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Obama's / Washington's Paranoia Leads To An Isolated America...US Foreign Policy Disintgrates

Obama’s / Washington’s Paranoia Leads To An Isolated America…US Foreign Policy Disintgrates

America’s spying activities remind me of a paranoid husband who hires a private eye to keep constant tabs on his wife. It’s time for America’s foreign policy leaders to visit the shrink and to cure its neurosis. Spiegel’s print edition cover story today features Snowden and Obama on the front cover: This week’s SPIEGEL cover: […]

New Survey: Climate Alarmism Is Waning…Now “Germans Predominantly Unalarmed About Global Warming”

Online CO2 Handel here reports that German news weekly FOCUS recently commissioned a survey on how Germans view climate change: According to the survey of 1004 persons, conducted by Emnid at the end of May: 63% of Germans think that warnings of future global warming are justified. 28% feel they are exaggerated. 8% think that […]

“Yes We Scan”…Germans Don’t Trust Obama Anymore

What follows is a very worthwhile read on data security. …now imagine if you had access to millions of similar data sets. You could easily draw maps, tracing communication and movement. You could see which individuals, families or groups were communicating with one another. You could identify any social group and determine its major actors. […]

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