Climate-Skeptic Rapper Performs At Heartland Conference In Las Vegas…Getting Message Through To The Youth

Some NTZ readers may recognize the face of a person who appeared at the recent Heartland: Austrian rapper Kilez More, whom NoTricksZone featured on couple of occasions. I’m also proud to say that NoTricksZone had a hand in helping to organize Kilez’s appearance in Las Vegas. So for me watching him at the end the following video is particularly gratifying. I hope you’ll take time to watch his short speech.

Kilez gets introduced by the great James Delingpole (1:54:30) and starts his act at the 2:02:55 mark. (Excuse the substantial technical-audio breakdown during his performance).

Kilez_HeartlandSo what business would a young rapper artist have performing before a crowd of staid, humorless scientists who probably use slide rules to tie their shoes? I mean dancer/singer types and climate scientists are about as opposite as you can get. Well Kilez produced a skeptic rap song hammering at “climate science”. At Youtube his music video has been viewed close to 120,000 times.

“Manipulation from schools, teachers, universities…”

In his run-up speech at the Heartland Conference before his rap performance Kilez talks about the formidable social and institutional forces acting to indoctrinate the youth with man-made climate change dogma, recalling the “manipulation from schools, teachers, universities and everything“.  He adds, “History shows us that when everyone has the same opinion, then you have to take a second look. And there is an old saying in Austria which says: ‘When everybody says yes, then go ahead and say no. And if everybody stands, then start moving. And most important of all, when everybody is quiet, then speak out loud.'”

What impresses the most about Kilez is the aura of fearlessness, energy, optimism and confidence he exudes, not appearing at all to be intimidated. I like how he tells James Taylor he isn’t yet finished. I wish his speech had been longer, much longer. The fresh energy he offers is sorely needed at times.

Inspired by Climategate

He recounts how he did his own research and realized that what bothered him the most was not that the debate was hidden, but what the climate issue was being used for: “All the taxes, all the laws” and the burning of biofuel was coming at the expense of the poor. Ultimately it was the Climategate affair that spurred him to produce his hit rap music video.

He then tells of the backlash he faced and of how activists even badgered festival organizers to get them to keep Kilez off stage and how he has to fight these battles against activist forces day in and day out. But his cheer and humor are unstoppable, and even infectious…and implies that the trip to Vegas makes it worth it.

Young people won’t buy books on the subject

After the rap performance (unfortunately with audio-technical defects) he emphasizes the importance of the skeptic message reaching young people and that the video acts as a “door-opener” for them as it takes a complex subject and transport it to them. Music and song acts as a first step to get young people to take a closer look, as they aren’t likely to go to the bookstore to buy a book about it. Finally, he praises the impact the video is having because he feels it is indeed opening the doors for open debate among the younger generation.

Kilez could have taken the easy path and opted to play along with the leanings of the showbiz industry, but instead he has elected to go against a powerful social headwind because he feels it is the right thing to do. That’s the mark of a courageous man. Keep it going, Kilez!

Hope to read your comments!

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4 responses to “Climate-Skeptic Rapper Performs At Heartland Conference In Las Vegas…Getting Message Through To The Youth”

  1. Ric Werme

    “staid, humorless scientists who probably use slide rules to tie their shoes?”

    Whoa – my slide rules are treasured antiques. I don’t use them on my shoes!

    Humorless? Indeed – we’re all waiting for the second coming of Gary Larson. He is going to come out of retirement, right? Please? 🙂

  2. Sommar i Narvik - Stockholmsinitiativet - Klimatupplysningen

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  3. mwhite

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