Solar Sciences

Data Reveal That US Heat Wave Index, Japan Drought Coincide With Solar Activity

Data Reveal That US Heat Wave Index, Japan Drought Coincide With Solar Activity

Jet Stream Blocking and U.S. Heat Wave Index By Kyoji Kimoto In 1962, Japanese meteorologist Hirohide Saito found the instability of summer temperature of Hokkaido (northern part of Japan) during the solar minimum as follows: Fig.1 Instability of summer temperature (white circle) of Hokkaido In 1967 Japanese meteorologist Junkichi Nemoto published the following graph, below, […]

Post-1980s Increases In Shortwave Radiation Explains Europe's Warming Trends Far Better Than CO2

Post-1980s Increases In Shortwave Radiation Explains Europe’s Warming Trends Far Better Than CO2

Across Europe there has been a downward trend in cloud and aerosol albedo over the last 40 years, allowing more solar radiation to reach the surface. This “brightening” effect thus explains recent warming. A new study (Wacker et al., 2024) from a “testbed site” in Germany reports total and direct shortwave (SW) radiation forcing rose […]

New Study: Satellite Evidence Shows Absorbed Shortwave Radiation Has Been Increasing Since 2000

New Study: Satellite Evidence Shows Absorbed Shortwave Radiation Has Been Increasing Since 2000

The warming of the oceans since the turn of the century can easily be explained by the increasing trend in absorbed solar radiation. Earth’s energy imbalance was determined to be +0.6 W/m² during the first decade of the 21st century (Stephens et al., 2012) using satellite observations. However, uncertainty in this positive imbalance value is […]

A New 1787-2005 Temperature Reconstruction Determines The Coldest 50-Year Period Was 1940-1993

A New 1787-2005 Temperature Reconstruction Determines The Coldest 50-Year Period Was 1940-1993

The warmest 50-year period in northeastern China occurred from 1844-1893. Li et al., 2024 “Compared with single years, in general, high or low temperatures that persist for many years will more significantly affect the growth of trees [30]. When we defined years with T12-1 ≥ −10.73 °C (Mean + 1σ) and T12-1 ≤ −12.61 °C […]

New Study Finds Global Cities Have Warmed Due To Rising Solar Surface Forcing Since 1986

New Study Finds Global Cities Have Warmed Due To Rising Solar Surface Forcing Since 1986

The globe’s cities are warming primarily due to declining albedo, not CO2 radiative forcing. According to a comprehensive new study published in Remote Sensing of Environment, CO2 fertilization has led to an enhanced greening trend in 72.6% of cities across the world since 1985, accelerating to 89.2% since 2001. Per the authors, this greening trend […]

More Research Affirms The Human Role In Global Warming Has Been Strongly Overestimated

More Research Affirms The Human Role In Global Warming Has Been Strongly Overestimated

AGW proponents use subjective forcing models and unmeasured estimates of past solar activity to claim humans drive warming. A scientist’s (Larminat, 2023) reassessment finds the Sun can drive climate, equilibrium climate sensitivity (ECS, 2xCO2 + feedbacks) is 1.14°C, and human forcing is overestimated. Because there have been no direct measurements of solar activity until the […]

New Studies: Selection Bias In Datasets Advances A False Narrative The Sun Has No Climate Impact

New Studies: Selection Bias In Datasets Advances A False Narrative The Sun Has No Climate Impact

Solar forcing may have a 4 to 7 times greater effect on climate change than current climate models indicate, which may mean modern climate change is predominantly natural rather than anthropogenic. Anthropogenic global warming (AGW) attribution may be significantly dependent on the choice of dataset. Advocates of AGW may only use Total Solar Irradiance (TSI) […]

New Study: 'Atmospheric CO2 Is Not The Cause Of Climate Change' ... The Next Glaciation Has Begun

New Study: ‘Atmospheric CO2 Is Not The Cause Of Climate Change’ … The Next Glaciation Has Begun

CO2 “only affects a small range of long-wave re-radiation from the surface of the Earth,” and there “seems to be no connection between carbon dioxide and the temperature of the Earth.” − Harris, 2023 New research published in the MDPI journal atmosphere by Dr. Stuart A. Harris asserts past and modern climate changes are natural […]

New Study: Earth Will Cool By 1°C Over The Next Decades Due To The Upcoming Grand Solar Minimum

New Study: Earth Will Cool By 1°C Over The Next Decades Due To The Upcoming Grand Solar Minimum

“The first modern GSM1 [Grand Solar Minimum] occurs in 2020 – 2053 with the cycle amplitudes reduction to 80% in cycle 25, to 30% in cycle 26 and to 70% in cycle 27 from the maximum amplitude of cycle 24.” − Zharkova et al., 2023 Per a new study, Earth’s Total Solar Irradiance (TSI) has […]

New Study: 'Natural Climate Drivers Dominate In The Current Warming'

New Study: ‘Natural Climate Drivers Dominate In The Current Warming’

More and more evidence is emerging that the modern warming trends are naturally driven, not anthropogenic. Per CERES observations the surface incident shortwave (SW) radiation anomaly increased by +1.61 W/m² from 2001 to 2019, and +1.75 W/m² from 2001 to 2021 (Ollila, 2023). This SW increase is likely due to natural variations in cloud cover […]

New Study: Up To 87% Of Modern Warming Can Be Explained By Variations In Solar Activity

New Study: Up To 87% Of Modern Warming Can Be Explained By Variations In Solar Activity

Nearly all of the alleged anthropogenic link to climate change can be removed simply by exchanging and/or replacing biased temperature and solar activity data sets. A new study authored by 37 scientists in the journal Climate finds using rural-only Northern Hemisphere temperature data (i.e., removing artificial, non-climatic urban heat effects) reduces the post-1850 warming trend […]

Solar Variability Linked To Climate Change...CO2 Not 'The Primary Driver For Nearly All Of Earth's History'

Solar Variability Linked To Climate Change…CO2 Not ‘The Primary Driver For Nearly All Of Earth’s History’

A new study exposes the uncertainty in solar activity reconstructions, but suggests solar models explain climate changes far better than atmospheric CO2 concentrations. Proxy model estimates of the impact of solar variability on climate are highly uncertain. For example, estimations of the increase in solar irradiance over the last 400 years range anywhere from 0.75 […]

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