East German March 2013 Coldest In 130 Years. “Dramatic Temperature Deviations” All The Way To Siberia!

The Mitteldeutsche Zeitung (Central German Newspaper) reports on Europe’s extended brutal winter. In today’s online article, it reminds us that the cold is not only a phenomenon that is isolated in Central Europe, but one that is widespread and extends all the way across Russia to Siberia.

The article writes that there’s lots of data showing that March, 2013, was a record cold month, citing German meteorologist Dominik Jung

In northeast Germany, March 2013 was even the coldest March in 130 years. However, not only Germany and wide areas of Europe suffered from the cold wave reports Dominik Jung: ‘Quite to the contrary, the dramatic negative temperature deviations from the 1981 -2010 longterm mean were widespread across western, central, eastern Europe, all the way to Siberia.‘  Moreover, there were many regions in North and South America where it was very cold. … the cold in Germany was no single isolated case here.”

I never knew global warming could cause such widespread cold.  I thought it was supposed to make things warmer.


11 responses to “East German March 2013 Coldest In 130 Years. “Dramatic Temperature Deviations” All The Way To Siberia!”

  1. Emka

    This is still just regional weather. Movement of cold and warm air across the globe. The UAH March 2013 anomaly for the seemingly record cold northern hemisphere is +0.332c compared to the 30 year average.

    1. DirkH

      “Movement of cold and warm air across the globe. ”

      The cold air is CO2-rich and should therefore warm us ; not by its temperature but by emission of large amounts of infrared radiation. It is a warming blanket, to cite a metaphor constantly used by CO2AGW scientists.

      Are you saying that it would be even colder without the elevated CO2 levels?

      Then, it is a very good thing that we have increased the CO2 levels; and are now only back to temperatures of 1881. Otherwise, we would probably be back to temperatures of the Younger Dryas by now.

      1. Emka

        I’m just looking at local and global temperature records. The effects of CO2 seem quite uncertain.

        1. Ed Caryl

          Uncertain, because it nearly doesn’t exist. Sun cycles dominate.

  2. ArndB

    http://www.itv.com – 3.April 2013; The cold March of 2013 – a record breaker
    For the UK as a whole this March was the joint second coldest on record, alongside 1947.
    Based on the 1981-2010 long-term average, and taking into account records dating back to 1910, 1962 still holds the crown with a monthly mean temperature of 1.9 °C. This year the UK averaged 2.2°C.

  3. DirkH

    Forget about the current German government. They are as crazy as the Greens.
    A propaganda painting from the BMBF
    by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (Germany)

  4. DirkH

    Italian “King of alternative energy” Vito Nicastri suffers slight setback – police seizes 1.7 bn $ worth of assets including 43 companies.

  5. Juergen Uhlemann

    Irish Met Office report for March 2013
    “Very cold everywhere, records set at a number of locations” http://www.met.ie/climate/MonthlyWeather/clim-2013-Mar.pdf

    Dublin Airport – coldest March since the site opened in 1942 (71 years)

    All stations:
    DIFFERENCE FROM AVERAGE FOR PERIOD 1981-2010 – between -2.1°C and -3.5°C

  6. Weekly Climate and Energy News Roundup | Watts Up With That?

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