Natural Variability

Reminder: Historical Natural Warming Rates Dwarf Modern Climate Change

Reminder: Historical Natural Warming Rates Dwarf Modern Climate Change

Greenland has not warmed (net) in the last 90 years. From 80,000 to 20,000 years ago Greenland warmed by 10-15 Kelvin within a span of “a few decades” 24 times (Kypke and Ditlevsen 2024). These abrupt warming periods occurred without concomitant CO2 concentration changes. And, of course, without human interference. Image Source: Kypke and Ditlevsen […]

Megafossil Carbon Dating Indicates Sweden Was 2-3°C Warmer Than Today During The Last Glacial

Megafossil Carbon Dating Indicates Sweden Was 2-3°C Warmer Than Today During The Last Glacial

“Modern warming is within natural Holocene climate variability” – Kullman and Öberg, 2024 From about 16,800 to 6000 years ago warmth-dependent tree species grew 300-700 altitudinal meters higher than they do today on Mt. Åreskutanthan, Swedish Scandes. Due to the well-known warmth threshold for boreal tree species and the lapse rate (0.6°C per 100 m), […]

Climate Research Paper Finds Tropical Storm Variability Linked Mostly To Oceanic Cycles

Climate Research Paper Finds Tropical Storm Variability Linked Mostly To Oceanic Cycles

It’s the oceans, stupid (not CO2)! The latest climate information video released by the Germany-based European Institute for Climate and Energy (EIKE) presents a recent paper by Huang et al appearing in the journal Geophysical Research Letters: “Contrasting Responses of Atlantic and Pacific Tropical Cyclone Activity to Atlantic Multidecadal Variability” The paper examines the influences […]

2 Separate Studies Affirm No Net Temperature Or Precipitation Change In Pakistan Since The 1700s

2 Separate Studies Affirm No Net Temperature Or Precipitation Change In Pakistan Since The 1700s

Yet another region of the world has failed to cooperate with then anthropogenic global warming narrative. Asad et al., 2024 “The longest 10 years’ warm periods were observed during the early decades of the twentieth century (AD 1918–1927…)…” “The five hottest years (based on 7.33 °C ± 0.99 °C) were AD 1896 (9.80 °C), 1892 […]

Uncertainty In Natural Forcing From Wildfire, Dust Aerosols 2 Times Larger Than Total CO2 Forcing

Uncertainty In Natural Forcing From Wildfire, Dust Aerosols 2 Times Larger Than Total CO2 Forcing

The radiative effect of natural wildfire aerosol forcing alone can be said to fully cancel out the total accumulated forcing from 170 years of CO2 increases in the current climate. It has been estimated that the total change in climate forcing (radiation imbalance) from the 1750 to present CO2 concentration increase has been 1.82 W/m². […]

3 More New Studies Indicate There Has Been No Climate-Induced Precipitation Trend Since The 1800s

3 More New Studies Indicate There Has Been No Climate-Induced Precipitation Trend Since The 1800s

CO2-induced global warming was supposed to intensify the hydrological cycle and extreme precipitation. It hasn’t. New research (Mitchell and Knapp, 2024) at a southeastern United States study site indicates there has been no significant trend in either total precipitation or intense rainfall events (IRE) over the last 250 years (1770-2020). However, there was more IRE […]

New Alarmist Definition Of A Region's 'Rapid Climate Change' Is A Slight Cooling Trend Since 1960

New Alarmist Definition Of A Region’s ‘Rapid Climate Change’ Is A Slight Cooling Trend Since 1960

A  -0.005°C temperature change over a span of 60 years in northern Pakistan (Himalaya region) is ostensibly having “adverse impacts in multiple sectors.” The first sentence of a new paper’s (Khan et al., 2024) abstract claims: “Hindu Kush Himalaya region is experiencing rapid climate change with adverse impacts in multiple sectors.” But in the body […]

2023 Scientific Papers Cast Doubt On ‘Consensus’ In Climate Science

In 2023, hundreds of scientific papers were published that cast doubt on the position that anthropogenic CO2 emissions function as the climate’s fundamental control knob…or that otherwise serve to question the efficacy of climate models or the related “consensus” positions commonly endorsed by policymakers and mainstream media sources. There are significant limitations and uncertainties inherent […]

New Study: CO2 Emission Rates From Natural Sources Are Up To 6 Times Larger Than From Humans

New Study: CO2 Emission Rates From Natural Sources Are Up To 6 Times Larger Than From Humans

Analysis of CO2 residence times suggest 65% to 96.5% of the CO2 concentration increase since 1958 is natural. According to a new study, the claim that increases in atmospheric CO2 are driven exclusively by humans relies on a made-up, disparate accounting model, with the residence time for natural emissions 3 to 4 years (which is […]

New Study: 'Natural Climate Drivers Dominate In The Current Warming'

New Study: ‘Natural Climate Drivers Dominate In The Current Warming’

More and more evidence is emerging that the modern warming trends are naturally driven, not anthropogenic. Per CERES observations the surface incident shortwave (SW) radiation anomaly increased by +1.61 W/m² from 2001 to 2019, and +1.75 W/m² from 2001 to 2021 (Ollila, 2023). This SW increase is likely due to natural variations in cloud cover […]

New Study: Up To 87% Of Modern Warming Can Be Explained By Variations In Solar Activity

New Study: Up To 87% Of Modern Warming Can Be Explained By Variations In Solar Activity

Nearly all of the alleged anthropogenic link to climate change can be removed simply by exchanging and/or replacing biased temperature and solar activity data sets. A new study authored by 37 scientists in the journal Climate finds using rural-only Northern Hemisphere temperature data (i.e., removing artificial, non-climatic urban heat effects) reduces the post-1850 warming trend […]

New Study: Sunshine Duration Changes Over Europe, N. Atlantic Natural, 'Result Of Internal Variability'

New Study: Sunshine Duration Changes Over Europe, N. Atlantic Natural, ‘Result Of Internal Variability’

Changes in cloud cover over Europe and the North Atlantic have been observed to be a significant driver of sunshine duration (SD) changes, and thus climate change, in this region. Changes in cloud cover are “the result of internal variability in the ocean-atmosphere system.” Previously, the non-linear, oscillatory climate variations over Europe had been assumed […]

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