British EU Parliamentarian: “The Truth Is Nobody Believes In ‘Climate Change’ Anymore; There’s Been No GW For 15 Years!”

“Sea levels are not rising significantly.” Climate science is made up of “speculative and alarmist theories”.

Dr. Sebastian Lüning’s and Prof. Fritz Vahrenholt’s Die kalte Sonne website presents a video showing British European Parliamentarian Roger Helmer delivering a statement before the European Parliament in Strasbourg on July 5, slamming Europe’s climate religion and energy policy.

Don’t ask me where all the other EU deadbeat parliamentarians are. Probably on their month-long taxpayer-funded summer holidays! That aside, there’s so much here in Helmer’s statement that needs to be quoted. For example:

More and more scientists are rejecting the alarmist case. […] The world is awash with natural gas. […] We are forcing households and pensioners into fuel poverty. We have chosen to impoverish our children and grandchildren. Future generations will look back at this period with horror and despair, and colleagues they will never forgive us.


10 responses to “British EU Parliamentarian: “The Truth Is Nobody Believes In ‘Climate Change’ Anymore; There’s Been No GW For 15 Years!””

  1. DirkH

    He he he. They gotta get rid of that pesky EU parliament. Terrible mistake to have a democratic institution without rigging the election – even though it’s only formal function is to rubberstamp laws made by the commission. Didn’t they learn anything from the USSR.

  2. DirkH

    Russian scientist shows that Phil Jones is a fr*udster:

    HADCRUT3 temp anomaly is COMPLETELY determined by UHI of the largest urban centers with the oldest continuous temperature measurements.
    Part 1
    Part 2

    1. Mindert Eiting

      I would call Phil Jones someone with problematic debts. He may not have read all the bills arriving on his doormat and may become involved in a full blown bankruptcy (BTW the youtube fragment seems to be a Heartland lecture from 2010). In the mean time I am looking forward to a book by our frauding professor in Tilburg. He is a psychologist and has the professional duty to explain his behaviour to the public (which we should not expect from Michael Mann).

  3. David Spurgeon

    Hurray for the Roger Helmers of this benighted earth. When will the World see how we have been mislead? Last Sunday I celebrated my 70th birthday, so it is not primarily for me that I despair, but for my children (2) and my grandchildren (4). For the sake of sanity and prosperity ….WAKE UP..!!!!!

  4. Miembro del Parlamento Europeo: "Ya nadie cree en el cambio climático" | Alerta Cambio Climático

    […] Fuente: NoTrickZone […]

  5. Pierre Gosselin: British EU Parliamentarian: “The Truth Is Nobody Believes In ‘Climate Change’ Anymore; There’s Been No GW For 15 Years!” |

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  6. Robert Holmes

    After initializing and parametrizing hundreds of unknown factors,inserting divergent proxy data and ignoring any difficult natural forcing factors, we ran hundreds of simulations until we obtained the results we wanted – an ensemble of meaningless projected results, which we then averaged.We utilized the liberally unprincipled component method to homogenize and sensitize this to produce a hockey stick, which gave a very robust prediction (95% probability) that we are totally screwing ALL of you.

  7. Hengist

    Can’t fault Roger on his conclusion there – “Future generations will look back at this period with horror and despair, and colleagues they will never forgive us.“

    1. DirkH

      …because we didn’t dismantle industry fast enough to solve a non-problem? Tell me more about your horror and despair. Your gravatar is a version of Munch’s Scream so I guess you know a lot about horror and despair.

      I love listening to the insane as long as I’m separated physically from them.

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