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Alarmist Potsdam Climate Scientist Stefan Rahmstorf Extends "Incredible String Of Failures"

Alarmist Potsdam Climate Scientist Stefan Rahmstorf Extends “Incredible String Of Failures”

Incredible String of Failures by Rahmstorf Continues: New Study Finds no Robust Relationship Between Shrinking Sea Ice and European Cold Waves By Dr. Sebastian Lüning and Prof. Fritz Vahrenholt (German text translated/edited by P Gosselin) Photo above: by NASA (public domain) It was some three years ago when Potsdam climate scientist Srtefan Rahmstorf railed against […]

2015 Paper Finds New Zealand Warmer In 1860s, 'Contaminated Data' Falsely Warms Last Century By 325%

2015 Paper Finds New Zealand Warmer In 1860s, ‘Contaminated Data’ Falsely Warms Last Century By 325%

According to scientists de Freitas, Dedekind, and Brill (2015), removing “contaminated data” from New Zealand’s  nation-wide temperature record — and using updated measurement techniques rather than error-ridden outdated ones — reduces the long-term (1909 to 2009) New Zealand warming trend from today’s +0.91°C to +0.28°C, a 325% change. de Freitas et al., 2015 New Zealand’s […]

Spiegel: Experts Slam Proclamations Of An Anthropocene As “Political”… “Unscientific”…”Science Sloganeering”!

Science journalist and geologist Axel Bojanowski at the online German Spiegel news weekly comments on the drive by activists to proclaim an “Anthropocene” age because they claim that man has so much altered the planet and is adding a new geological layer in doing so. It all stems from accusations that man has altered the surface […]

'Hide The Decline' Unveiled: 50 Non-Hockey Stick Graphs Quash Modern 'Global' Warming Claims

‘Hide The Decline’ Unveiled: 50 Non-Hockey Stick Graphs Quash Modern ‘Global’ Warming Claims

  We are told the globe is rapidly and dangerously warming, and that this rapid and dangerous warming has been predominantly caused by the steep rise in anthropogenic CO2 emissions that began about the mid-1940s. We even have a widely-recognized “hockey stick” graph of the Northern Hemisphere — created by Michael Mann in the late 1990s […]

Harvard Physicist, Experts Blast Manmade Climate Change Claims As "Activist", "Error-Prone", "Rodomontade"!

Harvard Physicist, Experts Blast Manmade Climate Change Claims As “Activist”, “Error-Prone”, “Rodomontade”!

An open letter about climate politics from seven distinguished climate researchers and friends of science follows: ============================================= Some 375 political activists attached to the National Academy of Sciences, supporting the totalitarian view on the climate question, have issued an open letter saying we “caused most of the historical increase in atmospheric levels of heat-trapping greenhouse […]

Germany’s All-Time Record High Set In 2015 Looks Dubious …Likely Due To UHI / Instrumentation Error

At the Germany-based European Institute for Climate and Energy (EIKE), Helmut Kuntz writes that Germany’s all-time record high temperature recorded last year, 2015, is likely an artifact of the urban heat island effect (UHI) and instrumentation error margins. In 2015 the Kitzingen weather station located in southern Germany set a new all-time high when it reached […]

At 20% Below Expectations, Bavarian Wind Park Disappoints Its Small Investors

At BR Bavarian public broadcasting here, Judith Zacher writes how the Zöschingen wind park has lost the air under its wings and has disappointed investors. At the time it opened in 2013, it was Bavaria’s largest citizens-operated wind park. But the BR writes that “there’s not enough wind and the financial expectations can hardly be […]

Alarm... Major German Grid Operator Announces Whopping 80% Higher Grid Fees! "Power To Be More Expensive"

Alarm… Major German Grid Operator Announces Whopping 80% Higher Grid Fees! “Power To Be More Expensive”

Yesterday the online German news weekly FOCUS here wrote an article that is certainly more bad news for Germany’s electricity consumers, who are already paying among the highest rates in the world. One of Germany’s major power grid operators, Tennet, announced it is “massively increasing power grid fees” and that “power is going to be more […]

4 New Papers Link Solar Activity, Natural Ocean Cycles To Climate - And Find Warmer Temps During 1700s, 1800s

4 New Papers Link Solar Activity, Natural Ocean Cycles To Climate – And Find Warmer Temps During 1700s, 1800s

As of mid-September, there have already been 77 peer-reviewed scientific papers authored by several hundred scientists linking solar activity to climate change.  There were 43 as of the end of June, as seen here.   In other words, there have been 34 more papers linking solar forcing to climate change made available online just since July. […]

German Geologist Thinks Policymakers Need To Take Geology 101 Before Entering Climate Discussion

Land area gains despite sea level rise: coastal areas have grown 13,500 sq km over past 30 years By geologist Dr. Sebastian Luning and Prof. Fritz Vahrenholt. (German text translated/edited by P Gosselin) On August 25, 2016 there was in Nature Climate Change a small wonder was observed. A team of scientist led by Gennadii […]

US Atmospheric Scientist Sees No Link Between Accumulated Cyclone Energy And Global Warming Over Past 30 Years

US Atmospheric Scientist Sees No Link Between Accumulated Cyclone Energy And Global Warming Over Past 30 Years

Atmospheric research scientist Dr. Philip Klotzbach at Twitter here tweeted a chart showing that accumulated cyclone energy (ACE) has not risen at all in 30 years, despite earlier massive hype and hollering by climate scientists and media, who insist “man-made” global warming is causing more frequent and intense cyclones. In fact Klotzbach’s plot above shows that […]

New Paper Documents Imperceptible CO2 Influence On The Greenhouse Effect Since 1992

New Paper Documents Imperceptible CO2 Influence On The Greenhouse Effect Since 1992

New Paper: From 1992-2014, There Was A Pause In CO2’s Influence On Temperature “Monthly variations of the areal averaged atmospheric and surface greenhouse effect parameter anomalies (Gaa and Gsa) from 1979 to 2014 for the (a) globe” Between the years 1992 and 2014, anthropogenic CO2 emissions rates grew by 65%, or from a yearly average of 6.1 […]

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