar results.
That 10:10 film is kind of telling, the people that produced it and those that defended thought it was “funny”. I found it to be chilling and somewhat prophetic.
And a scientist even won a Nobel Prize for that, if I recall correctly.
Early 20th century? Eugenics was still practised in Sweden until the mid 1970s.
[…] Climate advisor Han Schellnhuber declares human society needs to be managed by elite group of ‘wise men’ — He Will ‘Unveil A Master Plan For A Transformation Of Society’ March 31, 2011 – 2:51 pm Source: NoTricksZone.com […]
[…] to be managed by elite group of ‘wise men’ March 31, 2011 by: Jarse Astra P Gosselin No Tricks Zone March 31, […]
[…] Pierre Goselin is discussing a remarkable interview with the top German climate ideologue in Spiegel: We Are Looting the Past and Future to Feed the Present (English) […]
[…] Pierre Goselin is discussing a remarkable interview with the top German climate ideologue in Spiegel: […]
What? Over my rotting corpse!
What next? Should we start to praise Hitler, Stalin and Mao?
That kind of fascist creep should be isolated from society!
Will we have to sing a new song based upon a whore house in Berlin?
What – “Tomorrow Belongs To Us” was the Nazis song – Lili Marlene the German soldierss’ song.
Watch Cabaret for a fine performance of “Tomorrow”
Whatever degree of civilisation achieved is not due to democracy but in spite of it. And, of course, that eco-maniac Schellnhuber is a fraud, for the real Hans is none other than Hans-Hermann Hoppe, author of ‘Democracy, The God That Failed’.
Fresh from the New Fourth Reich.
[…] The English edition of Der Spiegel has a recent interview with Prof Hans Joachim Schellnhuber, Director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research. In this interview Schellnhuber announced that he would unveil his “Master Plan” for transforming society – one no doubt that suits his world view. In Schellhuber’s view, human society needs to be scaled back and managed by an elite group of “wise men” who know what is best for the rest. […]
[…] The English edition of Der Spiegel has a recent interview with Prof Hans Joachim Schellnhuber, Director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research. In this interview Schellnhuber announced that he would unveil his “Master Plan” for transforming society – one no doubt that suits his world view. In Schellhuber’s view, human society needs to be scaled back and managed by an elite group of “wise men” who know what is best for the rest. […]
The “wise elder men” maybe???
Well I thought Green was the new Red…. we call them Watermelons in Oz.. Green on the outside Red in the middle…. now when you cut these watermelons open… their seeds are arranged in the shape of a swastika….
I think it is entirely appropriate to draw analogies between the Alarmist Global Warming – Climate Change movement and the Eugenics movement as well as the international Fascist movement.
Good for you Pierre… We must all stand up and fight these new —–
I think it would be great to have truly wise, knowledgeable, compassionate, and enlightened men and women making the important decisions for society.
Unfortunately people like that are not attracted to politics or power; narcissists, psychopaths, and control freaks are.
Democracy is easily manipulated by those kinds of people and the media, which turns elections into popularity contests with the ignorant and greedy voting for whoever promises them the most largesse from the public treasury.
Wise, knowledgeable, compassionate and enlightened leaders don’t stand a chance of being elected.
I’m betting if you ran for any office your chances would disappear the first time you opened your yap.
Wow. Prof. Schellhuber is a man who was born decades too late.
[…] Pierre Goselin is discussing a remarkable interview with the top German climate ideologue in Spiegel: We Are Looting the Past and Future to Feed the Present (English) […]
[…] από: No Tricks Zone / Μετάφραση: ΚΟΚΚΙΝΟΣ […]
Schellnhuber’s Potsdam Institute started off in the old Stasi building, he must have spent too much time reading the manual.
Of course I know you making a joke here. But it makes you wonder what they discuss behind the academic scenes. I have a brother, and know others, who have spent their entire lives in academia and, isolated from the real working world, they tend to grow to believe they have superior intellect and get very cynical about the progress of society. It doesn’t take long before they think they ought to be running things from inside their ivory towers. I’m not saying my brother is arrogant, but academia is fertile ground for pointy-headed, narrow minded arrogance. And so we eventually we get people like Schellnhuber, Rahmstorf, Mann, Schmidt etc. Whatever, you do – don’t disagree with them!
“…get very cynical about the progress of society.”
Observed the same thing in some of my German informatics/engineering colleagues. They don’t get out enough, work 10 hours a day, stay indoors even in their free time, and even though they are basically the people driving progress they see humanity doomed. It’s very paradoxical.
I often have the feeling they are unsatisfied with their own life and project their depressions on humanity as a whole. And the less somebody is actually in the countryside, the more he becomes concerned about the environment.
Gotta find ways to sell these fools expensive useless indulgences! 😉
[…] The English edition of Der Spiegel has a recent interview with Prof Hans Joachim Schellnhuber, Director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research. In this interview Schellnhuber announced that he would unveil his “Master Plan” for transforming society – one no doubt that suits his world view. In Schellhuber’s view, human society needs to be scaled back and managed by an elite group of “wise men” who know what is best for the rest. […]
Ah Nice. We will never have to worry again.. we will have the small super rich ruling class elite and then the rest of us to whom we can serve and in exchange they will take care of us in their own special way.
Well shoot.. we already have that in the U.S. with the Supreme Court backed GOPKochbaggers. At least we won’t have to worry about the German’s taking over..What a relief!
Koch is a German surname. 😉
The closest we’ve had to this type of “Master Race” in the US was under the old Plantation System in the South. Remember slavery? A small group of intellectually and morally superior people providing for the welfare of the ‘lesser races.’ Socialism can’t be anything other than slavery in the long run.
As I look around at the ignorance and carelessness of people, I recognize that the totalitarian has a point. The founding fathers made it clear that our form of government was made only for a moral and religious people, and is completely inadequate for the government of any other. America has changed.
[…] […]
I would like to ask Helen – just what is a GOPKochbagger? Is that another label to be thrown about? There is not nor will there ever be a perfect society. People fail to realize that humanity is flawed and that no amount of rhetoric will erase that fact. Light and darkness have coexisted down through the centuries and it has been an eternal struggle. All of creation “groans” waiting for its redemption.
No man made army, or military action or elite leader will ever succed because they too will blow away in the wind. The verse in Ecclesiates says it best “All flesh is as grass here today and gone tomorrow” Every “ism” that comes down the road is destined to fail. The only thing that is real is righteousness and truth.
The basis of all reality is knowledge,reason, truth and wisdom. And stop listening to all the pundits – think your own thoughts.