By Kenneth Richard on 18. April 2019
According to the calculations of Dr. James Hansen, the radiative influence derived from the increase in CO2 during the last deglaciation was so negligible that it equated to “a third of energy required to power a honey bee in flight” (Ellis and Palmer, 2016). Image Source: Ellis and Palmer, 2016 Between about 22,000 and 17,000 […]
Posted in Climate Sensitivity, CO2 and GHG, Glaciers, Paleo-climatology |
By P Gosselin on 17. April 2019
NDR north German television recently broadcast a report about the protests against a planned windpark near the German village of Kreien, some 200 km east of Hamburg. White tail eagles being chased away from nest by loudspeakers in order to clear the way for permitting 14 wind turbines over 200 meters tall in Northern Germany. […]
Posted in Alternative Energy |
By P Gosselin on 16. April 2019
According to German online business daily Handelsblatt here, German electricity are set to get significantly more expensive in 2019 due to the power grid becoming 8 percent more expensive to use. This will make already painfully high electricity prices even more excruciating. The Handelsblatt cites calculations by German think tank “Agora Energiewende”, which reports that […]
Posted in Alternative Energy |
By Kenneth Richard on 15. April 2019
A potential wind turbine installation on the island of Crete may be poised to drive an endangered raptor population to extinction. Recent studies have found the favored “renewable” energies – wind and solar – are not effective, even counteractive, when it comes to reducing emissions from fossil fuels. Solar PV installation, for example, results in […]
Posted in Green Follies, Solar, Wind Power |
By P Gosselin on 14. April 2019
At the latest Saturday Summary at Weatherbell Analytics, Joe Bastardi, a well-known 40-year veteran of meteorology, looks at tornadoes and hurricanes. Although many meteorologists and climatologists confirm that there is no data suggesting global warming is causing more frequent and intense tornado and hurricane activity, there is a small but influential alarmist group who claim […]
Posted in Alarmism, Hurricanes/Tornados |
By P Gosselin on 13. April 2019
High profile German meteorologist Donald Bäcker recently told an audience that there remains great uncertainty as to what is really behind climate change. He told the biggest problem the planet faces is waste, particularly plastic in the oceans. Hat-tip: Donald Bäcker regularly gives his weather forecasts on flagship German public television and spoke in […]
Posted in Scepticism |
By P Gosselin on 12. April 2019
German climate skepticism may have awakened, and ironically it may in large part be an unintended consequence of the “Greta demonstrations”. Germans may be finally getting fed up with the hysteria that has emptied out schools and turned into an ambush on their industrial jobs. German geologist Dr. Sebastian Lüning, who together with Prof. Fritz […]
Posted in Activism, Alarmism, Scepticism |
By Kenneth Richard on 11. April 2019
In most scientific fields, hypotheses that fail to be verified by real-world observations 85% to 100% of the time are rejected immediately. In Consensus Climate Science, when 126 of 126, 111 of 114, 42 of 49… modeled projections are wrong, or when the opposite sign of the modeled trend is observed, the climate models are […]
Posted in Models |
By P Gosselin on 10. April 2019
Climate disaster? Grain production almost quadrupled worldwide while the population doubled over past 60 years! Michael Krueger (Translated/ edited by P Gosselin) In these times of Fridays for Future led by Greta Thunberg, all experts and self-proclaimed experts are talking about how badly the earth is doing and warning that planet earth is about to […]
Posted in Agriculture, Alarmism |
By P Gosselin on 9. April 2019
German political analysis and commentary site Freie Welt here has an article on how millions of Germans are increasingly unable to afford electric power. Germany’s Energiewende ‘ risks shorting out as millions struggle to pay their electricity bills. Image cropped here. While a number of commodities such as electronics, electrical goods and computing power across […]
Posted in Alternative Energy, Climate Politics |
By Kenneth Richard on 8. April 2019
An empirical analysis using 2005-2015 data from 15 EU countries indicates that as more renewable energies (i.e., solar PV) are deployed, energy costs increase, household poverty risks rise, and incomes decline. Image Source: Pereira et al., 2019 In contrast to the negative consequences of switching from fossil fuels to renewables, Dr. Tadesse Weldu Teklu affirms […]
Posted in Alternative Energy, Climate Politics, Green Follies |
By P Gosselin on 7. April 2019
By Kirye and P. Gosselin We often hear how the climate is changing everywhere, like in California. Listening to the media we get the impression that the Golden State is drying out and risks burning up, before heavy rains hit. Others claim the state is facing “weather whiplash” because climate change will make the weather […]
Posted in Alarmism, Drought and Deserts |
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