
Posts on temperature trends

New Study: 1979-2013 Southern Ocean And Southeast Pacific Cooling Driven By...Warming?

New Study: 1979-2013 Southern Ocean And Southeast Pacific Cooling Driven By…Warming?

Scientists attempt to explain why approximately one-third of the global ocean’s sea surface temperatures cooled since the late 1970s. The 50-70°S Southern Ocean and 160°W to 80°W southeastern Pacific cooled by about -0.35°C (-0.117°C per decade) from 1979-2013 (Yao et al., 2024). (The cooling also continued to 2019, but the authors chose to use 2013 […]

DWD Data Show June 2024 German Weather Was Close To Normal

DWD Data Show June 2024 German Weather Was Close To Normal

No (predicted) “hellish summer” in sight. June saw near normal temperature, a bit wetter Germany’s DWD national weather service just issued the preliminary weather results for the month of June (2024). June in the Central European region was highly variable with periods of both cool and summery weather. The final phase of June saw the […]

Reminder: Historical Natural Warming Rates Dwarf Modern Climate Change

Reminder: Historical Natural Warming Rates Dwarf Modern Climate Change

Greenland has not warmed (net) in the last 90 years. From 80,000 to 20,000 years ago Greenland warmed by 10-15 Kelvin within a span of “a few decades” 24 times (Kypke and Ditlevsen 2024). These abrupt warming periods occurred without concomitant CO2 concentration changes. And, of course, without human interference. Image Source: Kypke and Ditlevsen […]

Summer Refuses To Appear Over Much Of Europe...Snow Disrupts Tour De Suisse

Summer Refuses To Appear Over Much Of Europe…Snow Disrupts Tour De Suisse

Where’s summer? Glaciers in German Alps get a boost as winter appears in June. Image: Zugspitze webcam shot, June 12, 2024 ca. 9 pm. By Klimanachrichten The German DWD Weather Service is asking itself the this question and has no summery prospects until mid-June 2024. The unsettled, sometimes very wet and predominantly cool weather of […]

New Study: East Antarctica's Ice Sheet Thickening, Gaining Mass - Especially Since The 1980s

New Study: East Antarctica’s Ice Sheet Thickening, Gaining Mass – Especially Since The 1980s

A collection of 85-year-old photographs reveal “growth and stability” of the East Antarctic ice sheet. Per a new study, more than 2200 historical aerial photos of a 2000 km stretch of ice in East Antarctica have been recently uncovered. The rare images reveal what the glaciers in this region looked like in 1937. Interestingly, the […]

New Study: Western Greenland Was '1.5-2°C Warmer Than Today' During Medieval Warm Period

New Study: Western Greenland Was ‘1.5-2°C Warmer Than Today’ During Medieval Warm Period

A new West Greenland temperature reconstruction (Strunk et al., 2024) finds the region was 1.5 to 2°C warmer than today from 560 to 1100 CE, encompassing the Medieval Warm Period (MWP). The LOI (vegetation abundance) record reflects a much wetter, greener landscape during the MWP. Image Source: Strunk et al., 2024

New Study: A Warmer London Has Reduced The Winter Death Toll By 447 Per Year Since 1976

New Study: A Warmer London Has Reduced The Winter Death Toll By 447 Per Year Since 1976

A warmer world lengthens human life, whereas a cooling world may result in “orders of magnitude” higher excess death rates. A 2022 Lancet study reported 791 heat-related excess deaths and 60,753 cold-related excess deaths in England and Wales each year during the years spanning 2000-2019. That’s an excess death ratio of about 85 to 1 for […]

"New Ice Age Has Begun," Astrophysicist Warns...Due To Reduced Solar Activity

“New Ice Age Has Begun,” Astrophysicist Warns…Due To Reduced Solar Activity

Due to changing solar activity, the Earth is heading into a new Little Ice Age, according to Northumbria University astrophysicist Prof. Valentina Zharkova, Newcastle, Great Britain. “There’s nothing we can do about it.” This was reported by German online Report 24 here last week. NASA image of a blizzard. Image soutce: NASA, public domain.  “This […]

Winter Weather Slams Into Large Parts Of Europe...Madrid Spain Sees Snow!

Winter Weather Slams Into Large Parts Of Europe…Madrid Spain Sees Snow!

The past winter in Germany was a mild one, as spring arrived early and lots of plants woke up from their winter slumber. But an unusual blast of wintry weather threatens crops and plants as temperatures could drop to minus 8°C by Monday morning in Germany.  Winter is back. Image cropped from Wetteronline video here. […]

Antarctica Is Colder, Icier Now Than Any Time In 5000 Years. The Last Warm Period Was 1000 Years Ago.

Antarctica Is Colder, Icier Now Than Any Time In 5000 Years. The Last Warm Period Was 1000 Years Ago.

More evidence emerges that Antarctica has undergone rapid glacier and sea ice expansion in recent centuries, in line with the long-term and recent Antarctic cooling trend. West Antarctica’s mean annual surface temperatures cooled by more than -1.8°C (-0.93°C per decade) from 1999-2018 (Zhang et al., 2023). Not just West Antarctica, but most of the continent […]

Three More New Temperature Reconstructions Document A Warmer Medieval Period

Three More New Temperature Reconstructions Document A Warmer Medieval Period

The North Atlantic, the Pacific Northwest (USA), and northern Finland were all warmer than today between 1000 and 2000 years ago. Today’s (2000 CE) July air temperatures in the Azores – archipelago islands in the middle North Atlantic, ~1400 km west of Portugal – are visually shown to average about 10 to 11°C in a […]

Tokyo Says "Sayonara" To Warmer Winters...40-Year JMA Trend Shows COOLING!

Tokyo Says “Sayonara” To Warmer Winters…40-Year JMA Trend Shows COOLING!

Tokyo winters have in fact cooled (slightly) over the past 4 decades… Charts by Kirye The December 1 to February 29 meteorological winter ended and the latest data for the mean winter temperature are available for Tokyo and its island Hachijō-jima. Looking at the mean DJF winter temperature trend for Tokyo going back 39 years […]

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