Greta’s, The Guardian’s Latest Panic Attack Over Antarctica Record Ignores Cooling Trends Of Recent Decades

In her latest panic attack, teenage Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg – citing the Guardian –  once again appeared to be proclaiming the end of the world was a step closer when she tweeted Antarctica has set a new record high temperature:

Two new warm records

According to the Guardian, “The 20.75C logged by Brazilian scientists at Seymour Island on 9 February was almost a full degree higher than the previous record of 19.8C, taken on Signy Island in January 1982.”

That reading, the Guardian reports, follows the February 6 record of 18.3C recorded at the Argentinian research station, Esperanza measured.

As is the case with most alarmists, every warm single datapoint anomaly gets uncritically accepted with open arms as solid evidence of man-made global warming while cold trends get dismissed or downgraded as “natural variability”.

Seymour Island has been cooling for over a quarter century

So we have two recent warm records set at and near the Antarctic peninsula over the past week or so and that means the region there is heating up, alarmists like Greta and the Guardian want us to believe. But what are the real TRENDS there? Do the 2 recent warm records mean the region is heating up.

Looking at official data from NASA, it turns out that warming isn’t true. And because climate is always changing, the temperature in the region in question has also not remained completely steady. The only possibility left? COOLING.

Seymour Island, also known as Marambio Island is an island in the chain of 16 major islands around the tip of the Graham Land on the Antarctic Peninsula. What follows is a plot of the mean annual temperature measured at Seymour Island – based on NASA data – going back to the time all the global warming predictions began in earnest:

Contrary to that implied by The Guardian and Greta, the island has in fact cooled a bit during the period, despite the warm spike of 2016.

13 of 13 Antarctic Peninsula/island stations cooling

Next we look at the Antarctic Peninsula, which global warming alarmists also like to have us believe is teetering on the brink of meltdown. Not long ago Japanese climate blogger Kirye posted a chart showing the mean annual temperatures of 13 stations located there – going back two decades.

For alarmists, the results turn out to be terribly inconvenient. The following map shows the location of the stations:

The following chart shows the plots of the mean annual temperature of the 13 stations, using NASA Version 4 unadjusted data:

13 of 13 Antarctic Peninsula and nearby island stations show cooling over the past 21 years. There hasn’t been any warming there so far this century. Data source: NASA GISS, Version 4 unadjusted. 

Natural ocean cycles

Buried near the end of the Guardian article is mention of the real reason behind Antarctic temperature trends:

Scientists on the Brazilian Antarctic programme say this appears to be influenced by shifts in ocean currents and El Niño events: “We have climatic changes in the atmosphere, which is closely related to changes in permafrost and the ocean. The whole thing is very interrelated.”

Indeed it is. Very likely in ways the climate alarmists prefer not to mention.

14 responses to “Greta’s, The Guardian’s Latest Panic Attack Over Antarctica Record Ignores Cooling Trends Of Recent Decades”

  1. Steve

    Personally I feel rather sorry for the young brainwashed Greta.

    1. mikewaite

      Why feel sorry. She has amassed a fortune already and is still only 17. She has a doctorate despite missing school, having published no papers or thesis and without any prior qualifications in relevant science or maths.
      And she is about to get her own BBC documentary series.
      The rubbish she spouts, or shouts, is picked up and repeated word for word by UK politicians and made the basis of legislation to impoverish the lives of 60 million citizens in the UK alone.
      And you feel sorry for her?

  2. Barbara McNeill

    St Greta is a permanently miserable, anxious kid who seeks to alleviate her unhappiness by focusing on a perceived enemy. It has ever been thus with visionaries, prophets and other doomsday characters. Climate Change is just another apocalyptic cult, high on drama and low on common sense.

    1. Steve

      Well said !

    2. Mike Ellwood

      Before all this started, she was a poor unfortunate dysfunctional kid, as her parents have described. Having been given this mission in life, she then started eating and talking again, behaving (somewhat) normally.

      So, basically, you, me, and the rest of the world are providing ongoing occupational therapy for poor Greta.

      Personally, I would have prescribed megadose vitamins & some minerals for her. Might not have worked, but it would have been far less costly and less trouble for everyone else.

  3. Greta's, The Guardian's Latest Panic Attack Over Antarctica Record Ignores Cooling Trends Of Recent Decades | Un hobby...

    […] P. Gosselin, February 15, 2020 in […]

  4. Senex

    Did anyone panic in 1982 when the previous record was set?

    1. Stephen Way

      Good point !

  5. mikewaite

    Why feel sorry. She has amassed a fortune already and is still only 17. She has a doctorate despite missing school, having published no papers or thesis and without any prior qualifications in relevant science or maths.
    And she is about to get her own BBC documentary series.
    The rubbish she spouts, or shouts, is picked up and repeated word for word by UK politicians and made the basis of legislation to impoverish the lives of 60 million citizens in the UK alone.
    And you feel sorry for her?

  6. Steve

    Well I did not know what you claim.

    But so what? She is just a tool for the fanatics and she looks God damned miserable to me.

  7. Ottokring

    This nonsense was repeated on the Austrian channel Puls4’s breakfast show this morning (17 Feb). Illustrated with picturez of flooded Venice and a graphic of the Statue of Liberty up to her waist in water. The implication of course was that the whole Antarctic was 20 degrees.

  8. Joe Germany

    The 20.75 is a fake:
    However, statements by Brazilians have already called into question their colleagues from Argentina.
    According to them, on this day the temperature did not exceed 15.5 degrees. reports say that researchers logged a temperature of 20.75°C. Mr Cerveny cautioned that it is premature to say that Antarctica has exceeded 20°C for the first time.

    Media reports say that researchers logged a temperature of 20.75°C.
    Mr Cerveny (WMO) cautioned that it is premature to say that Antarctica has exceeded 20°C for the first time.

    There is no cance that WMO accept this record (use google translate if you don’t know french):

  9. La péninsule Antarctique se porte bien | Science, climat et énergie

    […] ne se réchauffe pas depuis 25 ans. Ceci est confirmé par d’autres analyses (voir ici et ici) et il est dommage qu’une fois de plus les médias ne fassent pas plus preuve de rigueur […]

  10. La péninsule Antarctique se porte bien | Un hobby...

    […] Antarctique ne se réchauffe pas depuis 25 ans. Ceci est confirmé par d’autres analyses (voir ici et ici) et il est dommage qu’une fois de plus les médias ne fassent pas plus preuve de rigueur […]

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