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German Researcher: Doubling Of Atmospheric CO2 Causes Only 0.24°C Of Warming ...Practically Insignificant

German Researcher: Doubling Of Atmospheric CO2 Causes Only 0.24°C Of Warming …Practically Insignificant

The CO2 scam and “climate denial” German researcher concludes CO2 warming immensely exaggerated…. IR radiation of clouds considerably reduces the greenhouse effect of CO2.” The prosperity and political stability of our countries are in grave danger. The reason for this is an ideology that claims catastrophic climate change caused by the alleged “greenhouse gas” CO2 […]

New Study: Greenland Cooled by -0.11°C From 2000-2019 - Including All Ice Free And Ice Covered Areas

New Study: Greenland Cooled by -0.11°C From 2000-2019 – Including All Ice Free And Ice Covered Areas

Any 21st century ice melt across Greenland cannot be due to an accelerated warming trend, as the island as a whole has been cooling since the 1990s. New research analyzes two decades of Greenland land surface temperature (LST) data. Contrary to the popular narrative of a significant warming trend, Greenland has instead cooled from 2000-2019 […]

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