By P Gosselin on 20. March 2012
No April Fool’s joke here. Our friends at the German Science Skeptical here bring us a Youtube video on how kids are being taught out somewhere in East Germany that eating apples saves the climate. It’s all part of a German government sponsored competition to promote climate protection and energy savings. In fact officials found […]
Posted in Abnormal Climate Psych, Green Follies |
By P Gosselin on 19. March 2012
I’m a little short on time today, and so I will provide the translation of the latest Die kalte Sonne website’s piece on an interview of Fritz Vahrenholt by the HNA titled: “At Most One Degree More”. Although the interview is not available online, Die kalte Sonne website provides us with the main points: HNA: […]
Posted in Alternative Energy, Cooling/Temperature, Scepticism |
By P Gosselin on 18. March 2012
It’s been 6 weeks since Professor Fritz Vahrenholt’s and Dr. Sebastian Lüning’s bestselling skeptic book “Die kalte Sonne” was released. The Greens have been attacking the book – but their arguments have been astonishingly weak. Some Greens wrote a paper listing their arguments against the book. The chart that’s driving the Greens nuts. Vahrenholt and Lüning […]
Posted in CO2 and GHG, Cooling/Temperature, Hockey Team, Paleo-climatology, Scepticism |
By P Gosselin on 17. March 2012
Greenland isn’t melting rapidly after all. We keep hearing that melting there has been accelerating, and that if it melted, sea levels would rise a catastrophic 7 meters. New data just released by the Helmholtz Centre in Potsdam, Germany, shows that over the last 10 years only 240 gigatons of ice have melted. http://www.gfz-potsdam. That ice […]
Posted in Arctic, Sea Levels |
By P Gosselin on 17. March 2012
What subsidies and government meddling in the free market could not accomplish, will probably soon be attempted by a government takeover. Flagship daily the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ) here writes that there are 4 main obstacles in Germany’s energy transformation: 1. Wind supply is unpredictable. 2. There’s no good way to store electricity. 3. Increasing energy efficiency […]
Posted in Alternative Energy, Climate Politics |
By P Gosselin on 16. March 2012
Slowly it seems that some greens are starting to wake up from their zombie condition and are showing signs that they may one day realize the disaster they’ve unleashed. German public television, the ZDF of all networks, has a clip on how the building of windmills has completely run amok in Germany. Hat-tip:
Posted in Activism, Alternative Energy, Climate Politics, Green Follies |
By P Gosselin on 15. March 2012
Steffen Hentrich of the liberty-oriented blogsite “Denken für die Freiheit” (Thinking for Liberty) writes a piece called “Climate-Killing Energy Transformation” about how Germany’s energy transformation from nuclear and fossil fuels to renewable energies is not working out very well.
Posted in Alternative Energy, Nuclear energy |
By P Gosselin on 14. March 2012
Nuclear meltdown, acid rain, ocean acidification, sea level rise, famine, obesity, drought, megastorms, floods, extreme weather, rain-forest destruction, species extinction… These are just some of the bogus scares the UN and activists use to keep the masses in a state of panic. The more, the better. Hardly a day goes by without the media fretting about […]
Posted in Activism, Agriculture, Drought and Deserts |
By P Gosselin on 13. March 2012
Christian churches nowadays are pretty much always empty in Germany. But there is one church that is always full: the Church of Environmentalism. So comments Jan Fleischhhauer of Spiegel yesterday here. Environmentalism fad in Germany ready for the scrap heap as absurdities get exposed. Public domain photo: John Muir, 1907. Few countries have gone as fanatic as Germany […]
Posted in Climate Politics, Green Follies, Greenpeace, Scepticism |
By P Gosselin on 12. March 2012
There’s been some discussion in the media about the Potsdam Institute’s (PIK) recent paper claiming that Greenland is much closer to a collapse than previously expected. Don Easterbrook calls PIK scenario “nonsense!” (Photo: However, few scientists outside the circle of IPCC alarmists are taking the PIK claims seriously. Recall that the IPCC 5th report […]
Posted in Arctic, Hockey Team |
By P Gosselin on 12. March 2012
Anthropogenic global warming skepticism, not taken seriously in Germany until recently, has now got the warmists in a state of panic, despair and even deeper irrationality. Warmists Vlad Georgescu and Marita Vollborn have written an essay at German public radio called: Climate Change? No Thanks! It focuses on the growing wave of skepticism now sweeping across […]
Posted in Abnormal Climate Psych, Scepticism |
By P Gosselin on 11. March 2012
Everybody say thank you to Poland. It was the only of 27 European countries to reject the EU’s climate roadmap at a conference of Environment Ministers in Brussels Friday, angering environmentalists and EU climate protection expansionists. The EU aims to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 80 – 95% by 2050 compared to 1990 levels. The EU has […]
Posted in Climate Politics, Pollution |
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