New Study: Greenland Cooled by -0.11°C From 2000-2019 – Including All Ice Free And Ice Covered Areas

Any 21st century ice melt across Greenland cannot be due to an accelerated warming trend, as the island as a whole has been cooling since the 1990s.

New research analyzes two decades of Greenland land surface temperature (LST) data. Contrary to the popular narrative of a significant warming trend, Greenland has instead cooled from 2000-2019 at a rate of -0.055°C per decade.

Southern Greenland also cooled from 1958-2001, suggesting the region has been cooling for over 60 years.

Any recent ice melt in Greenland thus cannot be due to surface warming, as LSTs have undergone a cooling trend in both ice free and ice covered areas.

Image Source: Pongsiri et al., 2024

4 responses to “New Study: Greenland Cooled by -0.11°C From 2000-2019 – Including All Ice Free And Ice Covered Areas”

  1. Senex

    There are multiple possible explanations that do not require a warming climate:

    1. Increased insolation due to decreased cloud cover.

    2. An increase in warm water influx from the northernmost reaches of the Gulf Stream / North Atlantic Drift.

    Geothermal activity – Greenland is not entirely geologically inactive, there are several known geothermal areas, including hot springs on Disko Island and in the southeast of Greenland proper. The tectonic / geothermal activity is not on the scale of Iceland or Western Antarctica, but it is possible there are more unknown sites underneath the icecap…

  2. New Study: Greenland Cooled by -0.11°C From 2000-2019 – Including All Ice Free and Ice-Covered Areas - Climate-

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