By Kyoji Kimoto
Fig.1 below is an energy budget of the earth having an atmospheric window.
In this case, OLR (Outgoing Longwave Radiation) is expressed as follows.:OLR= Fw (function of Ts, 17%) + Fu (function of Tu, 83%)
Ts – surface temperature,
Tu – upper troposphere temperature
Therefore, Tu increases as much as ~1C to restore the decreased OLR as much as 4(W/m2) at the tropopause with a CO2 doubling.
Fig.1. Energy budget of the earth (adapted from Fig.4.1 in Dorland, R.V., de Jager, dr. C., Versteegh, G.J.M., 2006. KNMI Report 50010200, 99-101)
In contrast, climate models were developed by Manabe, Hansen, Cess and Schlesinger using the energy budget of the earth by Fig. 2 having no atmospheric window.
Fig.2. Energy budget of the Earth by Ramanathan (1987)
Therefore 40 climate models participated in CMIP6 have no atmospheric window as shown by Fig. 3. In this case, surface temperature Ts increases as much as ~1C to restore the decreased OLR as much as 4(W/m2) at the tropopause with CO2 doubling.
Fig. 3: Wild (2020) CMIP6 (Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6)
Fig. 3 All sky was adapted in the following reference: Martin Wild, Climate Dynamics (2020) 55:553-577.
There is no theoretical basis for the Net Zero policy based on the man-made climate change narrative of the IPCC. It comes from the lack in knowledge of the atmospheric window of the energy budget of the earth by modelers.
Theoretically speaking, OLR is treated as one variable function as OLR= function (Ts) in climate models while in reality it is two variable function as OLR= function (Ts, Tu).
All people in the government who propagate global warming due to CO2, whether verbally or by voting, are knowingly lying, because the data from the Bundestag’s scientific service says otherwise. Their data shows that CO2 has reached a saturation point long ago. Even doubling the CO2 content causes almost no change in absorption.
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The CO2 range has largely reached 100% or is covered by other absorptions.
If you want to know exactly and understand physics, you can take a closer look here (activate auto-subs). Since the video is deleted from time to time, just search for “Dr. Bernhard Strehl”.
How did this nonsense get published? The atmospheric window is known in the global energy budget:'s-Energy-Budget-Poster-Radiant-Energy-System-satellite-infrared-radiation-fluxes.jpg
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[…] The surface of the earth cools by convection, not radiation. The atmosphere cools by radiation, not … […]