New Study: Sea Levels Around Japan Are ‘Not Rising, Nor Accelerating’ Since The 1800s

In a region of the world where tide gauges are not compromised by land subsidence or uplift, sea levels have not been observed to be rising since measurements began in 1894.

According to a new study, when sea levels rise it usually has more to do with declining land movement (subsidence) or 20- to 60-year oscillations than it has to do with thermostatic sea level change.

“In Japan, there are many long-term trend tide gauges recording the sea levels since 1894. The tide gauges of Hosojima, Wajima, Tonoura, and Oshoro, not suffering from subsidence or isostasy, show multi-decadal fluctuations of periodicity quasi-20 and quasi-60 years, but not rising, nor accelerating, relative sea levels.”

Image Source: Boretti, 2024

Another study published earlier in the year by the same author (Boretti, 2024) indicates the sea level pattern around Japan is similarly occurring around the Polynesian island of Tuvalu.

Sea level changes are said to be influenced more by multi-decadal oscillations and land subsidence than by a global change in the amount of water stored in ocean basins.

“The significant increase in sea level observed at Tuvalu’s current tide gauge is attributed more to multidecadal oscillations, significantly affecting short-term records, and the subsidence of the tide gauge, rather than the global thermosteric contribution.”

“The suggested analysis aligns with prior research, reinforcing the perspective that the sea levels are gently rising and the surfaced area of Pacific islands and atolls is not diminishing, contrary to inaccuracies found in selective studies that emphasize certain data while disregarding others.”

11 responses to “New Study: Sea Levels Around Japan Are ‘Not Rising, Nor Accelerating’ Since The 1800s”

  1. kamir bouchareb st


  2. Jän

    The author of this article forgot to put the data in a context. It`s absolutely true, that the sea level changed in the past. But the rise since the 1980s are an effect from the global warming. The sea levels doesn`t rise the same all over the world at the same time, like in a bathtub.

    According to Japans scientists, the sea level will probably rise by 1m, till the end of this century. Which is not an easy challenge for the low-lying islands nation.


  3. New Study: Sea Levels Around Japan Are ‘Not Rising, Nor Accelerating’ Since The 1800s – Climate-

    […] From NoTrickZone […]

  4. New Study: Sea Levels Around Japan Are 'Not Rising, Nor Accelerating' Since The 1800s | Un hobby...

    […] by K. Richard, Feb 4, 2025 in NoTricksZone […]

  5. Brian R Catt

    Just to point out that the earth is not solid. Its a visco elasticmolten ball with a wafer thin crust, held in shape by the balance between centrifugal force and its own gravity, which also keeps the oceans and atmosphere on. The Earth’s surface rises and falls 55 cm every day at the equator as result of solid tides in its internal structure, planetary twerking. That may well be cyclic to some degree because of the slight variabilities induced by other planets on the primary effects of the Sun and Moon.

  6. New Study: Sea Levels Around Japan Haven’t Risen Or Accelerated Since 1800s

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  7. New Study: Sea Levels Around Japan Haven’t Risen Or Accelerated Since 1800s –

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  8. New Study: Sea Levels Around Japan Haven’t Risen Or Accelerated Since 1800s – Pecos Operating

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  9. New Study: Sea Levels Around Japan Haven’t Risen Or Accelerated Since 1800s - Energy Realities

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  10. New Study: Sea Levels Around Japan Haven’t Risen Or Accelerated Since 1800s - sandstone-group

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  11. New Study: Sea Levels Around Japan Haven’t Risen Or Accelerated Since 1800s - The Crude Truth

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