
New Study: 90 Papers Were Published On The 'Hiatus' From 2009-2019. Now They Say It Never Happened.

New Study: 90 Papers Were Published On The ‘Hiatus’ From 2009-2019. Now They Say It Never Happened.

The claimed warming rate during the (1998-2001 to 2012-’13) “hiatus” ranged from -0.07°C to +0.17°C per decade. In late 2012, the IPCC had an ongoing dilemma about what to do about the uncooperative global temperatures. The HadCRUT3 data set government bureaucrats had been using since the first report in 1990 actually showed the global mean […]

Part 3 Of IPCC’s 6th Climate Report Gets Mixed Reaction From The European Media, Not All Pessimistic

By Die kalte Sonne The third part of the IPCC’s 6th Assessment Report has been published and the response to it varies widely. The BBC speaks of a “now or never moment.” The problem with such terms is that they unfortunately wear out very quickly because they are again more or less deadlines. The BBC […]

A Brief Summary Of How 'Global Warming' Science Has Changed Since 1998

A Brief Summary Of How ‘Global Warming’ Science Has Changed Since 1998

Two weeks before Dr. Michael E. Mann and colleagues published their 23 April 1998 “hockey stick” chart in Nature, a peer-reviewed journal published a paper asserting “an overwhelming majority of climate scientists” (50 out of 60) view catastrophic human-caused global warming – and even global warming itself – as an “unsupported assumption”. At the time, […]

The World's First Black-Smoke-Emitting Nuclear Power Plant! ...Presented By Germany's Flagship ZDF Public Television

The World’s First Black-Smoke-Emitting Nuclear Power Plant! …Presented By Germany’s Flagship ZDF Public Television

Today we have an anecdotal example of how Germany’s mainstream media regularly misleads the public with manipulative crafted reporting. Nuclear power is hated and viewed as evil by the German media, so any possible trick to make it look bad gets the green light. This time the ZDF went a little too far. Their excuse […]

Millions Of Unvaccinated Germans Relegated To Bare Essentials As Leadership Descends Into Lunacy

Millions Of Unvaccinated Germans Relegated To Bare Essentials As Leadership Descends Into Lunacy

Dystopia: underway in Germany is an aggressive government and media-led campaign that aims to hound and marginalize unvaccinated persons until they submit to vaccination against their will.  Dogs and unvaccinated stay outside Though I had known unvaccinated people were being banned from entering “non-essential” shops in Germany, it was still quite a shock to me […]

Study: German Youths Not Willing To Make Climate Sacrifices, Want Policymakers To Fix Problems

By AR Göhring (EIKE) (Translated/edited/condensed by P. Gosselin) The German Tagesschau reports that the 14-29 age goup don’t take the Fridays-For-Future protests as seriously as journalists thought. Afraid, but unwilling A study by Simon Schnetzer and Klaus Hurrelmann called Jugend in Deutschland (Youth in Germany) reveals some unsurprising attitudes of the generation under 30. The […]

Tis The Season To Be Hateful: Hanover Excludes Unvaccinated From Advent And Christmas Celebrations

A poster from Hanover, Germany has inspired me to start a new page at this site: My Corona Diaries, 2020s Germany. I don’t need to tell what it reminds me of. I’ll be posting there from time to time to give readers some insight on the madness that’s sweeping across Austria and Germany. They’re talking […]

Robert Koch Institute Latest Data: One Third Of Recent Age 60+ COVID Deaths In Germany Were Fully Vaccinated!

Robert Koch Institute Latest Data: One Third Of Recent Age 60+ COVID Deaths In Germany Were Fully Vaccinated!

Russian state German language RT news site here looks at just how effective the COVID vaccines have been in Germany over the last 4 weeks, citing data from official institutes, and finds the German government is misleading the public.  Alarming number of COVID deaths in Germany are fully vaccinated persons. Cropped from RT here. False […]

When 2 Parents Tried To Make Their Young Daughter Practice What Greta Preaches...All Hell Broke Loose!

When 2 Parents Tried To Make Their Young Daughter Practice What Greta Preaches…All Hell Broke Loose!

You think FFF kids are mad at their parents for trashing the planet? That’s nothing compared to their anger when you ask them to walk the talk. Angry Greta. Image cropped here. At FaceBook, two German parents of a young schoolgirl decided that if their daughter was going to skip school on Fridays and demand […]

Injunction Ruling Against YouTube/Google Censorship! Removal Of Lockdown-Critical Videos "Illegal"

Injunction Ruling Against YouTube/Google Censorship! Removal Of Lockdown-Critical Videos “Illegal”

YouTube suffered a major legal blow earlier this week on censorship. It’s a huge victory for free speech and the democratic right to open, unobstructed discussion on online platforms.  “Violate our guidelines” is no adequate basis… “must be more specific” Cologne Regional Court rules that YouTube’s removal of government/lockdown/WHO-critical videos made by group of prominent […]

Major Blow To YouTube Germany Censorship...Court Orders Reinstatement Of Removed Corona-Critical Videos

Major Blow To YouTube Germany Censorship…Court Orders Reinstatement Of Removed Corona-Critical Videos

Outrage over YouTube censor of Corona and government-critical videos made by dozens of leading German actors. “YouTube is no Truth Commission”…court rules against social media giant. Original image cropped from allesaufdentisch.  Dozens of prominent German actors have banded together as part of the “allesaufdentisch” (everything on the table) freedom of expression campaign to demand a […]

Energy Experts Warn Of "A Catastrophic Energy Emergency" If German Leaders Don't Wake Up To Reality

Energy Experts Warn Of “A Catastrophic Energy Emergency” If German Leaders Don’t Wake Up To Reality

Swiss publicist Roland Tichy hosted a discussion round with three energy experts: former Hamburg Senator for the Environment Prof. Fritz Vahrenholt, Albert Duin, medium-sized entrepreneur and member of the Bavarian state parliament, and Frank Hennig, an expert for power plants and energy conversion. Image cropped from Tichy’s Einblick Currently Germany is struggling with its Energiewende […]

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