Polar Stability: Antarctic Cold Deepens, Arctic Refuses To Melt Faster In June/July 2017

Schneefan at his excellent German climate and weather site wobleibtdieerderwaermung.de here reports that Arctic sea ice has grown in mass recently, defying the doomsday scenarios that a re-hyperventilating Al Gore has been hawking lately.

Schneefan writes that Arctic sea ice volume at the start of August at about the mean of the 2004 – 2013 values (see black line below in chart).

Source: http://polarportal.dk/en/havisen-i-arktis/nbsp/sea-ice-extent/

The current ice volume is well above that seen in the previous two years, 2015 and 2016. Greenland surface mass balance also shows significantly more snow and ice this year.

Arctic summer melt slows down

Arctic sea ice area at the end of July 2017 showed an unusual levelling off (curve correction?), as indicated by the red curve inside the black circle in the following chart and thus shows a far less likelihood of setting a new low, which a number of experts had been speculating earlier this year.

Source: arctic-roos.org/observations/ice-area-and-extent-in-arctic

Another point is central Arctic sea ice extent, which in 2017 was at the highest July level in 2017 seen in the past 5 years, Schneefan points out:

Source: nsidc.org/data/masie/masie_plots

After a mild winter, Arctic temperatures north of 80°N latitude have been below normal since April, according to data and he chart by by the Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI) below.

With this development in mind, Schneefan writes that Arctic sea ice extent is virtually unchanged since 2006/2007, and:

There is nothing to the almost ice-free Arctic projections by 2016 at the latest and the ridiculous prognoses made by Al Gore and Peter Wadhams!”

2-m surface temperature satellite data of Antarctica in the following chart showed a sub-cooled South Pole in July, 2017 (left) and also in June 2017 (right):

South polar temperature anomaly for July (left) and June (right) 2017 with respect to the WMO 1981-2010 mean. The circle indicates the area of the Larsen C Ice Shelf where a large chunk of ice broke off due to calving recently. Source: www.karstenhaustein.com/climate.php.


20 responses to “Polar Stability: Antarctic Cold Deepens, Arctic Refuses To Melt Faster In June/July 2017”

  1. mwhite

    Don’t know if you are aware of this one


    “This just in from our onboard journalist, @worldexplaura: ‘Flying over Iceland on our way to Anchorage. It’ll take over 40 hours to get to our final destination of Nome, Alaska. From there we board two Polar yachts and head North as we try and become the first in history to sail to the North Pole”(31/07/17)

    The North Pole from Nome?

    1. mwhite
    2. JMS Martins

      They probably took what they have seen on Googleearth for granted: there is no ice above the North Pole (according to Googleearth, of course…)

      1. Ron Clutz

        The article above used MASIE as source for the Central Arctic graph. MASIE also produces ice extent masks in Googleearth format. They show a lot of ice every year, and this year is no exception.


    3. Juergen Uhlemann

      The last attempt I know about was in 2013 and it failed. They had to be rescued by a Russian ice breaker.

      Maybe they should have tried it in 1958

      1. AndyG55
    4. John F. Hultquist
  2. D. Holliday

    Looks like your caption for the Antarctica polar temperature anomaly is reversed. Please check.

  3. crosspatch

    A couple of the reasons for the increased volume:

    1: More old, fresh, multiyear ice than we have seen in a long time. The inventory of old ice has rebuilt since 2007 when wind flushed a lot of it into the Atlantic.

    2: Wind directions have been keeping ice more consolidated and not scattering it. Winds have been light to southerly along the Fram Strait, for example, on the east coast of Greenland. This is resulting in less ice taking that route into the Atlantic from the pole (though it is causing something of a jam of calved glacial bergs that are only very slowly moving)

    1. John F. Hultquist

      “… since 2007 when wind flushed …”

      Fram and Nares Straits — here is one link [there is a nice animation too, but I don’t have the link]

      NASA’s JPL via WUWT

  4. sunsettommy

    Well now,another year of failed no summer ice prediction coming on…..

    Warmists needs to drop the idea that the Arctic region is a “canary in the coal mine” situation.

    1. roger

      Oh well!
      Neven mind!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Lars Mellblom


    Of cause, people can sail to the North Pole! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q-2RjjhCBLo

  6. Erik Pedersen

    So, the ice extent in the north increases, the ice on Greenland as well and the ice on the East Antartica. Why all this alarming? It can’t be reason enough that Al Gore hyperventilates…

    1. AndyG55

      Its the increase that is alarming.

      A lesser amount of sea ice would have been highly beneficial to those living up there.

      Fishing, Travel, Commerce would have been possible again like before the LIA.

      Increasing sea ice, sort of implies that we are heading back towards the BITTERLY cold times of that most inhospitable desperate and cold period.

      That would NOT be good !!!

    2. AndyG55

      The ONLY good thing about increasing sea ice would be that it would shut the child-minded Arctic bed-wetters up, at least for a short while, …

      … until they decided that CO2 was causing the increase.

  7. Alfred (Melbourne)

    I like the name of this guy Schneefan – the first part means snow in German and the last is an expletive in Swedish.

    1. John F. Hultquist

      a funny story about snow — language alert!

    2. Nigel S

      Kurt Wallander uses it quite a lot!

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