By Kenneth Richard on 23. November 2023
Analysis of CO2 residence times suggest 65% to 96.5% of the CO2 concentration increase since 1958 is natural. According to a new study, the claim that increases in atmospheric CO2 are driven exclusively by humans relies on a made-up, disparate accounting model, with the residence time for natural emissions 3 to 4 years (which is […]
Posted in CO2 and GHG, Natural Variability |
By Kenneth Richard on 7. September 2023
More and more evidence is emerging that the modern warming trends are naturally driven, not anthropogenic. Per CERES observations the surface incident shortwave (SW) radiation anomaly increased by +1.61 W/m² from 2001 to 2019, and +1.75 W/m² from 2001 to 2021 (Ollila, 2023). This SW increase is likely due to natural variations in cloud cover […]
Posted in Cloud Climate Influence, Natural Variability, Solar Sciences
By Kenneth Richard on 4. September 2023
Nearly all of the alleged anthropogenic link to climate change can be removed simply by exchanging and/or replacing biased temperature and solar activity data sets. A new study authored by 37 scientists in the journal Climate finds using rural-only Northern Hemisphere temperature data (i.e., removing artificial, non-climatic urban heat effects) reduces the post-1850 warming trend […]
Posted in Natural Variability, Solar Sciences, Temperature Bias/Urbanization |
By Kenneth Richard on 7. August 2023
Changes in cloud cover over Europe and the North Atlantic have been observed to be a significant driver of sunshine duration (SD) changes, and thus climate change, in this region. Changes in cloud cover are “the result of internal variability in the ocean-atmosphere system.” Previously, the non-linear, oscillatory climate variations over Europe had been assumed […]
Posted in Cloud Climate Influence, Natural Variability |
By Kenneth Richard on 17. April 2023
Earth’s average annual temperature fluctuated by as much as 35°C (at high latitudes) from one millennial-scale period to the next during the last glacial period. A recently-published 2-part study (Smul′skii, 2022a and 2022b) utilizes established orbital and insolation data to calculate Earth’s average temperature today (0 k years ago), 14.4°C, and at 25°N, 45°N, 65°N, […]
Posted in Natural Variability, Paleo-climatology |
By Kenneth Richard on 20. February 2023
“No evidence is found for any systematic trend in precipitation deficits attributable to anthropogenic climate change.” – O’Connell et al., 2022 In a new study (O’Connell et al., 2022), scientists use a stochastic or random probability distribution analysis to assess whether a signal in global precipitation deficits (droughts) could be linked to anthropogenic climate change […]
Posted in CO2 and GHG, Drought and Deserts, Models, Natural Variability |
By Kenneth Richard on 6. February 2023
Claims the Swedish Scandes are unprecedentedly warm and tree-covered today “appear as large and unfounded exaggerations,” as the “climate and arboreal responses” of the last few decades “are still inside the frames of natural historical variation.” – Kullman, 2022 and Kullman, 2022a Extensive birch forest fossils can be dated to the early- to mid-Holocene in […]
Posted in Medieval Warm Period, Natural Variability, Paleo-climatology |
By Kenneth Richard on 19. December 2022
If the error and uncertainty associated with determining the extent to which natural factors (aerosol forcing, downwelling shortwave variability) affect climate are factors of ten times larger than the presumed effects of human activity, then we cannot definitively say human activity is driving climate change. It takes 10 years and 22 ppm for CO2 forcing […]
Posted in Climate Sensitivity, Natural Variability |
By Kenneth Richard on 10. October 2022
Precipitation records can be directly associated with climate changes and thus temperature changes. And for “all over the UK and Ireland” there has been no detectable rainfall patterns that could be linked to rising CO2 throughout the Industrial Era. The Rainfall Rescue project used volunteers to digitize 66,000 pages containing 5.28 million hand-written monthly rainfall […]
Posted in Drought and Deserts, Flood, Natural Variability |
By Kenneth Richard on 3. October 2022
There are four main reasons why Antarctica’s Larsen C Ice Shelf may be melting. None of them involve human forcing or CO2 concentration changes. Scientists have recently completed an exhaustive 20-year study of the “most significant causes of melting” of the Larsen C Ice Shelf in the Antarctic Peninsula. They have concluded the 4 main […]
Posted in Antarctic, Glaciers, Natural Variability |
By P Gosselin on 9. August 2022
Alarmist climate research centers like the Potsdam Institute and the unquestioning media have been claiming for years that the Jet Stream is weakening, hence this would lead to greater weather extremes across the northern hemisphere due to blocking. Responsible for this of course is man-made global warming. Hat-tip: The Klimaschau But a recent paper by […]
Posted in Models, Natural Oceanic Oscillations, Natural Variability |
By Kenneth Richard on 8. August 2022
Cloud modulation of shortwave radiation and greenhouse effect forcing has largely been the determining factor in the global warming of the last 45 years. Not CO2. CO2 forcing and its effect on surface temperatures is detailed in analyses of changes in clear-sky radiation only because all-sky radiation effects that include clouds (and the real-world atmosphere […]
Posted in Cloud Climate Influence, CO2 and GHG, Natural Variability |
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