By P Gosselin on 9. July 2012
While much of the media’s focus has been on the heat wave hitting the USA, little attention is being paid to the bitter cold gripping South America. It’s another unusually cold winter striking the continent. Last year, hundreds froze to death. The same occurred in the winter of 2010. Cold 7-day forecast for South America. […]
Posted in Cooling/Temperature, Weather
By P Gosselin on 8. July 2012
The European Institute for Climate and Energy (EIKE) provides a statement on the senselessness of renewable energy in Germany and features a video by skeptic EU Parliamentarian Herbert Reul (Germany). EU Parliamentarian Herbert Reul of Germany’s conservative CDU Party has produced a video about energy policy in Germany and put it up at Youtube and […]
Posted in Climate Politics |
By P Gosselin on 7. July 2012
Dear P Gosselin. Thank you for your consideration. I appreciate the opportunity to be heard. Due to the numbers of polar bears on land this season, I am busy with filming and away from the internet. My reply is not as prompt as it otherwise could be. When I read that zoos are to be considered […]
Posted in Misc. |
By P Gosselin on 6. July 2012
Juliet Eilperin sees the “climate change” issue slipping away. It is no longer the number one environmental concern among Americans. When climate change is ranked among all problems that concern Americans, most polls show it as a mere asterisk, or bundled in with “other” or “misc.” Eilperin starts her commentary: Just 18 percent of those […]
Posted in Climate Politics, Cooling/Temperature, Media / Bias, Pollution, Scepticism |
By P Gosselin on 6. July 2012
This summer in Germany is yet another wet one. Everywhere the media are moaning about the ongoing rains, lack of sunshine, flooded basements, etc. It was the same story last year. German scientists are stumped, their models have been exposed as being completely wrong – again. For years Germany’s “climate scientists” kept warning the German public […]
Posted in Drought and Deserts, Hockey Team, IPCC, Models, Weather |
By P Gosselin on 5. July 2012
by Ed Caryl Seth Borenstein’s recent article in the Associated Press claims that recent weather events are a result of global warming. They are not; they are clearly weather, local in nature and short-lived. Borenstein is another “Chicken Little”, a calamitologist, crying “Wolf”. Here are the facts. If recent weather events were because of a global […]
Posted in Abnormal Climate Psych, Drought and Deserts, Media / Bias, We're To Blame |
By P Gosselin on 4. July 2012
There’s a new study out titled: A public health frame arouses hopeful emotions about climate change – A Letter in the Journal Of Climatic Change. It is a rare and precious glimpse at the warmists’ future strategy. The study’s conclusion: Framing climate change in terms of public health and/or national security may make climate change more personally […]
Posted in Activism, Climate Politics, Greenpeace, IPCC, Scepticism |
By P Gosselin on 4. July 2012
With belief of man-made global warming rapidly dwindling, not a hurricane seen in years, and global temperatures stagnant, the activist warmists are now desperate to blame anything they can on man-made global warming. Neil Cavuto interviews Chris Horner… Click here to view video.
Posted in Scepticism, Weather |
By P Gosselin on 4. July 2012
Cornelis De Jager of the Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research and Silvia Duhau of the Departamento de Física, Facultad de Ingenieria, Universidad de Buenos Aires have published a new paper in the Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate titled: Sudden transitions and grand variations in the solar dynamo, past and future. I’m not […]
Posted in Misc., Solar Sciences |
By P Gosselin on 3. July 2012
Now that the mainstream media are hyperventilating over global warming being responsible for the heat wave, fires and thunderstorms hitting the US, it is a good time to check if they are applying the same science they used to explain winter cold snaps, like the one we saw just 2 years ago. If they were serious, you’d […]
Posted in Drought and Deserts, Hockey Team, We're To Blame, Weather |
By P Gosselin on 3. July 2012
Reader Arthur C. Smith III of Alaska has responded to Ed Caryl’s earlier essay: The Polar Bear, and my claim that the polar bear is in no real danger. I’ve upgraded his comment to a post. Smith has studied polar bears for years. ====================================================== What Do Polar Bears Dream While They’re Dying? Dear Ed, P, […]
Posted in Arctic |
By P Gosselin on 2. July 2012
The mid-Atlantic of the USA has no power. And so one really has to wonder about the sheer brilliance of Energy Secretary Chu’s latest idea – more electric cars for a country that can no longer provide its citizens with a steady supply of electricity. I have a question for Secretary Chu: Even if electric cars were […]
Posted in Alternative Energy, Green Follies, Nuclear energy |
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