By P Gosselin on 19. January 2020
That’s right, last week a panel, made up of 4 pompous linguists and one journalist, chose “climate hysteria” as Germany’s taboo word (un-word) of 2019. Image: Discriminatory, disguising or misleading The Unwort des Jahres (un-word of the year) is a new or recently popularized term used in Germany which a panel deems “violates human […]
Posted in Activism |
By P Gosselin on 18. January 2020
Not long ago one (right wing) politician warned before the German Parliament that the bicycle as a means of transport was extremely dangerous – especially for children – and thus ought not be promoted. “Highly impractical and dangerous” This of course brought ridicule from the infallible leftists and greens – and yes, even from German […]
Posted in Alternative Energy |
By P Gosselin on 17. January 2020
By Kirye and P. Gosselin Yes, climate change is real. But what they don’t tell us is that in many places that change has gone in the opposite direction of what alarmists like to have us think. Moreover, that change is obviously driven far more by natural causes, such as solar and oceanic cycles, and […]
Posted in Alternative Energy, Cooling/Temperature |
By Kenneth Richard on 16. January 2020
The onslaught of paleoclimate evidence for warmer-than-now Mid-Holocene climates – when the Earth’s sea levels were meters higher than they are today – stormed through 2019. There were 107 scientific papers published this past year indicating today’s warmth isn’t even close to being unusual or unprecedented when compared to the climates of the last centuries […]
Posted in Paleo-climatology, Sea Levels |
By P Gosselin on 15. January 2020
At his German news commentary site, Gabor Steingart reports on the results of the latest ARD German public broadcasting trend analyses. Here it’s clear that German citizens are speaking loud and clear on the topic of climate protection: not so fast! Rush to Green Deal without support Lately the media and politicians have been pushing […]
Posted in Climate Politics, Cooling/Temperature |
By P Gosselin on 14. January 2020
News from Antarctica: how’s the ice? By Kalte Sonne (German text translated/edited by P. Gosselin) The ice in Antarctica, how is it doing? Is it melting, is it growing? In the following we wishto present the latest literature on the subject. There is a lot to report. Fasten your seat belt, there’s a lot to […]
Posted in Antarctic |
By Kenneth Richard on 13. January 2020
The current furor about an alleged connection between climate change, CO2 emissions, and Australian fires finds no support in the scientific literature. According to scientists, rising CO2 concentrations reduce fire ignition and burned area. Further, both global-scale and Australian fires were far more pervasive during the colder Little Ice Age. Here’s what the scientific literature […]
Posted in Alarmism, Fire |
By P Gosselin on 12. January 2020
By Kirye and P. Gosselin Global warming alarmists like claiming that a certain place is seeing more warming and climate change than everywhere else. Remarkably, they say that about almost everywhere, which of course makes no sense. Today we look at Canadian temperature trends using the data from the Japan Meteorological Institute (JMA) for stations […]
Posted in Cooling/Temperature |
By P Gosselin on 11. January 2020
German climate blogger Snow Fan here presents some background on Australian bush fires. It turns out that the 1974/75 bush fires were considerably larger in area than the 2019/20 bush fires we have been witnessing. The Australian bush fires of 2019/20 have seen an area as big as southern Germany (see above). But in 1974/75, […]
Posted in Alarmism, Drought and Deserts |
By P Gosselin on 10. January 2020
Climate alarmist scientists refuted Distinguished climate expert Roger Pielke Jr. tweeted on recent findings contradicting alarmist claims that tropical storms have slowed down (thus stick around longer and wreak more devastation) or are more frequent and intense. First, lets look at frequency and intensity. No detected upward intensity/frequency trend at all In an article appearing […]
Posted in Hurricanes/Tornados |
By P Gosselin on 9. January 2020
Though the media like to tell their audience that man-made climate change is leading to more extreme weather, the data don’t support it. In fact, one could easily argue that Japan’s climate is more agreeable today. By Kirye in Tokyo and Pierre Gosselin No trend in long-term annual precipitation Over the past 100 years, for […]
Posted in Cooling/Temperature, Hurricanes/Tornados, Natural Variability, Sea Levels, Weather |
By P Gosselin on 8. January 2020
Hat-tip: Die kalte Sonne In 2019, weather-related events in Germany caused insured damage to houses, household contents, commerce, industry and motor vehicles amounting to 3.2 billion euros. This is the result of preliminary figures published in a press release by the German Insurance Association (GDV). The level is thus at the previous year’s level and […]
Posted in Hurricanes/Tornados, Misc. |
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