I was out of town for the weekend, enjoying the record warm weekend, which is why the blogging was on the slow side. Now that I’m back, I see the world is still as kooky as ever. Here’s a short one from the DkS site:
Highly Urgent Topic: Presentation “Gender division of labor in climate change” at the University of Bremen on 12 November 2014
By Sebastian Lüning and Fritz Vahrenholt
(Translated/edited by P Gosselin)
On November 12, 2014 a colloquium by the artec research centre for sustainability is taking place at the University of Bremen at 4 pm. The colloquium focuses on a topic that has long been a pressing issue and has been the source of many sleepless nights:
Value creation and value appreciation: Gender division of labor in climate change
Speaker: Dr. Sybille Bauriedl, Bayreuth Academy of Advanced African Studies”
So what could possibly be behind this title? Is the suspected climate change going to lead men to finally getting off their lazy butts and helping out with the ironing and laundry? Or is the looming heat going to lead men to not being able to help out at all because they’ll be confined to sweating profusely on a hammock? Lots of questions, but no answers.
At the speaker’s website we happen to come across another important presentation from a year ago:
Social construction of climate change. How and what can feminist research contribute to gendered climate policy?”
This is something we have always asked ourselves. Or what about this presentation here by Bauriedl from 2012:
Climate justice and gender justice: women in the climate trap”
Women in the climate trap. The insidious climate catastrophe apparently has had the world of women in its sights. Unfortunately the site does not offer any presentation files, which we would have loved to have a look at.
It is truly interesting to observe where our tax dollars are going. For Ms Bauriedl and her occupation, it would certainly be catastrophic if it ever turned out that everyone had over-estimated climate change for years and if the dreaded catastrophe never materialized.
The magic key to getting your latest paper published is to insert the phrase “climate change”, no matter the real (or unreal) subject.
Haven’t and won’t read the paper. Will file it under
Climate change
Against no
No, just delete ‘change’ whenever ‘climate change’ appears, and either banality or absurdity will be made apparent.
This just means that the lesbians populating the gender studies professorships try to leech off some climate money. Secondary parasitism if you will. Put them in a cage with the climatists for a deathfight for the money.
Insane German environment minister Barbara Hendricks wants to shut down coal power plants.
more insanity. Germany wants to become an especially righteous climate protector. Only this way can we stay under 2 deg C warming, say Edenhofer, Hendricks, other assorted luminaries. CO2 emissions need to be cut by 40% (relativ to 1990) til 2020. This will not be easy. One luminary called Wanka (no pun intended) plans to cut the CO2 emissions of… wait for it… ATM’s and ticket machines ! By a great amount! Didn’t know they run on Diesel!
“dw” is “Deutsche Welle”, a kind of padded room with a connected radio transmitter.