Germany’s July Wind Energy Takes A Summer Vacation, Showing Country’s Renewable Energies Remain Unreliable

By Die kalte Sonne

(Translated/edited by P. Gosselin)

In a guest article in the German DIE ZEIT, Rainer Moormann and Anna Veronika Wendland recently mentioned the subject of the nuclear phase-out. There is a replica of it at, written by Nicole Weinhold. In it the author puts forward the idea that a simultaneous phase-out of coal and nuclear power is possible solely in Germany on the basis of a CO2 price. Unfortunately, she does not explain exactly how this should work. A pity.

Some of the readers’ comments take up this specifically and come to the conclusion that more capacity of renewable energies does not automatically mean more electricity from them. The windless months of June and July 2020 are a good example of this. The Fraunhofer Energy Chart shows July, 2020. First of all, the yield of wind power:

Power production in Germany in July, 2020

As the chart above shows, mid July wind energy went on summer holidays, in addition to a number of off days throughout the month.

Shown next is the energy supply breakdown for July:

Net power generation in Germany in July 2020

The gray shows the non-renewable energy share, the yellow depicts the renewable share. 

How do you replace 28% of electricity production when coal and nuclear power are no longer used?

How are you supposed to generate 50% of the electricity when renewables only have a 50% share in a summer month? As Ms Weinhold was told, scaling is not enough, because every number multiplied by zero is zero.

This all means Germany’s dream of being powered by renewable energies is a long way off.

5 responses to “Germany’s July Wind Energy Takes A Summer Vacation, Showing Country’s Renewable Energies Remain Unreliable”

  1. Curious George

    When you run out of generation management tools, you have to apply demand management tools.

    1. Yonason

      The Socialist end-game in a nutshell.

  2. A C Osborn

    Do they show the installed capacity of Wind, Solar etc?

  3. Graeme No.3

    And in winter time they will burn lots of wood and household rubbish to generate heat (and claim it is renewable).

  4. Weekly Climate and Energy News Roundup #418 | Watts Up With That?

    […] Germany’s July Wind Energy Takes A Summer Vacation, Showing Country’s Renewable Energies… […]

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