Here’s some double-barrel hypocrisy, again straight out of Hollywood.
Photo by: Nicolas Genin, licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic license.
Last week big Obamacare booster and anti-CO2 activist George Clooney took his private jet all the way from Las Angeles across the US, Canada, and the Atlantic, before finally landing in Germany…to seek medical help for his chronic back problems. Apparently Obamacare and America’s best physicians are unable to take care of it.
Much of the German media have been reporting on Mr. Clooney’s visit to a clinic in Solingen last Friday, see video here.
The actor had himself examined last Friday by the Neurosurgery Department of the Städtischen Klinikums Solingen, so confirmed clinic director Hermann-Josef Bökmann, according to the DPA news agency.”
I guess Obamacare and the US medical system aren’t good enough for the ailing actor.
And how does the environmentally conscious Clooney justify burning tonnes of jet fuel and spewing greenhouse gases directly into upper troposphere (where it supposedly really hurts the climate)? Well damn it, my back hurts! And Obamacare is for the simple folks, anyway.
The media also report that this month Clooney will be taking his jet to Italy to get married. For that event Hollywood stars Ben Affleck, Brad Pitt and Matt Damon will also be flying in on private jet(s), also spewing more tonnes of greenhouse gas into the upper troposphere on the carbon account of Mr. Clooney.
Spiegel writes here that last Friday’s examination took “several hours” and looked into his chronic back problems/pain stemming from an accident he suffered while filming “Syriana“. Spiegel also adds Clooney had admitted to alcohol problems, and taking pain-killers to keep the back pain bearable.
Searching for that 1 non-consensus doctor?
So why did he really fly by private jet all the way to Europe for private care? I’d guess he’s decided not to take the advice of 99% of the doctors at home, who have likely advised him that the needed treatment is (risky) back surgery involving who knows what.
This is not really the kind of medicine anyone likes to swallow, especially when you know the treatment could seriously alter lifestyle. Yet, let’s recall how Clooney once spoke to the public on following doctors’ advice and that of activist climate scientists:
If you have 99 percent of doctors who tell you ‘you are sick’ and 1 percent that says ‘you’re fine,’ you probably want to hang out with, check it up for the 99. You know what I mean?”
Obviously George is searching the corners of the globe, in his private jet, for that 1 doctor who doesn’t agree with the other 99, climate protection and medical consensus be damned. Do as I say, not as I do. Skepticism for me, but not for you.
Personally I don’t blame Clooney for being skeptical. The medical establishment, like climate science, has far too many quacks who are in it for themselves.
Looking at Clooney I’d say his main problem is mineral deficiencies…wouldn’t surprise me if it’s a lack of calcium. Also he shows signs of copper deficiency. A few cents worth of minerals per day for a few months could be all that is needed. But hey, not to worry though! The quack doctors have lots drugs, treatments and scalpels for whatever ails you. It’s free – Obamacare pays for it all!
I love your argument about the 99% of the doctors. Warmists often ask us what would we do if 99 doctors told us we had such a disease, and one said we don’t, who would we trust. Well I am keeping this post and will ask them to ask the Warmist George Clooney what he ‘would’ do? 😉
Thanks. I got a kick out of Clooney’s refusal to believe the consensus of doctors in USA.
Clooney’s back injury “……..turned out to be a torn dura mater, a membrane that covers the spinal cord. Common symptoms include severe headaches that give way to spinal fluid leaks.”
We have to cut George some slack. His jet is not using fossil fuels any longer.
He switched to a blend of pure hypocrisy and rich-boy arrogance a few years back.
“Syriana” was a United Arab Emirates financed film from billionaire eBay co-founder Jeff Skol’s Participant Media, producers of Al Gore’s “Inconvenient Truth” and many more subtle movies with better concealed social activist subtexts.
Participants next release will, however, be completely in your face, Naomi Oreskes “Merchants of Doubt”.
How do you get the idea he might have copper deficiency, Pierre?
I’ve been reading up quite a bit on nutrition lately and recall reading somewhere that copper deficiency can contribute to the development of slipped or herniated discs, leads to gray hair, wrinkles, bad connective tissues, etc. Many people attribute these things to “getting old”, but often “getting old” is helped along by nutritional deficiencies. Getting old and stiff is normal at ages 75+…but severe problems before 60 are often related to nutritional deficiencies. Doctors love to blame things on genetics, etc. but that’s only because they have no clue. Of course discussing nutrition is as hopeless as discussing religion…strong opinions on all sides.
We have about 70mg of copper in our bodies and it is essential to all species for enzymes that produce energy and many other essential processes in our bodies. Too much, however, can cause illness and even death.
There is little danger that our diet doesn’t provide enough copper as it is abundant in many foods. We need about 1.2mg a day and meat, seafood, almonds, walnuts, mushrooms are good providers. A normal person’s diet can contain up to 6mg a day.
Without copper our cholesterol and blood pressure go up and we struggle to digest glucose. As always it seems that a decent, balanced, diet is the fundamental route to a healthy body.
Balanced with what? Using the USDA nutritional guidelines? What a joke that is! Some people are even calling it genocide by nutrition.
Look around and see where it has gotten America – diabetes epidemic of epic proportions. The question of what the right balance is is hotly disputed.
I’ve changed a few simple things, and have noticed a massive improvement…so much so that I’m actually amazed. I really do feel 15 years younger then I did 5 months ago. Big Food and Big Pharama in my view are corrupt as hell.
I think all this ice bucket challenge is nonsense. What are they going to do with all the millions? Look for a cure? Wrong- they are going to look for a “treatment”. There’s a huge difference. One is highly profitable, the other isn’t. There’s no money in healthy people. The big bucks are with sick people…especially if they are sick their whole lives.
Thanks for the info about copper; and nice to hear that you’re feeling younger.
And yes, your built-in mechanisms can’t work properly if key elements are not available.
I’ve read that in ancient Syria, doctors were paid a regular fee, as long as the client was healthy. When illness ocurred, payment stopped, presumeably until the person was cured or death intervened. So the medics had a strong incitement for getting the patient well again.
Perhaps they focused more on preventing illness, so that the doctor was not only used to cure a disease, but had a more holistic function? But then, it may be just a story.
Basically that’s the business model of a health insurance.
“So the medics had a strong incitement for getting the patient well again.” or killing the patient 😉
The “killing” just needs to be prolonged over years or even decades, and of course be disguised as “treatment”.
I know I’m being very cynical. But too many doctors are merely drug dealers for Big Pharma.
Pierre; the problem with MD’s is that they do not learn about nutrition or body chemistry . They learn what treatment is supposed to help for which ailment.
If you want nutritional information you must ask the pharmacist girls working in the German pharmacies (Apotheken). They all have a degree in pharmacy.
You can also ask them when your Doctor prescribes you a drug. Just ask them what they know about its effects. They’re great and love to help.
In the past I just took the medicine without asking. Not anymore.
It turns out, as you correctly say, the “Apothekerins” (“pharmacists in US, chemists in UK) really do know quite a bit about nutrition and medicines and it’s worth asking them about it. I agree doctors are totally clueless when it comes to nutrition. The only thing many learned was how to be a good drug dealer for Big Pharma.
Ask many patients what their doctor said about how long the medicine will have to be taken, too many say “for the rest of my life”. Great business!
I knew one guy who was on so many different drugs that he couldn’t walk anymore. Finally the patient wheeled himself to another doctor, a good one, who told him to get rid of all the medicines and prescribed just one or two to replace the 20+ he had been taking. Lo and behold, the patient was able to walk again! I kid you not!
When people ask you to just believe the climate scientists, it’s like being asked to just believe the drug-peddling physicians.
George not the only one heading to Germany:-
“01 September 2014 – The Met Office has announced the launch of its renewable energy services in Germany.
Increasing uptake of its renewables offerings in targeted European countries is a key growth objective for the Met Office, which continues to increase its market share in the UK.
The German market is set to see a dramatic shift towards offshore activity. According to the Global Wind Energy Council, by 2020 installed onshore wind capacity is predicted to increase by 40% to reach 45,000MW, whilst offshore capacity will increase by 1,460% to 6,000MW………”
What’s so tough about installing “capacity”? Doesn’t do one bit of good if the wind doesn’t blow and don’t have the lines to bring it to market when it does.
Even if the wind is blowing, some sites are having a tough time: the Bard 1 (400 MW Offshore Wind Park) is apparently still idle!
Haven’t they run out of diesel fuel by now?
They’re still being tight-lipped about the problems. Still trouble-shooting. Update & re-connection to the Grid now postponed till end September. Meanwhile, the mechanisms are prevented from seizing thanks to the availability of the evil Diesel fuel. Go figure.
If he could fly all that way then his back is not that poor. I know from bitter experience. Terrible indictment of Obamacare and the quality of care it can provide … “If you want your medical insurance, you can have your medical insurance.” (or words to that effect). Clearly not so.
If he could fly all that way then his back is not that poor. I know from bitter experience. Terrible indictment of Obamacare and the quality of care it can provide … "If you want your medical insurance, you can have your medical insurance." (or words to that effect). Clearly not so..
Not sure about copper or native copper Pierre and I suspect you are not pregnant, but if you were best not take it as copper sulphate. The preferred fungicide/herbicide of “organic” vegetable growers is alleged to be not too good for gestating females.
You’re going off the rails with the subject….Look up copper as a nutritional mineral and follow the recommended guidelines. That’s all I’m saying.
Keep in mind that many birth defects are not at all due to “genetics”…but because the mother had mineral/vitamin deficiencies during pregnancy. Her nutrition-ignoramus doctor of course will never admit this, and just blame the defects on genetics.
The comment was really intended as tongue-in-cheek Pierre. I used copper sulphate regularly for years to control algae in our swimming pool, all the women of the family used the pool regularly, including during pregnancy, with no observed ill effects. Like everything it’s a matter of weighing the evidence for and against, before you take the plunge, if you’ll pardon the pun.
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Gotta love those limosine libs, they’re nothing if not consistent.
“Watching your carbon footprint is for thee, not for me.”
“Poverty for all in the name of ‘fairness’ is for thee, not for me.”
“ObamaCare is for thee, not for me.”
It’s amazing how the hypocrite train shuffles on as long as they can print money to hand out freebies.
“Our Kentucky boy has lost all Respect from the people in Kentucky for supporting “Obama” George could have come home to The University of Cincinnati Hospital which is one of the best hospitals in this Country. George needs to put some of his money back into his home area, you are “HOLLYWOOD CESSPOOL TRASH NOW GEORGE” Sencerly Kentucky pride ):