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Germany's Mean Temperature For November 0.5°C Colder Than Normal As Cold Grips Europe

Germany’s Mean Temperature For November 0.5°C Colder Than Normal As Cold Grips Europe

Cold weather is forecast to remain over much of Europe for the foreseeable future. The 15-day forecast map for temperature at here shows what’s in store for Europe. It tells us that the continent will likely end the year on a cold note after having experienced a very warm September. Already vast areas on […]

Medical “Consensus” Blown Apart… World’s Oldest Person Has Eaten More Than 0.1 MILLION Eggs In Her Life!

Remember how over much of the past few decades there was a broad consensus among doctors and the entire medical profession that foods high in saturated fats, like butter, chicken and eggs, boosted cholesterol and thus increased the risk of dangerous heart disease. Instead, the doctors told us, we should focus on a low-fat, high-carb diet. […]

There Has Been No Significant Net Change In Arctic Sea Ice Extent In The Last 80+ Years

There Has Been No Significant Net Change In Arctic Sea Ice Extent In The Last 80+ Years

                                                                          Graph adapted from Climate4you Last week, Edinburgh and Day (2016) used historical monitoring records to conclude that “the [Antarctic […]

Climate Professor Says German Climate Science Hyped By Sloppy, Politically Corrupted Media!

Climate Professor Says German Climate Science Hyped By Sloppy, Politically Corrupted Media!

German Klagermauer TV here shows a recent presentation made by veteran climatologist Prof. Dr. Werner Kirstein, in the lead up to the Marrakesh climate conference. Prof. Dr. Werner Kirstein calls climate protection a form of populism where governments hope to garner praise for their climate protection efforts. Image cropped from Klagemauer TV. Kirstein has become […]

Leading Skeptic Voice Exposes Man-Made Climate Change As Propaganda, Modern-Day Witchcraft

Leading Skeptic Voice Exposes Man-Made Climate Change As Propaganda, Modern-Day Witchcraft

There are a few dozen very high profile climate science skeptics/dissidents who are constantly in the cross hairs of the alarmist climate  activists, and Marc Morano is certainly near the top of the list among them. Leading climate science skeptic says science underpinning man-made global warming and consensus are crumbling to pieces before our eyes. Image […]

Irish Fury And Fierce European Opposition To Ugly Wind Turbines Mount Across Europe

Here at this blog I’ve written often over Germany’s wind energy follies and the mounting opposition to the construction of wind parks. In fact over 300 citizens initiatives against wind energy have sprouted across Germany alone so far. The reasons for the exploding resistance are many and include destruction of forests, death to wildlife, blighting […]

Analysis: Adding More Solar, Wind Power Increases Dependence On Fossil Fuels, 'Doubles' CO2 Emissions

Analysis: Adding More Solar, Wind Power Increases Dependence On Fossil Fuels, ‘Doubles’ CO2 Emissions

As the reputed world leader in green energy policy, Germany plans to eliminate nuclear power as an energy source in the next 5 years. A 2011 decision to phase out nuclear power by 2022  has meant that renewables like wind and solar power are expected to swiftly take the place of nuclear energy on the German power […]

Germany Aims To “Throttle” Wind Energy To Avert Grid Overloading …Branch In Uncertainty

Germany’s national business daily Wirtschaftswoche here reports that the country’s Economic Minister/Vice Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel aims implement a plan that will throttle the expansion of north Germany’s onshore wind parks — due to the fact that rapid building is “overloading the power grid”. Photo: wind park in Lower Saxony, Philip May, CC BY-SA 3.0. This will impact […]

University of Victoria: Eurasian Cold Waves Not Influenced By Arctic Sea Ice Melt!

University of Victoria: Eurasian Cold Wave Not Influenced By Arctic Sea Ice Melt By Sebastian Lüning and Fritz Vahrenholt (German text translated/edited by P Gosselin) The climate discussion between the two different fronts had ground to a halt for a long time. Nobody wanted to or could talk to the other. Luckily that has improved […]

The Sun-Climate Connection: Over 100 Scientific Papers From 2016 Link Solar Forcing To Climate Change

28 January, 2017 – Now updated to 133 papers In 2014, there were at least 93 peer-reviewed scientific papers published in scientific journals affirming the Sun’s influential role in climate change. In 2015, there were at least 95 scientific papers affirming the Sun-Climate link. Already in 2016, there have been over 100 papers (107 to […]

Max Planck Institute (Model Calculations): Sahel Is Greening (Due To Human Activity)!

What follows is another example of climate science making up a theory to fit an observation. Of course, most of us suspect that natural cycles are what’s really at play here. ============================================================ Warmer Mediterranean turns the Sahel green Anthropogenic climate change contributes to fanning of the West African monsoon by moisture from the Mediterranean Climate […]

Climate Change Bringing Welcome Relief To Parts Of Africa!

One aspect of climate change propaganda is the claim that it’s good for everything that is bad, and bad for everything that is good. Of course that claim is preposterous because climate change will bring benefits and relief to places that have long been climatically stressed. Already the Sahara region has greened up significantly over […]

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