Nuclear energy

Obama Plan Will Have Miniscule Global Impact…Der Spiegel: CO2 Will Keep Rising 1.1% Annually For Next 20 Years!

[Note: The report at Spiegel is one that comes from the DPA German news agency.] The online Der Spiegel writes how global CO2 emissions are projected to keep rising strongly, 1.1% annually, at least until 2035 – thanks to strong economic growth in emerging countries like India and China. Obama’s newly announced actions to curb CO2 emissions […]

James Hansen In Spiegel Interview: Environmental Groups Against Nuclear Power "For Fear Of Losing Funding"

James Hansen In Spiegel Interview: Environmental Groups Against Nuclear Power “For Fear Of Losing Funding”

At yesterday’s online Spiegel, science journalist Axel Bojanowski reported on a discussion with ultra-alarmist, former NASA GISS director James Hansen. Photo by Bill Ebbesen, public domain. Hansen believes that nuclear energy is the only way of effectively preventing global warming from fossil fuel greenhouse gases. He called the policy of scaling back nuclear power “a big […]

Persistent Cold Weather Keeps Thwarting German Efforts To Fight Warming!

Persistent Cold Weather Keeps Thwarting German Efforts To Fight Warming!

According to preliminary findings of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Energiebilanzen (AGEB), Germany has consumed far more energy in the first half of this year than a year earlier, up 4 percent.  Germany burns more coal because of cold weather. Image (cropped) by Arnold Paul, Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.5 Generic license. Alarmist site Klimaretter here, quoting the […]

Worldwide Doubt Over Germany’s “Energiewende” Grows…German Flagship Daily Calls It “An International Flop”

International Doubt Over The Success Of Germany’s Energiewende growing by Sebastian Lüning and Fritz Vahrenholt (Translated/edited by P Gosselin) Germany’s Energiewende [energy transition over to renewables] is being watched closely in foreign countries. Already bets are being made on whether the expensive experiment is going to work. Meanwhile increasing numbers of international experts are expressing […]

Germany's Top Green Politician Lies/Deceives Shamelessly Over Fukushima Accident And Tsunami Victims!

Germany’s Top Green Politician Lies/Deceives Shamelessly Over Fukushima Accident And Tsunami Victims!

If you ever wonder if the Greens tell the truth when it comes to climate science, then just take a look at what they say about the Fukushima accident of 2011. Hat-tip Bernd Felsche. Green Party top honcho Claudia Roth left an astonishing message at Facebook where she comments about the 2-year anniversary of the […]

Media Of Deception: Germany’s Public Media Mislead Their Audience, Link 16,000 Tsunami Deaths To Fukushima

Can we trust the media? Germany’s massive public funded radio and television demonstrates to us that the answer is: not always. Yesterday many media outlets reported on the 2-year anniversary of Japan’s “earthquake/tsunami/Fukushima” disaster. The way some German public television and radio outlets are presenting the disaster 2 years later would probably make even North Korean […]

Germany’s Public Media Flat Out Lies…Claims Fukushima Accident Took “Thousands Of Lives”

It’s little wonder that the German public is beginning an uprising against the mandatory fees that every citizen is forced to pay in order to fund the country’s vast public radio and television. Every year the widely hated GEZ shakes €8 billion from Germans. For German readers, here’s a stinging commentary on just how unbelievably arrogant […]

British EU Parliamentarian: “The Truth Is Nobody Believes In ‘Climate Change’ Anymore; There’s Been No GW For 15 Years!”

“Sea levels are not rising significantly.” Climate science is made up of “speculative and alarmist theories”. Dr. Sebastian Lüning’s and Prof. Fritz Vahrenholt’s Die kalte Sonne website presents a video showing British European Parliamentarian Roger Helmer delivering a statement before the European Parliament in Strasbourg on July 5, slamming Europe’s climate religion and energy policy. […]

Energy Secretary Chu Has A Brilliant Idea: Electric Cars In A Country Where There’s No Electricity!

The mid-Atlantic of the USA has no power. And so one really has to wonder about the sheer brilliance of Energy Secretary Chu’s latest idea – more electric cars for a country that can no longer provide its citizens with a steady supply of electricity. I have a question for Secretary Chu: Even if electric cars were […]

Boosting Per Capita Prosperity And Energy Consumption Is The Only Way To Care For Our Planet

Boosting Per Capita Prosperity And Energy Consumption Is The Only Way To Care For Our Planet

An honest look at the data allows us to conclude only one thing: The path to protecting the planet is paved with energy and human prosperity. A shortage of either would mean big trouble for the environment. =================================== How Much Power Should We Consume? By Ed Caryl There have been many suggestions here on this […]

Germany's Per Kilowatt-Hour CO2 Emissions Jump 4%! Transformation To Renewables Flops

Germany’s Per Kilowatt-Hour CO2 Emissions Jump 4%! Transformation To Renewables Flops

Steffen Hentrich of the liberty-oriented blogsite “Denken für die Freiheit” (Thinking for Liberty) writes a piece called “Climate-Killing Energy Transformation” about how Germany’s energy transformation from nuclear and fossil fuels to renewable energies is not working out very well.  

Siemens: Nuclear Power Shutdown To Cost Germany $2,150,000,000,000.00 (2.15 Trillion)!

Have you ever been to a dinner party with lots of people when suddenly a mouse runs across the room and someone yells “mouse!” Most people simply ignore the intrusion, while others may ask “where?” But you can always count on someone flying into a fit of hysteria, jumping up on a table screaming and […]

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