Climate Stagnation: Tokyo And Hachijojima Island Have Seen No December Warming In Decades!

Charts by Kirye
Text by Pierre

The December, 2024, untampered mean temperature data from the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) are in for Tokyo and its Hachijojima island  – there’s been no fall warming in decades for the month of December.

First we present the latest plot of December mean temperatures for Tokyo since 1975:

Data source: JMA here

Over the past 50 years, the December mean temperatures in Tokyo have been declining slightly, and not warming like climate alarmists like to have us believe. This is data from the JMA and you are free to check it yourself.

December, Hachijojima last 100 years

Next we look at the rural Pacific island of Hachijojima, some 275 km off the Japan mainland, and away from all the urban heat sources. We plot the latest December data going back to 1923 – over 100 years!

Source: JMA

There’s been no warming in December on this rural island in decades. Where’s the climate change? It’s been climate stagnation!

Granted that’s just the month of December, but we hope to soon present the annual data for these two interesting locations. Stay tuned!

10 responses to “Climate Stagnation: Tokyo And Hachijojima Island Have Seen No December Warming In Decades!”

  1. oebele bruinsma

    Another demonstration of the “Climate crisis” hoax.

  2. Climate Stagnation: Tokyo And Hachi Jojima Island Have Seen No December Warming in Decades! – Climate-

    […] From NoTrickZone […]

  3. kamir bouchareb st

    thank you

  4. Jän

    It’s climate change, not every place and every time gets warmer, there are even some places that are even getting colder and we also experience more extremes.

    Tokio is actually a good example for this, because the annual mean air temperature increased by four degrees Celsius since 1900.

    Sources: Japan Meteorological Agency; Statista

    1. John Brown

      Tokio nuch bigger now.

      Heat Island need looking at.

    2. Chris Phillips

      Tokyo is a great example of the Urban Heat Island effect. That is all.

      1. Jän


        You know, that he intentionally misleaded you with this article, so why do you change the topic in the comments suddenly? You should critisize the article and tell the author, that he forgot to mention the Urband Heat Island effect.

    3. Pepe

      Funny how you used the same source as the article and yet came up with different data, right? 🙂

      This is what this site has been about most of the time I’m afraid. I’ve been following it for years now, hoping to see some more positive news about climate change, but the irony is that while this site claims that the “alarmists” manipulate data to paint a bleak picture, this site actually often does the same to paint a rosy picture and this article is a good example of that.

      What’s even worse, as others have already pointed out, this site is quite inconsistent in some of the key claims and it’s hard to not see that with the growing amount of articles. The bottom line unfortunately is that no matter what role CO2 really plays or doesn’t play in climate change, or what the planet temperature has or hasn’t been thousands of years ago, the global mean temperature records for the past 100+ years tell a clear story.

      I live in Eastern Europe and as much as I still hate to admit it, the historical meteorological data from some of the key stations around here show a clear trend; while in the beginning of the 20th century it is rare to find years with warm winter months (meaning mostly positive temperatures), in the start of the 21st century it’s rare to find the opposite (months with mostly negative temperatures), it’s unfortunately as simple as that.

  5. John F. Hultquist

    Although there seems to be a slight increase in temperature of the atmosphere since 1850 or so, there is no place I know of that has had a change in the climate. Places around the Mediterranean Sea have not been advertising their Nordic climate, nor Florida claiming it has the climate of Nova Scotia. Where I live still has the same cold winters and hot dry summers it has had for about 10,000 years. There are still pine forests to the west and steppe to the east. Analyses of lake sediments {limnology} confirms the long existence of these biomes in the current locations.
    I cannot find evidence of “more extremes” in weather. Further, changes in weather show no pattern that links to Carbon Dioxide concentration in the atmosphere.

  6. kamir bouchareb st


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