By P Gosselin on 8. November 2014
Canadian philosophical researcher Shawn Alli has posted a highly critical series titled: The CO2 Climate Change Cult Series. Philosophy researcher, book author, Shawn Alli thinks global warming science has “cult-like status”. Photo source here. Though he does not appear to be some famous academic professor, his series does poignantly bring up a number of inconvenient points […]
Posted in Scepticism |
By P Gosselin on 7. November 2014
Germany’s formidable green/climate movement is deeply deflated over the GOP’s grand midterm election success. Especially the many German greens and socialists are struggling to fathom what happened and are only left to conclude that Americans must be just too stupid to appreciate all that President Obama and the Democrats have done and to understand the climate […]
Posted in Activism, Climate Politics, IPCC |
By P Gosselin on 6. November 2014
The online Salzburg Austria ORF site here writes: “Despite climate change, winters in the Salzburg mountains over the past 30 years have not gotten warmer, rather they have gotten colder.” 0.9°C drop since 1984 The ORF site writes that this is based on a study commissioned by the Schmittenhöhe Bahnen. The ORF site adds: “Independent meteorologists confirmed […]
Posted in Cooling/Temperature, Glaciers |
By P Gosselin on 5. November 2014
The Germany-based European Institute for Climate and Energy (EIKE) presents a detailed analysis on the IPCC’s recently published final 40-page Synthesis Report released earlier this month. Image source: IPCC EIKE, however, concludes that the IPCC report is fraught with error and distortion. Author Klaus-Eckart Puls writes: Not only does it contain major contradictions, simplifications and […]
Posted in Activism, IPCC, We're To Blame |
By P Gosselin on 5. November 2014
UPDATE: Read Carbon Brief here for implications of GOP victory =============================== When it comes to climate change policymaking, the proposed so-called global treaty designed to protect climate (i.e. the global temperature, precipitation amounts, pressures, relative humidities, wind speeds, etc.) now faces a formidable obstacle: a US Congress now in the hands of the GOP Party. DRUDGE writes: […]
Posted in Climate Politics |
By P Gosselin on 4. November 2014
A heated exchange has just taken place at Twitter between Spiegel science journalist Axel Bojanowski and some of Germany’s leading climate alarmism politicians and ideologues who are pushing for a fast-track green coup d’état. The row swirls around a critical opinion piece written by Bojanowski – on the roadmap-for-politicians IPCC final Synthesis Report. The Spiegel piece […]
Posted in Activism, IPCC, Scepticism |
By P Gosselin on 3. November 2014
It’s early November and now is a good time to look at some of this year’s global crop harvest results. Let’s recall that global warming models projected poor harvests and hunger in the future due to droughts (and floods). But that is hardly the case…at least certainly for this year. And recall how Joe Bastardi last spring […]
Posted in Agriculture, CO2 and GHG |
By P Gosselin on 3. November 2014
An Empirical Review of Recent Trends in the Greenhouse Effect By Robin Pittwood, Kiwi Thinker Abstract The core of the human caused global warming proposition is that an increasing level of greenhouse gases acts to reduce heat loss from the planet making the atmosphere here warmer. The amount of warming anticipated by the IPCC models […]
Posted in CO2 and GHG, IPCC, Models |
By P Gosselin on 2. November 2014
I was out of town for the weekend, enjoying the record warm weekend, which is why the blogging was on the slow side. Now that I’m back, I see the world is still as kooky as ever. Here’s a short one from the DkS site: =================================== Highly Urgent Topic: Presentation “Gender division of labor in […]
Posted in Activism, Green Follies |
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