Nuclear energy

Professor Stefan Rahmstorf And Thermodynamics

Professor Stefan Rahmstorf And Thermodynamics

By Frank Bosse Klimnachrichten here (Translated, edited by P. Gosselin) The scientist at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) is an oceanologist and studied physics before his specialist training. He is therefore familiar with thermodynamics and its 2nd law, which states that with every change of state, the “disorder” increases, also known as […]

Germany Urgently Advised To Return To Nuclear Power As Energy Supply Remains In Dire Situation

Germany Urgently Advised To Return To Nuclear Power As Energy Supply Remains In Dire Situation

Germany’s online Blackout News here reports how the country, now facing a dire energy supply situation, urgently needs to return to nuclear energy.  Symbol image. Photo: U.S. Department of Energy  Germany phased out its entire fleet of nuclear reactors over the past years and hoped to rely on renewable energies, claiming they were cheaper and […]

Italy Plans An Energy U-Turn, A Comeback To Nuclear Power As Green Energies "Far From Sufficient"

Italy Plans An Energy U-Turn, A Comeback To Nuclear Power As Green Energies “Far From Sufficient”

 Symbol photo. Grafenrheinfeld power plant, Germany – 2013, Avda – Own work. CC BY-SA 3.0 Italy is planning an energy U-turn reports, the Berliner Morgenpost: “So while Germany is saying goodbye to the use of nuclear energy, the technology is making a comeback in Italy, where people turned away from it almost 40 years ago. This is […]

Greta Thunberg Fractures German Greens With Her Call To Continue Operation Of Hated Nuclear Power Plants

Greta Thunberg Fractures German Greens With Her Call To Continue Operation Of Hated Nuclear Power Plants

By Robert Grünfeld, EIKE (Translated/edited by P. Gosselin) Af Jan Ainali – still picture out of File: Greta Thunberg i Bryssel.webm, CC BY-SA 4.0, German talk show host Sandra Maischberger interviewed climate activist Greta Thunberg in her native Sweden. The interview aired on Wednesday. Many climate policy critics see Greta Thunberg (19) as a […]

Blackout News Friday: Germany, Europe Teeter On The Economic Brink As Energy Crisis Intensifies

The Green New Deal in Europe is quickly turning into a House of Horrors One excellent site with all the late latest energy crisis developments in Germany and Europe is Blackout News here. Here are some of the more notable headlines of the past week: Europe’s largest aluminum plant cuts production by 22% due to […]

As Germany's Green Dream Becomes A Nightmare, Asia And Russia Power Ahead With Nuclear Power

As Germany’s Green Dream Becomes A Nightmare, Asia And Russia Power Ahead With Nuclear Power

Asia goes nuclear while Europe goes bust By Fred F. Mueller During the past few decades, a quiet but all the more important divergence has begun to evolve between Asia und Europe: their respective attitudes towards climate change and nuclear energy. In their crusade against what they perceive as a looming climate catastrophe, most European […]

Spiegel Interviews Hansen: "Exit From Nuclear Power Huge Mistake For The World"

Spiegel Interviews Hansen: “Exit From Nuclear Power Huge Mistake For The World”

Spiegel science journalist Axel Bojanowski here interviewed James Hansen, the former director of NASA GISS and one of the most prominent warners of CO2 induced global warming. Former NASA GISS director James Hansen calls exit from nuclear energy “a huge mistake”. Photo: NASA –, (archived) In the wake of the Fukushima disaster in Japan […]

Trump: Paris Accord Rejection Matter Of Sovereignty…Announces “New Era Of American Energy Dominance”!

President Donald Trump gave remarks at the “Unleashing American Energy” event. If there are still any lingering questions as to the president’s commitment to dumping the Paris Accord, they can now be laid to rest for good. In his remarks at an event also attended by both energy executives and trade unionists, the President described the […]

Analysis: Adding More Solar, Wind Power Increases Dependence On Fossil Fuels, 'Doubles' CO2 Emissions

Analysis: Adding More Solar, Wind Power Increases Dependence On Fossil Fuels, ‘Doubles’ CO2 Emissions

As the reputed world leader in green energy policy, Germany plans to eliminate nuclear power as an energy source in the next 5 years. A 2011 decision to phase out nuclear power by 2022  has meant that renewables like wind and solar power are expected to swiftly take the place of nuclear energy on the German power […]

German Wind Power Goes Completely AWOL For The 11th Time This Year...Fossils, Nuclear Again To The Rescue!

German Wind Power Goes Completely AWOL For The 11th Time This Year…Fossils, Nuclear Again To The Rescue!

It’s a good thing Germany still has a lot of conventional power supply from coal and nuclear on line. Otherwise the entire country would have blacked out this morning during the partial eclipse of the sun. Conventional fuel saved the day. As the following diagram depicts, there was almost no wind output from Germany’s 40 […]

BP 2035 Outlook Foresees Only 8% Renewable Energy By 2035! No End In Sight For Fossil Fuel Growth!

BP 2035 Outlook Foresees Only 8% Renewable Energy By 2035! No End In Sight For Fossil Fuel Growth!

One of the biggest miscalculations that the global warming alarmists have made is claiming that global CO2 emissions must reach their peak by 2020 and then begin falling rapidly. If they don’t, there will be no chance of reaching the 2°C maximum warming target. Planetary catastrophe will ensue, the alarmists claim. British energy behemoth BP […]

German Federal Analysis Sees “Massive Threats To Security And Reliability Of Electric Power Supply System”!

So much for Germany’s transformation to “green” energies. Germany’s Bun­desnet­za­gen­tur (Federal Network Agency for Electricity, Gas, Telecommunications, Post and Railway) is the federal authority overseeing and regulating the German electrical power grid, among other networks. At its site it has a link to an expert assessment report that analyzes the needs of and risks to the German […]

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