Germany Green Transition Collapse: Electric Vehicle Sales Plummet 47% In First Half Of This Year!

91% of German e-car dealerships see current order situation as “poor” or “very poor” for the year.

Politicians in Germany had been racing to eliminate fossil fuel cars and replace them with e-cars. But then the technical and economic realities began to sink in – especially among private consumers, who are turning their backs on them in droves!

They should have listened to real science instead of all the activist funded rubbish.

Deutlicher Rückgang bei Nachfrage nach Elektroautos in Deutschland. Privatkunden bestellen in der ersten Jahreshälfte 47 % weniger E-Autos.

Sharp drop in demand for electric cars in Germany. Private customers order 47% fewer e-cars in the first half of the year. Image: AI-generated by Blackout News

Online German national daily ‘Welt’ here reports how electric car sales among private consumers in the first half of 2024 have fallen through the floor, dropping a whopping 47% compared to a year earlier. The massive drop is a major setback in the country’s rush to going “carbon neutral.”

Hat-tip: Blackout News

“Germans are becoming increasingly skeptical about electric cars. Current figures from car dealerships reveal an escalation in rejection,” reports ‘Welt‘. Especially private customers are rejecting e-vehicles. Hybrid cars are also seeing a massive drop, with sales plummeting 37% over the same period.

“Dealerships are not expecting any improvement for the second half of the year,” reports ‘Welt‘. “Of the car dealerships surveyed, 91% rate the order situation among private customers for purely electric cars as ‘poor’ or ‘very poor’ for the year as a whole.”

Meanwhile petrol and diesel engine car sales have risen 24% and 20% respectively.

Buyers have become turned off by the lousy national charging infrastructure, range limitations and high costs. Moreover, many consumers have begun to understand that e-cars are not that green after all and pose their own set of environmental challenges. Owning an e-car offers very few benefits, but come with high costs.

11 responses to “Germany Green Transition Collapse: Electric Vehicle Sales Plummet 4711 In First Half Of This Year!”

  1. Germany’s Green Dreams Falter As EV Sales Crash 47% In First Half Of Year –

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  5. Germany’s Green Dreams Falter As EV Sales Crash 47% In First Half Of Year - DB Energy Advisors

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  6. Germany’s Green Dreams Falter As EV Sales Crash 47% In First Half Of Year - Energy Realities

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  7.  Germany Green Transition Collapse: Electric Vehicle Sales Plummet 47% In First Half Of This Year! - Climate-

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  8. Germany’s Green Dreams Falter As EV Sales Crash 47% In First Half Of Year - The Crude Truth

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  9. Liardet Guy

    What is meant by ‘Carbon neutral’?

  10. Germany’s EV sales PLUMMET by almost half in first 6 months of 2024 –

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