Another New Study Finds Rising CO2 Enhances Planetary Greening And Reduces Drought Risk

“…elevated CO2 concentrations not only boosted vegetation growth through the fertilizer effect but also indirectly enhanced water availability [reducing drought risk] by improving water use efficiency.” – Song et al., 2024

One of the more commonly-stated concerns linked to “global warming” is that sweltering heat will parch the terrestrial landscape (browning), limit vegetation growth, and foment water shortages – even widespread drought.

However, a new study suggests the Earth’s rising CO2 concentration has the exact opposite effect in the real world.

In their extensive trend analysis spanning the last few decades, the scientists determined elevated CO2 was the single most “dominant driver” (accounting for 45% of the correlation) when assessing the link between reducing vegetation water demand and improved water use efficiency.

Compared to CO2, temperature and precipitation, for example, play a far less significant role (10-11% of the correlation) in influencing the trend in improved vegetation growth and water use efficiency.

“The CO2 fertilization effect has benefits for both vegetation growth and water use efficiency (WUE).”

“…elevated CO2 concentrations could indirectly enhance water availability by improving [water use efficiency]…reducing vegetation water demand.”


Image Source: Song et al., 2024

11 responses to “Another New Study Finds Rising CO2 Enhances Planetary Greening And Reduces Drought Risk”

  1. Another New Study Finds Rising CO2 Enhances Planetary Greening And Reduces Drought Risk - Climate-

    […] From NoTricksZone […]

  2. oebele bruinsma

    “One of the more commonly-stated concerns linked to “global warming” is that sweltering heat will parch the terrestrial landscape (browning), limit vegetation growth, and foment water shortages – even widespread drought.”

    As with everything the greens touch, these use double speak. War is peace, facts are constructs and CO2 is bad. Very soon they will have to explain….

  3. Another New Study Finds Rising CO2 Enhances Planetary Greening and Reduces Drought Risk – Watts Up With That?

    […] From the NoTricksZone […]

  4. Another New Study Finds Rising CO2 Enhances Planetary Greening and Reduces Drought Risk – Watts Up With That? – The Insight Post

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  5. NTZ-katsaus | Roskasaitti

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  6. One other New Examine Finds Rising CO2 Enhances Planetary Greening, Reduces Drought Threat - Drimble World News

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  7. Another New Study Finds Rising CO2 Enhances Planetary Greening, Reduces Drought Risk –

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  8. Another New Study Finds Rising CO2 Enhances Planetary Greening, Reduces Drought Risk - Energy Realities

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  9. Another New Study Finds Rising CO2 Enhances Planetary Greening, Reduces Drought Risk - DB Energy Advisors

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  10. Another New Study Finds Rising CO2 Enhances Planetary Greening, Reduces Drought Risk - sandstone-group

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  11. Weekly Climate and Energy News Roundup #608 – Watts Up With That?

    […] Another New Study Finds Rising CO2 Enhances Planetary Greening And Reduces Drought Risk […]

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