Sea Levels

New Study: Sea Levels Around Japan Are 'Not Rising, Nor Accelerating' Since The 1800s

New Study: Sea Levels Around Japan Are ‘Not Rising, Nor Accelerating’ Since The 1800s

In a region of the world where tide gauges are not compromised by land subsidence or uplift, sea levels have not been observed to be rising since measurements began in 1894. According to a new study, when sea levels rise it usually has more to do with declining land movement (subsidence) or 20- to 60-year […]

The Evidence Clearly Shows Sea Levels Were Meters Higher Than Today A Few Millennia Ago

The Evidence Clearly Shows Sea Levels Were Meters Higher Than Today A Few Millennia Ago

Fifteen more new studies published in 2024 document meters-higher sea levels across the world during the Mid-Holocene, when CO2 hovered near 260 ppm. There were 45 studies published from 2022 to 2024 indicating sea levels were approximately 2 to 3 meters higher across the world about 7000 to 4000 years ago before declining to today’s […]

Fake Climate Doom…Recent Research Shows “Vast Majority” Of Pacific Atoll Islands Have Grown In Size

15 years ago, to illustrate its own demise due to the rising sea, the government of the Maldives once held a publicity stunt cabinet meeting underwater. Today, however, new airports are being built in the island state. Where’s the doom? Hat-tip: EIKE Similarly, is the story of the demise of the South Sea islands due […]

New Study: Bangladesh's Coast Has Expanded Seaward By 2677 Square Kilometers Since 1990

New Study: Bangladesh’s Coast Has Expanded Seaward By 2677 Square Kilometers Since 1990

Another alarmist sea level rise/coastal flooding narrative collapses under the weight of observational evidence. In 1989, the year the U.N. assembled what was to become the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), a “senior U.N. environmental official” warned that world leaders, or politicians, needed to enact policies to “solve the greenhouse effect” by the year […]

New Paper: Wave Height, Storm Surge Changes Over Past 30 Years Too Small For Measurable Impact!

New Paper: Wave Height, Storm Surge Changes Over Past 30 Years Too Small For Measurable Impact!

The paper appearing in Nature “An assessment of whether long-term global changes in waves and storm surges have impacted global coastlines” emerges with good news: The coasts of the world’s oceans are stable. Al Gore doesn’t have to worry about his beachfront home.  Germany’s European Institute for Climate and Energy (EIKE) here presents its newest […]

Robust Beach Ridge Evidence Indicates Mid Holocene Sea Levels Were 1-5 Meters Higher Than Today

Robust Beach Ridge Evidence Indicates Mid Holocene Sea Levels Were 1-5 Meters Higher Than Today

Three new studies use evidence from elevated beach ridges to assess sea levels were 3-5 m higher than today near Thailand, 1-1.5 m higher near Australia, 2-5 m higher along the North Sea just a few millennia ago. The higher sea levels in the tropical regions (Australia, Gulf of Thailand) were “primarily driven by eustatic […]

New Study: Sea Levels Were 3 Meters Higher Than Today 5000 Years Ago Along Japan's Coasts

New Study: Sea Levels Were 3 Meters Higher Than Today 5000 Years Ago Along Japan’s Coasts

Relative sea levels are lower today than at any time in the last 7000 years. According to 80-year-old aerial photograph evidence, scientists (Nakanishi et al., 2024) report the coastline of their studied area (Hokkaido, Japan) has “receded by approximately 100 m seaward” since 1944. This is a continuation of the long-term, millennial-scale decline in relative […]

Study: Sea Levels Rose 4.7 Centimeters Per Year 8200 Years Ago - 30 Times Faster Than Modern Rates

Study: Sea Levels Rose 4.7 Centimeters Per Year 8200 Years Ago – 30 Times Faster Than Modern Rates

The modern rate of sea level rise is not even close veering outside the range of natural variability. A new study reminds us that, 8200 years ago, near-global sea levels rose 6.5 meters in a span of just 140 years. This is 470 centimeters per century, 4.7 centimeters per year, during a period when CO2 […]

Early 1900s Maps Reveal Sea Levels Have Fallen Dramatically Near Estonia

Early 1900s Maps Reveal Sea Levels Have Fallen Dramatically Near Estonia

A new study reports Estonia’s climate was 2-3°C warmer and sea levels were 10-20 m higher ~7,300 years ago. Comparing detailed maps from 1915 and 1904 to 2004 and 2021 aerial images reveals the sea waters have receded from the coasts of Estonia so acutely that lagoons are fast disappearing, islands are being transformed into […]

Newly Discovered 90,000-Year-Old Human Footprints Reveal How Much Higher Sea Levels Used To Be

Newly Discovered 90,000-Year-Old Human Footprints Reveal How Much Higher Sea Levels Used To Be

Human footprints embedded into rock that used to be a sand beach at the limit of the seashore’s “swash flow” and high tide lie 20 to 30 meters above the present sea level. The footprints are dated to ~90,000 years ago. It is estimated that sea levels were globally about 6 to 9 meters higher […]

Sea Level Rise Alarm? The Coastlines Of 13,000 Studied Islands Net GREW Seaward From 2000-2020

Sea Level Rise Alarm? The Coastlines Of 13,000 Studied Islands Net GREW Seaward From 2000-2020

The sea level rise experienced in recent decades was supposed to lead to shrinking shorelines and inundated coasts. Instead, satellite observations reveal the globe’s island coasts expanded seaward (net) by 402 km² since 2000. In a new study, over 13,000 islands were assessed for coastal change over the last three decades (1990-2020). Only 12% of […]

3 More New Studies Affirm Sea Levels Were 5 to 9 Meters Higher Than Today 7000-5000 Years Ago

3 More New Studies Affirm Sea Levels Were 5 to 9 Meters Higher Than Today 7000-5000 Years Ago

Modern relative sea levels are near the lowest in the last 7,000 years. Two studies, independently published, identify Mid-Holocene sea levels in northern Norway (north of the Arctic circle) as 7 to 9 meters higher than today before declining to the present (Balascio et al., 2024, Nielsen et al., 2024). This region of the Arctic […]

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