
Another New Study Finds Warming Has Missed China For Centuries

Another New Study Finds Warming Has Missed China For Centuries

There has been no net warming at 3 mid-latitude study sites in China since 1916 (Tongbai Mountain), 1663 (Shimen Mountain), and 1541 (Xinlong). Zheng et al., 2025

The Evidence Clearly Shows Sea Levels Were Meters Higher Than Today A Few Millennia Ago

The Evidence Clearly Shows Sea Levels Were Meters Higher Than Today A Few Millennia Ago

Fifteen more new studies published in 2024 document meters-higher sea levels across the world during the Mid-Holocene, when CO2 hovered near 260 ppm. There were 45 studies published from 2022 to 2024 indicating sea levels were approximately 2 to 3 meters higher across the world about 7000 to 4000 years ago before declining to today’s […]

Central Japan Was 3°C (And Up To 7°C) Warmer Than Today Throughout The Early To Mid Holocene

Central Japan Was 3°C (And Up To 7°C) Warmer Than Today Throughout The Early To Mid Holocene

“Based on the records of the δ¹⁸O stalagmite , the [Holocene Thermal Maximum] occurred between 10.9 and 6.7 ka [Honshu, Japan], reaching its peak temperature (15.0°C) around 7.0 ka. At this time, temperatures were approximately 3°C warmer than present.” – Murata et al., 2025 In a new study, scientists have used oxygen and carbonate isotope […]

New Study: Globally, 30% Of Modern Forests Have Not Warmed...50% Of Treelines Have Not Advanced

New Study: Globally, 30% Of Modern Forests Have Not Warmed…50% Of Treelines Have Not Advanced

Scientists presumably intending to report unusual modern warming in response to anthropogenic activities actually indicate all or nearly all modern warming and treeline advances at a Rocky Mountain ice patch site occurred from the 1910s to the 1940s. An interesting observation found in the body of a new study (Pederson et al., 2025) is that […]

3 More New Drought And Temperature Reconstructions Do Not Support The Climate Alarm Narrative

3 More New Drought And Temperature Reconstructions Do Not Support The Climate Alarm Narrative

Studies from Central China, Russia, and Central Europe indicate there was just as much (0r more) warming and drought prior to 1900, or when CO2 concentrations were under 300 ppm. A new 1606 to 2016 Central China winter (minimum) temperature reconstruction (Jiang et al., 2024) reveals cold periods only occurred in 9 years of the […]

Cambridge Scientists: Climate Change Is Not The Cause Of Megafauna Extinctions

Cambridge Scientists: Climate Change Is Not The Cause Of Megafauna Extinctions

The alarmist talking point insisting human CO2 emissions and “climate change” have been driving and will continue to drive the Earth’s 6th Mass Extinction event is not supported by the evidence. Twenty years ago it was claimed climate change (global warming) would drive the extinction of one million species by 2050. This presumes human-induced rates […]

Scientists: Greenland July 14°C Warmer With 35% Less CO2 250,000 Years Ago!

Scientists: Greenland July 14°C Warmer With 35% Less CO2 250,000 Years Ago!

CO2 theory called into question…inconvenient truths emerge A new study by Bierman et al titled: Plant, insect, and fungi fossils under the center of Greenland’s ice sheet are evidence of ice-free times, shows that “in the middle of Greenland, where a three-kilometer-thick ice sheet now sits, plants and insects once flourished and at CO2 levels […]

Central Greenland Was Recently Ice-Free And Covered With Plants When CO2 Was Under 300 ppm

Central Greenland Was Recently Ice-Free And Covered With Plants When CO2 Was Under 300 ppm

Today, with CO2 levels supposedly in the “dangerously high” range, Central Greenland has 3 kilometers of ice piled atop it. Scientists have known since the GISP2 borehole was drilled in 1993 that Central Greenland deglaciated at least once in the late Pleistocene (Bierman et al., 2024). Indeed, the Summit of the modern Greenland ice sheet […]

New Study: Over The Last 8000 Years Centennial-Scale Megadrought Periods Were Driven By Cooling

New Study: Over The Last 8000 Years Centennial-Scale Megadrought Periods Were Driven By Cooling

Paleoclimate evidence affirms warmth reduces drought frequency and intensity. A new study utilizes Asian tree pollen records to affirm that for the last 8000 years centennial-scale warming periods were associated with reductions in drought, famines, crop failures. “…warm periods were associated with increased precipitation along with relatively short-lived drought events.” In contrast, centuries of cooling […]

The Barents Sea Was Seasonally Ice Free For Much Of The Holocene...Today It's Ice-Covered Year-Round

The Barents Sea Was Seasonally Ice Free For Much Of The Holocene…Today It’s Ice-Covered Year-Round

More evidence has emerged suggesting there is more sea ice in the Arctic today than nearly any time in the last 8000 years. According to a new study, biomarker evidence suggests the Barents Sea (Arctic) was seasonally “ice free” from ~8000 to ~2100 years ago, or back when the CO2 concentration was said to be […]

Robust Beach Ridge Evidence Indicates Mid Holocene Sea Levels Were 1-5 Meters Higher Than Today

Robust Beach Ridge Evidence Indicates Mid Holocene Sea Levels Were 1-5 Meters Higher Than Today

Three new studies use evidence from elevated beach ridges to assess sea levels were 3-5 m higher than today near Thailand, 1-1.5 m higher near Australia, 2-5 m higher along the North Sea just a few millennia ago. The higher sea levels in the tropical regions (Australia, Gulf of Thailand) were “primarily driven by eustatic […]

New Study Finds There Has Been No Warming In Central China Since 1770

New Study Finds There Has Been No Warming In Central China Since 1770

Yet another region of the world has not been cooperating with the “global” warming narrative. A new study‘s reconstructed temperatures show no net warming in Central China over the last 250 years. The authors point out the observed temperatures from 1953-2020 closely align (r = 0.732) with the reconstructed 1953-2020 temperatures. This suggests the reconstructed […]

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