An empirical analysis using 2005-2015 data from 15 EU countries indicates that as more renewable energies (i.e., solar PV) are deployed, energy costs increase, household poverty risks rise, and incomes decline.
Image Source: Pereira et al., 2019
In contrast to the negative consequences of switching from fossil fuels to renewables, Dr. Tadesse Weldu Teklu affirms “CO2 emission (energy consumption) is directly correlated to economic prosperity and industrialization.”
Therefore, least developed countries (LDCs) such as Ethiopia should “increase her CO2 emission per capita as much as possible” to escape from the renewables-centered “poverty trap” foisted upon them by “Earth-friendly” wealthy countries.
Besides, fossil fuel consumption will inevitably continue to grow and maintain a similar share to today’s (~80%) by 2040 despite symbolic “destined to fail” Paris agreement gestures.
“This is an unexpected finding, …”
Wrong. E = mc^2
A 1st year physics student, with a little guidance from ntz, could show wind and solar were/are bad ideas.
Reading the Pereira et al., 2019 paper shows that they are politically left leaning Green advocates …
Their only marketing option is —
Incorporating RES is no longer a simple question of dispatch priority and guaranteed returns. …
… To enable households to enjoy a green electricity mix at reduced costs, governments and policy makers must be prepared to:
(i) promote electricity conservation;
(ii) subsidise more efficient home appliances instead of RES deployment;
(iii) reward changes in consumption routines, through schemes such as electricity tariff differentiation; and
(iv) encourage people to generate their own electricity, not through subsidies, but through low-interest rates.
Tariff differentiation, if properly explained to consumers, could help them to adapt their consumption to periods with a higher availability of natural resources. Thus, it would reduce electricity prices and bills, and prevent sections of European society from falling into a poverty trap.
This is just applying subsidies differently. Have these people never heard of ‘market economics’? A system that forces prices down when allowed to function correctly. Remove all subsidies and allow the market to find it own mix of suppliers!
Also of note is that they are changing the ‘utility’ of electricity supply into a ‘natural resource’.
No! Electricity supply like clean water, natural gas supply, proper garbage collection and disposal, transportation infrastructure planning/maintenance, and proper sewage treatment, are utilities (i.e. normal and reliable public/private cost efficient suppliers) to citizens in an advanced and civilized, western industrial democracies. When electricity supplies become just another ‘natural resource’, civil communities soon suffer hardship and decline. Make any large city in a western style democracy suffer without reliable electricity and it will soon be a city in decline.
This paper is another of many that misuses the word “renewable” when referring to wind and solar. A renewable resource is something that is not depleted when used. The components that are essential to collect energy from these ambient sources cannot deliver enough energy over their life to enable their replication so they are unrenewable sources.
Germany is beginning to suffer economic harm from its energy policies:
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