Overwhelming Rejection! German Community Shoots Down Planned Wind Park By Vote Of 269 – 11

Onshore wind energy in Germany has long lost its luster as a “clean” way to produce electricity in Germany.

Currently green energy proponents are pushing to significantly ease restrictions against the construction of wind parks, and don’t want to hear any complaints from pesky local citizens. But resistance to projects has reached a massive scale.

Wind turbines welcome only by their developers and operators. German citizens no longer welcome them. Photo: Pierre Gosselin

Across the country people have come to realize that although the produced electricity from wind is CO2 emissions free, the massive environmental impacts the huge industrial contraptions are having on the landscape, regional environment and public health risks aren’t worth it.

Local citizens reject planned local wind park

Today we find another powerful example of how wind projects planned near communities are being overwhelmingly rejected.

Near the North German community of Ovelgönnes, citizens shot down plans to build a wind park comprising four 200-meter tall Vesta 126 wind turbines each with a rated capacity of 3.45 MW, reports the daily Nordwest Zeitung (NWZ).

The generator hub height is planned for 137 meters, close to 200 meters at the tip of the blade.

In mid January, local citizens gathered for an information evening aimed at explaining what the project was about. But as reported by the NWZ, the project proponents were met with “severe opposition” to their plans. The article described the information meeting as “charged with emotion”.

One local resident claimed: “Here personal effort for profits is being placed above the common good.” Another resident accused the project supporters of “putting public health at risk”.

Only 600 meters setback

A preliminary plan by wind park builder Windstrom shows that the turbines would be a mere 600 meters away from the nearest homes and only 1000 meters from the community of Großenmeer, east of the proposed park.

Image: Windstrom

Rejected 269 – 11

The project went to a vote earlier this week, reported the Nordwest Zeitung (NWZ). The result was devastating: only 11 (4%) were in favor of the park, 269 (94%) were against.
Hat-tip: Jens Schluter at FaceBook

8 responses to “Overwhelming Rejection! German Community Shoots Down Planned Wind Park By Vote Of 269 – 11”

  1. Overwhelming Rejection! German Community Shoots Down Planned Wind Park By Vote Of 269 – 11 — NoTricksZone - Climate- Science.press

    […] über Overwhelming Rejection! German Community Shoots Down Planned Wind Park By Vote Of 269 – 11 — NoT… […]

  2. Ric Werme

    Only 1 km from town? What were they thinking? An 200m tall. I wonder why the 11 votes for it. 🙂

  3. Richard Mann

    We need urgent action, to stop Industrial Wind Turbines now due to known health harm. This is not an economic issue it is an ethics issue. Please ask anyone who denies health harm of Industrial Wind Turbines to watch this presentation. University of Waterloo, Waterloo Ontario Canada.

    Title: “Infrasound and Low Frequency Noise: Physics & Cells, History & Health”
    Speaker: Dr Mariana Alves-Pereira
    Location: University of Waterloo
    Date: September 12, 2019

    Video archive of presentation:

    Dr. Alves-Pereira’s research profile is at www. researchgate.net/profile/Mariana_Alves-pereira

    Note; there is approx 2 mins of dead air at the beginning. The talk is ~50 minutes, followed by a long Q&A

  4. Sommer


    Expert on harm to health from LFN and infrasound, Dr. Mariana Alves-Pereira’s comment is to the effect that if there are children in your home being exposed to infrasound from industrial scale turbines you should “flee faster”!

    Why should people be forced by this threat to health to flee their homes? Forced relocation is absolutely unacceptable!
    Is this why the German people are overwhelmingly rejecting this ‘windpark’?

  5. drumphish

    Living in the vicinity of wind park, oxymoron time, it would be like the movie ‘Groundhog Day’ where every single day is going to be the very same, miserable.


  6. richard

    When will they realise that CO2 is beneficial.

  7. Drtivé odmítnutí! Německé město sestřelilo plánovaný větrný park 269:11 hlasům - Reformy.cz
  8. Mark Needham


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