German experts are warning new upcoming government that German energy woes are very serious. “Exploding prices”…”plant closures irresponsible”…”dramatic de-industrialization”…saving climate from German soil “illusory”
Experts warn of Germany’s “illusory” global climate rescue fantasy. Photo copyright by P. Gosselin.
Germany’s national elections took place last month and currently the country socialist SPD, Greens and Freed Democrats are in negotiations to hammer out a coalition agreement. It’s expected that they’ll succeed in forming a new government led by the SPD’s Olaf Schultz.
One of the most pressing issues is Germany’s energy supply, where currently the country is in the adventurous process of phasing out baseload nuclear and coal generated power – a project the potential junior coalition partners The Greens want to see done by 2030!
To have any hope of doing so, Germany’s already massive wind energy capacity would have to be at least tripled – meaning wind parks would have to be erected in forests and the countryside – a measure natural conservationists are vehemently opposed to.
Also German energy prices have been exploding, and action must be taken quickly to address the issue.
Germany’ wind protest group EnergieVernunft Mitteldeutschland e.V. recently published a catalogue of demands for the new upcoming government. What follows is the press release:(subheadings added)
Berlin, October 19, 2021: In light of the worrying gas and electricity price developments, climate and energy experts from the SPD, CDU, and FDP parties — as well as energy experts and representatives of associations — criticized Germany’s climate and energy policies while calling for a package of measures to address the IPPC’s recommendations to secure the energy supply base of the Federal Republic.
Exploding prices
‘Exploding energy prices and supply bottlenecks are above all a sign of shortage, and against this background the closure of the last six nuclear power plants in the next 14 months is irresponsible,’ says Prof. Dr. Fritz Vahrenholt (SPD), former Senator for the Environment in Hamburg. ‘Instead, the recommendations of the IPCC should be followed, i.e. the use of nuclear power and CCS technologies,’ Vahrenholt continued.
Dramatic industrialization
Former Economics Minister of Saxony-Anhalt Dr. Horst Rehberger (FDP) is also sharply critical of the German energy transition. He said it had ushered in a dramatic de-industrialization. ‘Inexpensive and secure energy is essential for competitive industry. Expensive and unstable energy supply forces companies to migrate to other countries that allow competitive production with coal and nuclear energy.’
‘Illusory’ climate policy
The fact that wind turbines are also ecologically highly problematic is explained by agricultural scientist Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Merbach (CDU). He also emphasizes that saving the world’s climate from German soil is illusory and that no nation will follow Germany’s go-it-alone approach to climate and energy policy.
‘A business-as-usual approach is an aberration. Because if not counteracted, unimaginably high price effects and large-scale supply restrictions will be the result,’ added power plant engineer and book author Frank Hennig.
On the path to failure
‘The climate and energy policy of the Federal Government is on the path to failure – due to the laws of the physics, economics mathematical statistics,’ explains the speaker of over 1,000 citizen initiatives against wind power plants in the Federal Republic, Dr. Ing. Detlef Ahlborn.”
¨Freed Democrats¨ must be a ¨Freudian¨ slip.
The current energy price debacle is because, as Putin precisely identified, of ¨spot-prices¨ imposed by a free-market EU Commission. Long term contracts used to be the norm. Intermittent energy sources such as wind and solar, are bad enough, but when free-market spot-pricing kicks in expect fire-works!
So ask the potential candidates what they think of spot-pricing?
This nuttiness was pioneered by Houston TX, Enron Corp., better known as the Ranch at the Crooked E (see logo) long since bankrupt.
So the Ranch at the Crooked EU, does a remake – results are spectacular.
It looks like a characteristic of the human race is gullibility, the willingness of the uninformed to believe what they are told. It is only when things get really bad that the corrupt can be pushed aside leaving an opening for progress.
Don’t be silly bonbon, in free market you are free to make any contracts. That is what means free.
In Britain, and I expect Germany, information about the changing climate is certainly not free.
A free market doesn’t just mean freedom to sell goods (within agreed boundaries), it also requires free flow of (legal) information, without any duress.
The threats of being tattooed with the ‘D’ word shows that this is not the case.