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What Using NONE Of The World’s Fossil Fuels Would Do To Human Society …Hundreds Of Millions Dead In Just Weeks!

The latest dubious climate scare story just out involves a far-fetched thought-spiel that creates a scenario of what would happen if all the world’s fossil fuels were burned – that scenario all based on an inflated CO2 climate sensitivity and crystal ball quality science. The theorized result would be the possible melting of Antarctic ice and a 120+meter rise […]

Universities Aggressively Suppressing Other Climate Views And Open Scientific Debate, Says Former NOAA Meteorologist

The Suppression of Natural Cycles Research by Universities – Is It To Protect Grant Money? By David Dilley Former NOAA meteorologist, (Now CEO of On August 26, 2015, NoTricksZone published the article: “Gross Suppression of Science…Former NOAA Meteorologist Says Employees Not to Talk About Natural Cycles” where in it I wrote how the National […]

Body Of Science Continues To Grow …Solar Impact On Climate System Is Major And Unequivocal

Sebastian Lüning and Fritz Vahrenholt present more scientific papers showing the clear and major connection between solar activity and climate. ============================== The sun drives the climate: Proof of the 90 and 200-year cycles in the earth’s climate history By Dr. Sebastian Lüning and Prof. Fritz Vahrenholt (Translated/edited by P Gosselin) Solar activity fluctuates very much in […]

Review By German Experts Show That Even The 11-Year Solar Cycle Has Undeniable Impact On Global Climate

German geologist Sebastian Lüning and Prof. Fritz Vahrenholt focus on a number of papers that clearly show the sun’s unquestionable impact on the earth’s climate. =================================== The sun drives climate: 11-year cycles shown in natural climate archives By Dr. Sebastian Lüning and Prof. Fritz Vahrenholt (Translated/edited by P Gosselin) Solar activity fluctuates in sync with […]

Already 23 Papers Supporting Sun As Major Climate Factor In 2015 ...Burgeoning Evidence No Longer Dismissible!

Already 23 Papers Supporting Sun As Major Climate Factor In 2015 …Burgeoning Evidence No Longer Dismissible!

What’s new on solar energy? Overview of the latest papers on complex topic of sun/climate By Dr. Sebastian Lüning and Prof. Fritz Vahrenholt (Translated, edited by P Gosselin) More than three years ago (February 2012) our book Die kalte Sonne (see right) made its debut. In it we described a vast variety of scientific results […]

Warming? 171,000 Alpacas, 15 Children Died Due To “Unusually Harsh Winter” This Year In Peru!

In South America winter is coming to an end, and in some parts with great relief because of its “unusual” harshness. The Peru Reports site here wrote that extreme cold killed 21 people, among them 15 children in Peru (emphasis added): Peru’s government is rushing to provide relief in the southern state of Puno, where a […]

Climate Ambulance Chasers Without Borders! Every Location Now Designated The Climate “Ground Zero”

As the pause extends and many regions not cooperating with the earlier forecasts on a number of measures, climate alarmists and activists media have been left with chasing isolated weather events across the globe and designating them the “ground zero” of climate. Reader Jimbo has complied a list of these so-called “climate ground zeros”, scattered all […]

Ireland Sees Coldest Summer In 30 Years! ...North Atlantic, Scandinavia, Northern Russia Endure Frigid Summer

Ireland Sees Coldest Summer In 30 Years! …North Atlantic, Scandinavia, Northern Russia Endure Frigid Summer

The data on this year’s meteorological summer (June-July-August) are coming in and they tell us trouble is brewing at the high latitudes. I reported here on this earlier. The Irish warming famine First, fresh data from Ireland show that the country had one of the coldest summers in living memory, despite near average sunshine. The Irish News […]

Shrill Alarmism Backfires…Squandered Credibility, Potsdam Institute Scientist Wonders Why No One Heeds Daily Climate Alarms

Stefan Rahmstorf’s Nightmare By Dr. Sebastian Lüning and Prof. Fritz Vahrenholt When facts and arguments stop convincing, then the only thing left to do is to argue at an emotional level. Climate activists have produced a website where IPCC-cozy scientists expressed their concerns in hand-written letters. One of the writers was Stefan Rahmstorf of the Potsdam Institute for […]

Something Awfully Wrong With Global Warming Science And Predictions: 4-Year Global Cyclone Energy Near 45-Year Low!

Something Awfully Wrong With Global Warming Science And Predictions: 4-Year Global Cyclone Energy Near 45-Year Low!

UPDATE/CORRECTION: At Twitter Dr. Ryan Maue writes that the data used at is “very wrong”. Dr. Maue even adds that ACE is in fact currently “nearing a peak b/c of El Nino“ Who’s right? Looks like Dr. Maue has the right figures and the ACE is peaking: Note: The global 4-year ACE still remains […]

Welcome Islamic Neighbors: Europe Welcomes You With Open Arms! ...Yours For The Taking!

Welcome Islamic Neighbors: Europe Welcomes You With Open Arms! …Yours For The Taking!

I’m feeling cynical this evening. Off topic… How incompetent and clueless are Europe’s leaders? Well this may be the first time in human history that Europe has chosen not to defend itself against an invasion. In fact it is even surrealistically welcoming it! Dear Islamists, you have been dreaming a long time of overrunning Europe, with […]

Spiegel Slams Sorrowful State Of Climate Science Communication! “Reports Hardly Trustworthy” …”Arrogant Scientists”

Spiegel science journalist Axel Bojanowski here writes a harsh but well-deserved analysis of the heated debate now raging in climate science. One thing that we can gather from his analysis is that consensus is totally absent, and that it is very difficult to trust any report on climate science nowadays. He writes in the sub-headline: Reports […]

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