Germany’s “Great Transformation” Rapidly Transforming Into The “Great Awakening”

Young Germans are rebelling…

In response to draconian COVID lockdowns, censorship, media bias, economic collapse and infrastructure decay, Germany’s youth swings to the right. 

Germany’s political establishment will soon pay dearly for its errors, arrogance and insolence. 

A profound and accelerating mood swing is underway across Germany, and nothing is stopping it. And the more the establishment tries to denounce it, the more the elites are getting rebuffed.

Germans, once seemed to be caught up in a dreamland and unwilling to wake up from it, appear to have finally awakened to the fact the country is in deep DEEP  trouble. Especially the the under 25 age group.

Quiet but powerful rebellion

Germany’s youth have woken up and have undergone a truly profound change of mind. The days of Fridays for Future, led by Greta Thunberg, have disappeared faster than a snowball on a hot summer day. Indeed, the youth have kept their “we’ll be watching you” promise, and, ironically, hate what they are now seeing: a crumbling of their country and future.

Now they are leading a quiet but powerful rebellion.

COVID lies

It started in 2020. Recall how just a few years ago, Germany’s young population was all caught up with Fridays For Future hype and climate hysteria. Then, suddenly, it got interrupted by the COVID pandemic. The youth, like everyone else, got locked down and were forced to abide by ridiculous rules and experimental medial treatment. No age group suffered more than young people under 20. Today these young people have since realized that the media and political establishment lied to them.

War lies and energy woes

The next fundamental lie then revealed: The warm and fuzzy Greens and Socialists weren’t pacifists at all but rather reckless warmongers who cheered on the war in Ukraine.

Next, a major natural gas pipeline was clandestinely sabotaged by the west, which led to skyrocketing energy prices and inflation. Suddenly the youth’s dreams of a future of prosperity went up in smoke. Next, the German Greens began to call for imposing harsh policies on everyone, threatening to make life even more unbearable for the poor.


To make things worse, during COVID and the Ukraine war, the youth became aware of just how “democratic” the west really was. Dissidents were silenced as censorship spread across major social media platforms. In Germany, and elsewhere in Europe, people expressing different views found themselves slandered and criminalized. Dissident leaders were even arrested and locked up.  Thousands of social media accounts were suspended.

In July, 2024, we saw Germany’s “far right” Compact magazine get raided by German special forces and shut down by the overzealous socialist Interior Minister, Nancy Faeser.

Last month, instant messaging service Telegram’s founder, Pavel Durov, was arrested by French authorities. His crime: providing free speech. The youth now realize how “free speech” in the west is just a joke.

Open borders and immigrant violence 

Last month’s killing of three people (and many more injured) by a Syrian refugee at a festival highlighted a long streak of growing violence by migrants. The public reacted by loudly calling Europe’s border policies into question. Despite a string of lofty promises, politicians have taken no real action to stem the flood of migrants from the Middle East and Africa.

Crime and violence have made many parts of Germany unsafe, and it’s dawning on the youth that their country is potentially going to hell in a basket. On September 1st, voters in the states of Saxony and Thuringia turned out in large numbers, and handed the right wing AfD party huge results.

Once voting Green, the youth under 18 have swung in masses to the right. Last August in Thuringia, 9000 youths under age 18 were asked in a survey who they would vote for. The winner by a huge margin was the right wing AfD party, pulling in 37.4% of the vote – more than double compared to 16.5% it got in 2019. The Greens, on the other hand, lost a whopping 83% of their supporters, see here.

German bridge is falling down

Popularity for the German Greens and Socialists is in collapse, and so is Germany’s infrastructure.

Last week, part of a major bridge in the Saxony city of Dresden mysteriously collapsed. The incident highlights Germany’s neglect of its own infrastructure while it funnels tens of billions of euros into dubious green projects at home and abroad. The collapse of the Dresden bridge is an accurate metaphor for Germany.

“Part of the AfD’s success can be attributed to its economic policy,” reports Unherd here. “It calls for an end to government subsidies that distort the market, an end to the country’s expensive green energy transition and, crucially, a reversal of the current deindustrialisation. If such moderate economic policy is abandoned by the centrists in power, then voters will look elsewhere.”

7 responses to “Germany’s “Great Transformation” Rapidly Transforming Into The “Great Awakening””

  1. oebele bruinsma

    “Young Germans rebel…

    In response to draconian COVID lockdowns, censorship, media bias, economic collapse and infrastructure decay, Germany’s youth swings to the right. ”

    As they say: The youth has the future!!

  2. John Hultquist

    Are there any results?
    For example, are nuclear facilities being reopened or subsidizes for wind curtailed?
    Such things might take a year or three, Yes?

  3. Luigi

    The key words are arrogance and insolence.
    Very well said!

  4. Marvel

    RE “the great awakening”

    The so-called “great awakenings” were historically never great because they did not last but a geological twitch in time at best, even in terms of human history they were only moments in time. They were only minor temporary awakenings.

    It’s the SAME today.

    Because nearly all people who ALLEGEDLY are waking up, almost ONLY see the evilness of the authorities in power.

    However, the fact that evil people rule is only ONE part of the equation. The pack of leading criminals do not operate in a vacuum, and never have. There are 2 destructive human pink elephants in the room and they are MARRIED — (that special report also explains WHY the majority of people anywhere at anytime are always asleep and never really permanently wake up)

    The criminals in power are in those positions and do what they do ONLY because of the mostly willful activities, or inactivities, of the majority of self-entitled “good” or “decent” or “awake” or “religious” people — the 90-95% of the herd.

    Here’s more reality that no “great awaking” is anywhere in sight.. billions of people are still using social media, google, and youtube. Or most “awake” (U.S.) people STILL believe the U.S. (=a genocidal regime/empire) is the “greatest nations on earth”, or that there is a democracy, or there’s a US vs China or Russia dichotomy, or a “democrats vs republicans” dichotomy, etc

    Or how most people welcome AI with open arms, or how most people still trust their allopathic doctor and blindly flock to them, or that the global public has made the “Oppenheimer” movie into a blockbuster hit, a total propaganda film censoring the atrocities done in Hiroshima/Nagasaki by the immoral murderous US empire’s propaganda factory called Hollywood, also proves there’s no great awakening anywhere.

    Or that lots of “smart” people buy/promote the books of Yuval Harari, a psychopaths partnered with psychopath Klaus Schwab’s WEF, and “think” he’s an intellectual genius, also proves there’s no great awakening anywhere on the planet. Or that there are still hundreds of millions of people who believe in Trump and other “leading authorities”also proves there’s no great awakening anywhere on the planet. Or that the vast majority of people in the Western world still use google as their primary search engine, or use google-owned youtube to upload videos also proves there’s no great awakening anywhere on the planet.

    Or that billions of people still believe in religions (=fabricated man-made self-serving fairy tales) proves, too, there’s no great awakening anywhere on the planet. Etc

    “Imagine a vaccine so safe you have to be threatened to take it.” — from a poster

    If you have been injected with Covid jabs/bioweapons and are concerned, then verify what batch number you were injected with at

    “So many believe when Biden goes all Alzheimer’s or an Epstein thing goes on or some other event that it looks like the controllers are losing, they are not. Their sociopathic brilliance is amazing. Right out of ‘the Art of War’. Let the enemy (us) think they are weak. This take down of humanity world-wide is war on MANY fronts…entertainment, education, religions, politics, health care, etc. All toxic and dangerous to society.” — E.J. Doyle, American songwriter and social critic, in 2024

    “Hiding behind goofy blog names, pontificating the same talking points as others is not activism. The “glue” of tribalism or a movement is long gone. Sovereign, free thinking behavior is long gone for the most part. Lost in belief of mythical heroes or saviors coming to set things right is foolishness.” — E.J. Doyle, songwriter

    “A slave is one who waits for someone to come and free him.” — Ezra Pound

    “Repeating what others say and think is not being awake. Humans have been sold many lies…God, Jesus, Democracy, Money, Education, etc. If you haven’t explored your beliefs about life, then you are not awake.” — E.J. Doyle, songwriter

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