CFACT Observes: “A UN Climate Conference Is An Unrealistic Wonderland”

CFACT is attending the Bonn Climate Conference and will be holding a press conference tomorrow morning on Wednesday. As CFACT has observed, Europe is a pretty tough place to be for reality. Europe wants to green-colonize the rest of the world, after all.

Here’s the announcement from CFACT:

CFACT press conference at UN climate conference in Bonn

will call for UN and Obama to acknowledge
global temperature standstill,

to abandon bias and extreme statements and to embrace debate

(Bonn) CFACT will hold a press conference at the UN conference on climate change at Hotel Maritim, Bonn, Wednesday, June 5th at 11:30 AM in room Haydn.

“We at CFACT continue to be amazed at how people stay on their global warming talking points at UN climate conferences as if no new information had come in,” said CFACT Executive Director Craig Rucker. “They pay no heed to real world observational data, or the expense, ineffectiveness, waste, fraud and abuse surrounding the policies being proposed. A UN climate conference is an unrealistic wonderland.”

Measurements of world temperatures show world temperatures to have stalled with no significant warming since the nineties. IPCC climate models and real world temperatures have diverged and the Earth is cooler than projected.

CFACT recently erected a billboard graphing world temperature data reported by the U.K. Met Office in Washington D.C. to raise awareness, however, the U.S. executive branch is operating within a similar information bubble to that which encloses the UNFCCC.

“I don’t have much patience for people who deny climate change” the American President said last Wednesday. His new Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz said, “I am not interested in debating what is not debatable.”

“President Obama is not being well advised.” Rucker said. “He appears to have accepted an extreme position and may well be completely uninformed about the global temperature standstill. Obama’s use of the loaded and offensive term “deny” coupled with Moniz’s call for closed minds and stifled debate are the exact opposite of what is called for. This is the kind of rhetoric which has eroded public confidence in the climate process. This is not a way forward citizens of the world can have confidence in.”

At Wednesday’s press conference CFACT will provide evidence which contradicts extreme public climate pronouncements and will provide examples of climate policy waste, fraud and abuse.

CFACT is a UNFCCC accredited NGO and the veteran of numerous UN conferences. CFACT is your ‘go to’ source for news and information for those seeking to balance coverage with reporting which challenges climate and sustainability orthodoxy. CFACT is available to all media. Call to schedule an interview.


4 responses to “CFACT Observes: “A UN Climate Conference Is An Unrealistic Wonderland””

  1. Barking Spider

    “I don’t have much patience for people who deny climate change”

    So says Obama – funny that, AGW sceptics feel exactly the same way about him.

  2. RoyFOMR

    “I don’t have much patience for people who deny climate change” the American President said last Wednesday. His new Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz said, “I am not interested in debating what is not debatable.”
    L Frank Baum’, in the Wizard of Oz, created “The Man Behind the Curtain”; an individual of ultimate authority, infallibility and wisdom.
    Debating “He who must be obeyed” views would , at best, indicate severe mental-instability and, at worst, an admission of treachery.
    Like all good fairy tales it had a happy ending once the curtain had been pulled back to reveal the weak, grasping and delusional wizard who hid behind it!
    Fast forward to the present and it’s hard to differentiate between fact and fiction.
    Today “The Man behind the Curtain” is, no other than, the most powerful man on earth. The curtain is now consensus-clad and woven from the finest gossamer and tissue that can be bought from Big-science.
    Those who humbled the fictional despots- a motley, unwanted and impecunious crew – may have parallels with our current sceptical bloggers (: notwithstanding the Big-Tin, Oil-Man shill AdHom 🙂
    The happy ending is still uncertain but, fingers crossed, it’ll be more of the Yellow Brick, and less of the Green Trick, Road.

  3. DirkH

    O/T Hardcore Green Altmaier stops fracking law to protect German Beer from pollution. The debate is beyond bizarre. Nobody mentions that fracking has been taking place since the 60ies in Lower Saxony. German quality journalists happy to lie by omission to the populace. Are you all members of those Quality In Science reporting groups, German journalists? How did that work out for you so far?

  4. UN Climate Delegates Unaware Global Warming Stopped 16 Years Ago (Video) | The Tree of Mamre

    […] CFACT Observes: “A UN Climate Conference Is An Unrealistic Wonderland” […]

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