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A Biased Anti-Warming, Anti-CO2 Model Fails To Account For Profoundly Positive Effects Of Rising CO2

A Biased Anti-Warming, Anti-CO2 Model Fails To Account For Profoundly Positive Effects Of Rising CO2

It turns out the benefits of rising CO2 concentrations offsets any projected agricultural damage from climate warming. In 2023 US EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) activists dubiously raised the “social cost of carbon” (SCC) five-fold due to unsupportable forecasts of agricultural deterioration and declining crop yields resulting from doubled CO2 and consequent climate warming. The 500% […]

Waking Up To Harsh Reality: Airbus Abandon’s Hydrogen Powered Airplanes

Green pie-in-the-sky dream crash lands on the runway of reality. Like communism did in the 20th century, the green revolution has produced an infinite number of fantasies, promises and unrealistic dreams. Amateurish plans that look wonderful on paper are turning out to be complete nonsense when put to the test of reality. Blackout News reports […]

Another New Study Finds Warming Has Missed China For Centuries

Another New Study Finds Warming Has Missed China For Centuries

There has been no net warming at 3 mid-latitude study sites in China since 1916 (Tongbai Mountain), 1663 (Shimen Mountain), and 1541 (Xinlong). Zheng et al., 2025

German Rail Operator Switches Back To Diesel Locomotives, Hopes Measure Will Be Temporary

German Rail Operator Switches Back To Diesel Locomotives, Hopes Measure Will Be Temporary

Germany’s Blackout News here reports the latest example of what happens when green energy fantasies clash with reality, in this case trains powered by hydrogen. Symbol image. Source: Alstom press release here.  According to the Rhein-Main-Verkehrsverbund (RMV), the hydrogen trains on the Taunusbahn have been temporarily taken out of service and  diesel locomotives are being […]

New Study: Today's Climate Models 'Do Not Agree With Reality' And Thus Their Usefulness Is 'Doubtful'

New Study: Today’s Climate Models ‘Do Not Agree With Reality’ And Thus Their Usefulness Is ‘Doubtful’

Because the current state-of-the-art general circulation models (GCMs) cannot simulate the trends and variances in global precipitation over the last 84 years (1940-2023), their usefulness should be reconsidered. Hydrological processes – ocean circulation, water vapor, clouds – are key components of climate, easily overshadowing the impact of anthropogenic CO2 emissions by a factor of 2,100 […]

Whether AI Could Develop Its Own Consciousness And Become Its Own Being Is “An Open Question”

I’ve expanded on yesterday’s topic as I’m concerned that AI may one day develop into its own life and take over. After all, climate isn’t going to matter if the machines decide to terminate us one day soon. I asked AI the following 3 questions: Question No. 1 to Gemini: Could AI develop its own […]

Will AI Soon Figure Out (Without Our Help) How To Give Itself A Conscience?

The potential for AI to solve problems is growing exponentially…like a fire set off by a tiny spark on an endless ocean of gasoline. Someday, likely much sooner than we believe, it may itself solve the riddle of how to give itself a conscience – and do it! The result will be a machine that […]

Professor Stefan Rahmstorf And Thermodynamics

Professor Stefan Rahmstorf And Thermodynamics

By Frank Bosse Klimnachrichten here (Translated, edited by P. Gosselin) The scientist at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) is an oceanologist and studied physics before his specialist training. He is therefore familiar with thermodynamics and its 2nd law, which states that with every change of state, the “disorder” increases, also known as […]

New Study: Sea Levels Around Japan Are 'Not Rising, Nor Accelerating' Since The 1800s

New Study: Sea Levels Around Japan Are ‘Not Rising, Nor Accelerating’ Since The 1800s

In a region of the world where tide gauges are not compromised by land subsidence or uplift, sea levels have not been observed to be rising since measurements began in 1894. According to a new study, when sea levels rise it usually has more to do with declining land movement (subsidence) or 20- to 60-year […]

Climate Alarmist Stefan Rahmstorf Struggles With The Reality Of Uncertainty

The AMOC Quarrel By Frank Bosse (Translated from the original at Klimanachrichten) We have kept you, dear readers, very promptly informed about AMOC conjectures. Recently, we also informed you about a new study that found a stable Atlantic overturning circulation since the 1960s. It is not the only one in the recent past. However, Prof. […]

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