Abnormal Climate Psych

‘Extinction Rebellion’ (XR) Followers Want Humans To Go Extinct…”Humans Are The Disease!”

Forget free markets and capitalism, the whole human race has to go! Extinction Rebellion followers’ ideal scenario: Earth wiped clean of humans. If there is still anyone out there with doubts over XR’s radical human-hating, cult-like agenda in their march against fossil fuels, capitalism and evil CO2 emitters, here is evidence from members of the now Twitter-suspended […]

Former “Fridays For Future” Teen Activist Reveals “Cult-Like Control”, “Hostility”, “Leftist Infiltration

Sina, aged 14, used to be active as a spokesperson for Fridays for Future in a city in the German state of North Rhine Westphalia. But she quickly became disenchanted by the movement’s “cult-like” structures which did not tolerate questions. Recently she revealed her story.  https://youtu.be/z2mdJoTNBEw Hat-tip: EIKE Sina began her environmental activism by joining a […]

Greta's Generational Supremacists: Indoctrinated German Girls Sing: "My Grandma Is An Old Environmental Scumbag!"

Greta’s Generational Supremacists: Indoctrinated German Girls Sing: “My Grandma Is An Old Environmental Scumbag!”

Child abuse by German WDR 2 public broadcasting? Young schoolgirls taught to hate, made to sing “My grandma is an old environmental scumbag” because she drives an SUV, eats meat and takes cruises WDR 2 broadcasting children’s song: “My grandma is an environmental scumbag!” Image: WDR 2 We all recall how at the UN, green […]

Fridays For Future Just Another Pathological Mind Job …Abusive Power Over Children

Lest anyone has wondered why the climate movement has shifted its focus over to children, it is because too many adults just refused to buy into the climate-Armageddon hoax. It’s a fact: Children are very easy to manipulate and deceive. Children – and adults with stunted intellectual development – are much easier to convince than […]

Expert Psychiatrist: Greta Being “Misused For Interests” …Parents’ Promotion Of Troubled Child “Ethically Problematic”

An expert psychoanalyst appeared on German television to provide his view on Greta’s high-octane anger, see (German) video below: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1crk25bn8Xg At her speech at the UN, Greta’s voice was filled with worry and acute anger. When asked about the source of the intense emotions, German psychiatrist, psychoanalyst and book author Hans-Joachim Maaz commented: What’s really […]

German Portrait Of The Thunberg-Ernman Family: Acutely Dysfunctional, "An Infinitely Sad Family History"

German Portrait Of The Thunberg-Ernman Family: Acutely Dysfunctional, “An Infinitely Sad Family History”

At the German libertarian site achgut.com here, guest writer Ulrike Stockmann writes a portrait of climate activist Greta Thunberg’s family. The title: “The Thunberg-Ernmans: An infinitely sad family history“. Ulrike Stockmann writes a portrait of the Ernman-Thunberg family. Image: achgut.com Stockmann portrait is based on the published book by Greta Thunberg’s mother, Malena Ernman: “Scenes […]

"Punitive Political Psychiatry" Coming To Germany? Leading Journal Defines Climate Science Dissent A Psychological Disorder

“Punitive Political Psychiatry” Coming To Germany? Leading Journal Defines Climate Science Dissent A Psychological Disorder

Germany may be soon re-introducing a dark period where political opponents are simply declared mentally ill by the state and forcibly hospitalized for “treatment”. Image: One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, 1975 A case for psychotherapy In a recent paper dubbed “The Denial of the Apocalypse – Dealing with the Climate Crisis from the Perspective […]

“Climate Protection” Obsession Moves From Depression To Insanity…”Need To Eat Humans, Babies!”

(UPDATE: 5 October 2019) It was a well executed hoax. https://cliscep.com/2019/10/04/aoc-trolled-by-swiftian-satire/ (Note: A number of US Democrats and activists support late-term, partial birth abortions, so it’s not unreasonable to think this was real). UPDATE 4 Oct 2019: https://www.climatedepot.com/2019/10/04/watch-aoc-duped-by-climate-trolls-unbelievable-plea-to-eat-the-babies/ ============================== There’s little doubt among the many cooler skeptic heads that the global climate change movement has […]

“No Climate Emergency” …MIT Climate Expert, 500 Prominent Global Experts Write In Letter To UN

Normally the UN General Assembly is no place for hysterical activists to blow off their anger, aggression, threats  and doomsday fantasies. In a letter to Secretary General Guterres, 500 scientists are now requesting that the UN end the hysteria and return to rational dialogue. =============================================================== There is no climate crisis An open letter to the […]

Germany On Economic Suicide Watch... Merkel Government Postpones Climate Death Leap ..."Collective Psychosis"

Germany On Economic Suicide Watch… Merkel Government Postpones Climate Death Leap …”Collective Psychosis”

Good news: Germany’s “climate rescue” plan is light years away from FFF demands, thus postponing economic suicide leap, Bad news: plan means considerable hardship for German consumers and economy. Haunted by visions of a climate collapse, German government yet decides to postpone its economic death leap, instead proposes highly watered down climate-rescue plan. FFF’s draconian […]

Thunbergs' Climate Alarmism Deemed Fanaticism -- "Strangely Courted by Western Elites" -- German Psychiatrist Writes

Thunbergs’ Climate Alarmism Deemed Fanaticism — “Strangely Courted by Western Elites” — German Psychiatrist Writes

A German psychiatrist has read the Thunbergs’ book, observed climate movement and finds it’s all about fanaticism: “utopian character of demands”…”inability to engage in dialogue and compromise”. Image: S. Fischer Verlag Prof. Dr. med. Dipl.-Psych. Wolfgang Meins, neuropsychologist and professor of psychiatry, penned an article recently published at German libertarian site Achgut.com which looks at […]

Germany’s Zugspitze Sees Snow Depth Spiral Upward To Highest Level in 38 Years – In Late Spring!

May normally is a month that sees rapid snow melt in Alps. But this year May was an unusually cold month across Central Europe and parts of the Alps saw heavy snow accumulation. A week ago, on May 25, BR public broadcasting reported here how May snow levels at Germany’s tallest peak, Zugspitze, reached a […]

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