Can we trust the media?
Germany’s massive public funded radio and television demonstrates to us that the answer is: not always. Yesterday many media outlets reported on the 2-year anniversary of Japan’s “earthquake/tsunami/Fukushima” disaster. The way some German public television and radio outlets are presenting the disaster 2 years later would probably make even North Korean state media officials blush.
For example, (hat-tip EIKE) flagship German public television ARD presented the story yesterday, claiming:
Japan remembers the victims of the devastating earthquake and tsunami catastrophe of 2 years ago. A scale 9 earthquake had shaken the northeast of the country and caused a tsunami. This caused a reactor accident at the Fukushima nuclear power plant. Almost 16,000 people died. Thousands are still missing.”
I heard the very same deception earlier yesterday morning on German public NDR DisInfo radio. The reality, of course, is that so far not a single death has been attributed to the Fukushima accident. But that’s the last thing Germany’s manipulative public media want their audiences to believe.
“Good morning ladies and gentlemen. Today Japan is remembering the victims of the devastating earthquake and tsunami catastrophe of two years ago. A powerful earthquake of 9 had shaken the northeast part of the country and unleashed an up to 20-meter tsunami. A reactor accident resulted at the Fukushima nuclear power plant. Thereby 16,000 people were killed. Thousands are still missing.”
Even bolder and misleading about it was anchor Thorsten Schröder (see video and quote above) of the ARD Tagesschau, early yesterday morning.
In a functioning democracy, a good public media editor would make sure that the facts are presented clearly and accurately. But a slimey, manipulative editor might take the chance to intentionally mislead the people, and later defend his action by saying: well, you can’t prove it! and that “there is no reason to be talking about a blatantly false report or the like“.
German reporting by ARD and ZDF public television and radio on climate change is no less manipulative. Climate change is real and is happening right now. Never mind the all the cold winters we’ve been having, they keep telling us, ignoring the real data.
Germany’s green public media have long been on a mission to upbring citizens on responsible energy use, climate, and environmentalism. So we suspect here they just couldn’t pass up the opportunity to remind viewers and listeners that nuclear is bad and kills thousands.
Germany’s now famous Energiewende – energy transition from fossil and nuclear energy to renewables – is coming under increasing fire from the public due to its trillion-euro and still rising price tag, and the media are desperate for a story to convince the public that it is still “the right thing to do”. Fukushima was an opportunity to help do just that.
These bastards at the BBC also mixed their words and phrases this morning to give the impression that the nuclear reactor blast caused the death of 16 000 unfortunate souls.
All the journalists attend pinko liberal schools where room 101 propaganda is taught. In the case of the BBC, most of their pension fund money is tied-up in renewable energy companies, and it is their own interest to perpetuate the Great Energy Robbery.
Their dishonesty is striking and just appalling at times. Sometimes I wonder if they are missing some screws upstairs.
UK Sky news on radio did the same. I didn’t make a note of the actual words used, but it was certainly the impression given. Were the “news” reporters or agencies copying from each other, I wonder? Intolerable; but in any case it will soon become a “fact”.
They’re using legal semantics. They know what people are going to think, but there’s no way to prove intent. Sleazeballs. Or as Germans are calling them today: “UnGEZiefer”.
i.e., “Vermin”. I agree.
The Greens in Germany have shot themselves in the foot using a high-calibre FB posting by Claudia Roth in which she uses the Fukushima disaster in which 16,000 died (as a result of the tsunami) in order to stoke up nuclear fears.
The posting (in German)has received over 1000 negative comments. And it’s making bigger news in the wider media.
Machine translation of Roth’s posting:
IMHO; it’s only a matter of time before Japan calls the German embassador to explain why the Germans are blatantly telling lies about nuclear energy; that contribute to many thousands of Japanese being unable to rebuild their homes and to meanwhile suffer psychologically as well as financially … because that suffering serves the “green” politic.
Wow! These people have no scruples whatsoever. This deserves an article.
Blog sites such as this one are becoming more and more respectable and the ONLY way people can learn the truth these days…………
Mainstream News is basically dead!
“Japan Cracks Methane Hydrate In Dramatic Leap For Global Energy”
“Japan has extracted natural “ice” gas from methane hydrates beneath the sea off its coasts in a technological coup, opening up a super-resource that could meet the country’s gas needs for the next century and radically change the world’s energy outlook.”
Incompetence or intentional misdirection?
It is hard not to become a conspiracist with stuff like this. It is easy to remember those – including George Bush – for whom the truth was useful but not essential to achieving one’s goals.
How widespread in the eco-green movement is the belief that the ends justifies the means?
“Incompetence or intentional misdirection?”
“How widespread in the eco-green movement is the belief that the ends justifies the means?”
All-pervasive. Scratch a German green and you find red.
[…] Media Of Deception: Germany’s Public Media Mislead Their Audience, Link 16,000 Tsunami Deaths To F…. […]